Revision history for AnyEvent::SNMP
1.0 Wed Jan 6 11:42:57 CET 2010
- use the faster AE::* functions.
- do no longer rely on the undocumented AnyEvent->loop method.
0.2 Sat Apr 25 14:20:25 CEST 2009
- limit number of outstanding requests and implement a dynamic
algorithm to adjust this limit to local and network conditions
(implemented after lots of creative discussion with Karl Gaissmaier).
0.11 Fri Apr 10 07:32:23 CEST 2009
- fix testsuite loading the wrong module
(reported by Karl Gaissmaier).
0.1 Wed Apr 1 00:39:08 CEST 2009
- original version, cloned from Net::SNMP::EV, but
very different.