Revision history for Ubic
1.21 Tue Oct 19, 2010
- set_ubic_dir() renamed to set_data_dir()
(set_ubic_dir still remains in code for backward compatibility)
- get_data_dir() and get_service_dir() methods
- UBIC_LOCK_DIR, UBIC_TMP_DIR and UBIC_WATCHDOG_DIR env variables are deprecated;
UBIC_DIR variable or set_data_dir() method should be used instead
- bugfix in forked_call() method - it thrown "temp file not found after fork" exception occasionally in some cases
- more consistent params validation in many methods
* ubic-watchdog improvements:
- separate non-blocking per-service lock (
- ubic-watchdog can now check selected set of services by name or glob
- ubic-watchdog kills itself after $service->check_timeout() seconds
* deprecated Ubic::Catalog module removed (it was renamed into Ubic::Multiservice long time ago)
1.20 Wed Oct 13, 2010
* documentation improvements
1.19 Tue Sep 14, 2010
* ubic-watchdog always uses Ubic->status interface to check service status
1.18 Tue Sep 14, 2010
* critical bugfix: ubic-watchdog correctly interpret extended statuses
(thanks to Sawyer X for noticing this, see
* Ubic::Lockf::Alarm moved to separate file, so PODs are now correct
1.17 Mon Sep 13, 2010
* Ubic::Run: recognize RedHat init script names
(thanks to Sawyer X for the patch, see
* test improvements:
- ubic-ping uses to determine full perl binary path
- memory-leak.t is more robust
1.16 Tue Sep 07, 2010
* Ubic::Daemon:
- check_daemon() now returns proper Ubic::Daemon::Status object
- don't log warning if daemon exited by sigterm
- minor logging cleanup
* Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon returns daemon pid in status msg
* test improvements:
- using Test::TCP when testing ubic-ping
- watchdog.t skips all tests if 'fakeroot' is not present
* Ubic::Cmd: print 'running' result as good when it contains extended message
1.15 Mon Sep 06, 2010
* tests fixed to work under root user (
1.14 Thu Sep 02, 2010
* handle supplementary groups correctly
* ubic-watchdog doesn't require root privileges anymore (unless service requires them, of course)
* repo and bugtracker resources in META.yml
* PodWeaver in dist.ini config, so all modules now have proper AUTHOR and COPYRIGHT sections
* SimpleDaemon and Common services accept arrayref as 'group' value
1.13 Wed Sep 01, 2010
* Perl6::Slurp removed from dependencies
* Ubic::Manual::FAQ now is actually added
* group() method in services:
- services can specify group(s) from which service should run, analogous to user() method
- ubic will call setgid() before invoking any service methods
- default group list consists only of main user's group, as returned by getpwnam; supplementary groups are not supported yet
1.12 Thu Aug 26, 2010
* Ubic::Manual::FAQ with first 2 questions
* Ubic::Log documentation updated according to 1.11 changes
1.11 Thu Aug 26, 2010
* ubic-watchdog prints errors to stdout only
1.10 Wed Aug 18, 2010
* security bugfix: store all statuses in JSON format
1.09 Thu Aug 12, 2010
* bugfix: custom commands print 'ok' using green color and exit with zero
code when there are not errors
1.08 Tue Aug 03, 2010
* bugfix: has_service for nested unexistent services
* debian/ dir in distribution too
1.07 Fri Jul 30, 2010
* localize $@ in destructors
* Ubic::Cmd refactoring, more consistent console results printing
1.06 Fri Jun 18, 2010
* using $Config{perlpath} in tests - should fix CPAN tests
* Dist::Zilla
1.05 Sun Jun 13, 2010
MANIFEST up-to-date.
Small POD improvements.
1.04 Tue May 25, 2010
- important bugfix: service locks fixed!
- Ubic::Daemon: join all bin args if bin is arrayref.
- Remove old configs from old yandex-ubic package.
1.02 Tue May 4, 2010
Remove old configs from old yandex-ubic package.
1.01 Thu Apr 29, 2010
Just fixing debian dependency issues.
1.00 Wed Apr 28, 2010
First opensource release.