Revision history for Perl extension IO::FDPass

1.2  Sun Sep 25 01:43:14 CEST 2016
        - compatibility macros were still using C++ syntax, fortunately
          only affecting the solaris platform that apparently doesn't
          implement ipv6 (which defines those macros) (analyzed by Yary).

1.1  Mon Jul  6 19:40:36 CEST 2015
	- added stability canary support.
	- seems to work on 5.6.2 too, so remove the use 5.008.
        - rewrite the cmsg recv check to rely on CMSG_FIRSTHDR instead
          of doing our own check.

1.0  Sun Apr  7 00:42:13 CEST 2013
	- this release only updates the documentation.
	- better SYNOPSIS.
        - discuss other file descriptor passing modules more thoroughly.

0.2  Fri Apr  5 10:20:05 CEST 2013
	- fix a problem when sending on non-blocking sockets on windows.
        - "improve" fd passing to be less blocking on windows, at the cost
          of leaking the handle on error.

0.1  Fri Apr  5 07:04:02 CEST 2013
	- first release.

0.0  Fri Apr  5 06:09:40 CEST 2013
	- ripped out of AnyEvent::Fork > 0.01.