Revision history for Log-Unrotate

1.10    Fri Apr 23, 2010
        * end => 'future' moves to subsequent logs.
        * In some cases, reading old logs when logrotate happened, could
        result in skipping logfile

1.06    Thu Apr 22, 2010
        Build using Module::Build

1.05    Tue Nov 3, 2009
        Throw exception and don't break pos file when trying to commit with
        full disk.

1.04    Tue Nov 3, 2009
        Set 644 permissions on pos file.

1.03    Thu Oct 1, 2009
        Old tests removed, new tests fixed

1.02    Tue Sep 15, 2009
        * Skipping correct test on Solaris
        * Require at least 5.8 perl to run

1.01    Mon Sep 14, 2009
        * Fixing (skipping, mostly) tests on solaris and windows
        * Testing coverage increased to 93.6 percents

1.00    Wed Sep 9, 2009
        First opensource release.