Revision history for Perl extension EV

0.03  Mon Oct 29 20:52:50 CET 2007
        - add timed_io convenience constructors.
        - improve documentation.
        - support signal names in addition to signal numbers.
        - support signal anyevent watchers.
        - vastly improved testsuite (its all relative :).
        - add EV::MakeMaker, beginning of C-level API.
        - force strings to byte form.

0.02  Sun Oct 28 07:40:21 CET 2007
	- called $EV::DIED in case a callback throws an exception.
        - add const char * to typemap for possible 5.6 compatibility.

0.01  Sat Oct 27 19:10:18 CEST 2007
	- initial release.

0.00  Fri Oct 26 11:12:57 CEST 2007
	- original version; cloned from JSON::XS