Revision history for Perl extension String::Similarity
1.02 Sat Jun 25 11:53:54 CEST 2005
- moved CHAR typedef to fstrcmp.c to hopefully avoid problems
on lose32 machines.
1.01 Thu Mar 3 18:00:52 CET 2005
- change of contact address.
1.0 Fri Jan 30 15:16:16 CET 2004
- Fixed correctness in the presence of non-latin1-characters, at a
small speed penalty. Based on an idea by Dave Evans.
- perl 5.8.x+ required.
0.02 Thu Nov 16 01:30:16 CET 2000
- added minimum_similarity limit to speed up some searches
- last version to work with perls <5.8.x.
0.01 Fri Apr 7 08:03:08 CEST 2000
- original version; leftover "garbage" from the PApp module