
use 5.005;

$VERSION = 1.0;

# Copyright Marc Lehmann <pcg@goof.com>
# This is distributed under the GPL (see COPYING.GNU for details).


=head1 NAME

scm2scm - convert script-fu to script-fu


 scm2scm [-d] [-t translation]... filename.scm...


This perl-script can be used to upgrade existing script-fu-scripts to
newer gimp API's.


Convert all script-fu scripts in the current directory from the 1.0 to the
1.2 API (creating new files with the extension .sc2):

 scm2scm -t 1.2 *.scm

Generate a diff containing the required changes from the 1.0
to the 1.1-API:

 scm2scm -d -t 1.1 test.scm


=over 4

=item -d

generate a unified diff on stdout

=item -t translation id

specify a translation id, can be one of (run scm2scm without arguments
to see the full list)

I<api1>	api-mega-break-patch #1
I<api2> api-mega-rename-patch #1 (NYI)

I<1.1>	1.0 -> 1.1 (not fully implemented)

I<1.2>	1.0 -> 1.2 (not fully implemented)


=head1 AUTHOR

Marc Lehmann <pcg@goof.com>

=head1 SEE ALSO

gimp(1), L<Gimp>.


# Fixes names of functions by swapping last two parts of the name
# eg. gimp-image-disable-undo becomes gimp-image-undo-disable
# Whitespace is preserved(!)
sub swap_last_two {
  $f->[1] =~ s/(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)/$1-$2-$4-$3/;
  ($a,$f,new token($t1->[0],$t1->[1],$t2->[1]),@t);

# drop the first argument, while preserving correct whitespace(!)
sub drop_1st {
  ($a,$f,new token($t1->[0],$t2->[1],$t2->[2]),@t);

# "nicify" plug-in constants
sub plug_in_constant {
  my $n = $t2->[1];
  $n==0 and $n = "RUN_NONINTERACTIVE";
  ($a,$f,new token($t1->[0],$n,$t2->[2]),@t);

# every hash value consists of an array of specifications, each
# one has the form ["regexp", codref_to_call], or a string (another translation
# name)
%translation = (
   'api1' =>
   'api2' =>
   '1.1' => ['nice','api1','api2'],
   '1.2' => ['nice','api1','api2'],
   'nice'=> [],#["^(plug-in-|file-|gimp-file-)", \&plug_in_constant]],

@trans = ();

package token;

sub new {
   my $type = shift;
   bless [@_],$type;

package main;

my $stream;	# the stream to tokenize from
my $word;	# the current token-word
my $tok;	# current token

# parses a new token [ws, tok, ws]
sub get() {
   # could be wrapped into one regex
   $ws1 = $stream=~s/^((?:\s*(?:(;[^\n]*\n))?)*)// ? $1 : die;
   $ctk = $stream=~s/^(\(
                      |[^ \t\r\n()]+
                      (?:[ \t]*(?=\n))?//x ? $1 : undef;
   $ws2 = $stream=~s/^([ \t]*;[^\n]*\n)// ? $1 : "";
#   print "TOKEN:$ws1:$ctk:$ws2\n";
   $tok=new token($ws1,$ctk,$ws2);

# returns a parse tree, which is an array
# of [token, token...] refs.
sub parse() {
   my @toks;
   for(;;) {
#      print "$depth: $word\n";
      if ($word eq "(") {
         my $t = $tok; get;
         my @t = &parse;
         $word eq ")" or die "missing right parenthesis (got $word)\n";
         push(@toks,[$t,@t,$tok]); get;
      } elsif ($word eq ")") {
         return @toks;
      } elsif (!defined $word) {
         return @toks;
      } else {

sub parse_scheme {
   my @t = parse;

# dumb dump of the tree structure
sub dump_tree {
   my $d=shift;
   print "$d",scalar@_;
   for(@_) {
      if (isa($_,token)) {
         print " [$_->[1]]";
      } else {
         print " *";
   print "\n";
   for(@_) {
      if(!isa($_,token)) {
         dump_tree ("$d   ",@$_);

sub toks2scheme {
   my $func = shift;
   if ($func->[1] eq "(") {
      my $close = shift;
#      func2scheme @_;
   } else {
   while(@_) {
      my @toks = shift;
      my ($unused,$t,$ws1)=$toks[0]

sub tree2scheme {
   join ("",map isa($_,token) ? @$_ : tree2scheme(@$_),@_);

sub scheme2perl {
   for(@_) {
      local $_ = shift;
      print scalar@_,">\n";
      local *_ = \$_[0];
      print "$_=\n";
      if (isa($_,token)) {
         my $t = $_->[1];
         $_->[0] =~ s/^(\s*);/$1#/mg;
         $_->[1] =~ s/^(\s*);/$1#/mg;
         if ($t eq "define") {
            $_->[1] = "sub";
            splice @{$_[$i+1]},2,-1,new token "","{","";
         } elsif ($t =~ /[()]/) {
            $_->[1] = "";
         } else {
            $_[0] = [
                     new token ("[",$_->[0],"<"),
                     new token ("",$_->[1],">"),
                     new token ("",$_->[2],"]"),
      } else {
      shift; print scalar@_,"<\n";

# translate functions, sorry folks, this function is write-only!
sub translate {
   my $v=shift;
   my @t=@_;
   if (isa($t[0],token)) {
      for(@$v) {
         if ($t[1][1] =~ $_->[0]) {
   for(@t) {
      $_=[translate($v,@$_)] unless isa($_,token);

sub dofile {
   open IN,"$in"   or die "unable to open '$in' for reading: $!";
   { local $/; $stream = <IN> }
   close IN;
   my @prog = parse_scheme;
   if (@trans) {
      my $changed;
      do {
         @trans = map {
            if (!ref $_) {
            } else {
         } @trans;
      } while($changed);
      @prog = translate ([@trans],@prog);
   open OUT,"$out" or die "unable to open '$out' for writing: $!";
   print OUT tree2scheme(@prog);
   close OUT;

*isa = \&UNIVERSAL::isa;

sub usage {
   print STDERR "Script-Fu to Script-Fu Translater 1.1.1\n";
   print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-d] [-t translation] file.scm ...\n";
   print STDERR "available translations are: @{[keys %translation]}\n";

while($ARGV[0]=~/^-(.)$/) {
   if ($1 eq "d") {
   } elsif ($1 eq "t") {
   } else {
     print STDERR "unknown switch '$1'\n";
@ARGV or usage;

for $x (@ARGV) {
   my $y;
   if ($gen_diff) {
      $y="| echo Index: '$x' && diff -u '$x' -";
   } else {
      ($y=$x)=~s/\.scm/.sc2/i or die "source file '$x' has no .scm extension";