Revision history for Perl extension Compress::LZF

1.6  Sat Oct  1 03:34:11 CEST 2005
        - now really allow non-Storable serialisers.

1.52 Sat Oct  1 03:23:52 CEST 2005
	- changed mstore to net_mstore default.

1.51 Thu Apr 14 18:59:03 CEST 2005
	- upped compress size limit from 64MB to 2GB (reported
          by Jan Sundberg, who actually ran into the limit :).
        - *blush*, changed Zev-Limpel to Lempel-Ziv... funny that
          nobody spotted thta braino.

1.5   Tue Mar  8 21:04:23 CET 2005
	- upgraded to liblzf-1.5 (faster, slightly worse compression).

1.401 Thu Mar  3 18:00:52 CET 2005
	- upgraded to liblzf-1.401.
	- change of contact address.

1.4   Wed Dec 15 08:09:33 CET 2004
	- upgraded to liblzf-1.4.

1.0   Mon May  3 20:25:07 CEST 2004
	- yet another minor reference copying vs. inc bug.

0.1046 Fri Jan 17 08:14:30 CET 2003
	- added debian files, realized that debians package management
          is quite useless.

0.1045 Thu Sep  5 23:54:11 CEST 2002
	- always make a stringified copy of the argument for
          sfreeze, so the assertion "sfreeze makes a string out
          of it's argument" holds even for integers.
        - "simple" objects now include PVIV and PVNV.

0.1044 Thu Sep  5 06:44:13 CEST 2002
	- MINOR: add set_serializer interface.

0.1043 Sat May 18 23:40:01 CEST 2002
	- bugfix when freezing non-SVt_PV-PV's.
        - thanks to all cpan-testers ;)

0.1042 Fri May 17 22:09:08 CEST 2002
	- removed some debugging code that kept sfreeze from properly

0.1041 Wed Apr 10 05:12:47 CEST 2002
	- sthaw now returns a copy of it's argument instead of the argument
          itself in the pass-through case, as this is the required semantics
          for perl.

0.104 Tue Mar 26 18:48:02 CET 2002
	- fix more logic bugs. never wrote functions with such contorted
          logic :( maybe I should just ignore the idea of saving single bytes
          whereever possible to make this module much cleaner...

0.103 Sun Mar  3 05:39:00 CET 2002
	- try to handle magical objects that are no references
          by creating a referebce to them and passing this ref to

0.102 Wed Feb 27 21:50:18 CET 2002
	- handle magic in sfreeze.

0.101 Fri Feb 22 01:15:25 CET 2002
	- handle magic in sthaw.

0.1   Thu Sep 27 18:50:11 CEST 2001
	- compress/decompress considered stable.
        - added sfreeze, sfreeze_c and sfreeze_cr.

0.05  Thu Jan 25 12:47:36 CET 2001
	- uncompress leaked memory. doh!

0.04  Tue Jan 16 13:21:14 CET 2001
	- fix silly beginners 32/64 bit mistake.

0.03  Sat Jan 13 19:19:15 CET 2001
	- small testsuite fix (use Compress::LZF instead of LZV1!).

0.02  Thu Jan  4 05:51:26 CET 2001
	- upgraded to liblzf-0.2

	- improved version of Compress::LZV1, better compression, saner format
          freeer license, faster code...