Revision history for Perl extension PApp

0.05  Sat May 27 22:25:51 CEST 2000
	- added PApp::XML. Boring, but together with XML::XSLT it rocks!
	- implemented N_($).
        - addedd attrs to papp's macro element (specify subroutine
        - #endif and #else now allow whitespace on the same line
        - translate styel can be specified "plain" - full text,
          "code" - scan for __ substrings or "auto" for autodetect.

0.04  Thu May 11 03:24:07 CEST 2000
	- too many things to remember.
        - a first try at an instalaltino script and a config mechanism
        - PApp::I18n now uses it's own format. With the
          (not-yet-implemented) pre-sorting it should require less random
          accesses then gettext. Also supports binary formats (i.e. you
          could gettextize images) and allows tagging info to be added to
          the string.

0.03  ???

0.02  ???
	- added multipart-parsing functions.
        - added %arg hash, and "one-shot arguments" (see surl).
        - modularization: many modules were split off into their
          own packages, this package was divided into many modules.
          The goal is still far away.

0.01  Thu Jan 13 06:02:04 CET 2000
	- original version; created by cp -rp