package Ubic::Admin::Setup; { $Ubic::Admin::Setup::VERSION = '1.36_02'; } # ABSTRACT: this module handles ubic setup: asks user some questions and configures your system use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long 2.33; use Carp; use IPC::Open3; use File::Path; use Ubic::AtomicFile; use Ubic::Settings; use Ubic::Settings::ConfigFile; my $batch_mode; my $quiet; sub _defaults { if ($^O eq 'freebsd') { return ( config => '/usr/local/etc/ubic/ubic.cfg', data_dir => '/var/db/ubic', service_dir => '/usr/local/etc/ubic/service', log_dir => '/var/log/ubic', example => '/usr/local/etc, /var', ); } else { # fhs return ( config => '/etc/ubic/ubic.cfg', data_dir => '/var/lib/ubic', service_dir => '/etc/ubic/service', log_dir => '/var/log/ubic', example => '/etc, /var', ); } }; sub print_tty { print @_ unless $quiet or $batch_mode; } sub prompt ($;$) { my($mess, $def) = @_; Carp::confess("prompt function called without an argument") unless defined $mess; return $def if $batch_mode; my $isa_tty = -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)); Carp::confess("tty not found") if not $isa_tty; $def = defined $def ? $def : ""; local $| = 1; local $\ = undef; print "$mess "; my $ans; if (not $isa_tty and eof STDIN) { print "$def\n"; } else { $ans = <STDIN>; if( defined $ans ) { chomp $ans; } else { # user hit ctrl-D print "\n"; } } return (!defined $ans || $ans eq '') ? $def : $ans; } sub prompt_str { my ($description, $default) = @_; return prompt("$description [$default]", $default); } sub prompt_bool { my ($description, $default) = @_; my $yn = ($default ? 'y' : 'n'); my $yn_hint = ($default ? 'Y/n' : 'y/N'); my $result = prompt("$description [$yn_hint]", $yn); if ($result =~ /^y/i) { return 1; } return; } sub xsystem { local $! = local $? = 0; return if system(@_) == 0; my @msg; if ($!) { push @msg, "error ".int($!)." '$!'"; } if ($? > 0) { push @msg, "kill by signal ".($? & 127) if ($? & 127); push @msg, "core dumped" if ($? & 128); push @msg, "exit code ".($? >> 8) if $? >> 8; } die join ", ", @msg; } sub slurp { my ($file) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!"; my $result = join '', <$fh>; close $fh; return $result; } sub setup { my $opt_reconfigure; my $opt_service_dir; my $opt_data_dir; my $opt_log_dir; my $opt_default_user = 'root'; my $opt_sticky_777 = 1; my $opt_install_services = 1; my $opt_crontab = 1; my $opt_local; # These options are documented in ubic-admin script POD. # Don't forget to update their description if you change them. GetOptions( 'local!' => \$opt_local, 'batch-mode' => \$batch_mode, 'quiet' => \$quiet, 'reconfigure!' => \$opt_reconfigure, 'service-dir=s' => \$opt_service_dir, 'data-dir=s' => \$opt_data_dir, 'log-dir=s' => \$opt_log_dir, 'default-user=s' => \$opt_default_user, 'sticky-777!' => \$opt_sticky_777, 'install-services!' => \$opt_install_services, 'crontab!' => \$opt_crontab, ) or die "Getopt failed"; die "Unexpected arguments '@ARGV'" if @ARGV; my %defaults = _defaults(); eval { Ubic::Settings->check_settings }; unless ($@) { my $go = prompt_bool("Looks like ubic is already configured, do you want to reconfigure?", $opt_reconfigure); return unless $go; print_tty "\n"; } print_tty "Ubic can be installed either in your home dir or into standard system paths ($defaults{example}).\n"; print_tty "You need to be root to install it into system.\n"; # ideally, we want is_root option and local option to be orthogonal # it's not completely true by now, though my $is_root = ( $> ? 0 : 1 ); my $local = $opt_local; unless (defined $local) { if ($is_root) { my $ok = prompt_bool("You are root, install into system?", 1); $local = 1 unless $ok; # root can install locally } else { my $ok = prompt_bool("You are not root, install locally?", 1); return unless $ok; # non-root user can't install into system $local = 1; } } my $local_dir; if ($local) { $local_dir = $ENV{HOME}; unless (defined $local_dir) { die "Can't find your home!"; } unless (-d $local_dir) { die "Can't find your home dir '$local_dir'!"; } } print_tty "\nService dir is a directory with descriptions of your services.\n"; my $default_service_dir = ( defined($local_dir) ? "$local_dir/ubic/service" : $defaults{service_dir} ); $default_service_dir = $opt_service_dir if defined $opt_service_dir; my $service_dir = prompt_str("Service dir?", $default_service_dir); print_tty "\nData dir is a directory into which ubic stores all of its data: locks,\n"; print_tty "status files, tmp files.\n"; my $default_data_dir = ( defined($local_dir) ? "$local_dir/ubic/data" : $defaults{data_dir} ); $default_data_dir = $opt_data_dir if defined $opt_data_dir; my $data_dir = prompt_str("Data dir?", $default_data_dir); print_tty "\nLog dir is a directory into which ubic.watchdog will write its logs.\n"; print_tty "(Your own services are free to write logs wherever they want.)\n"; my $default_log_dir = ( defined($local_dir) ? "$local_dir/ubic/log" : $defaults{log_dir} ); $default_log_dir = $opt_log_dir if defined $opt_log_dir; my $log_dir = prompt_str("Log dir?", $default_log_dir); # TODO - sanity checks? my $default_user; if ($is_root) { print_tty "\nUbic services can be started from any user.\n"; print_tty "Some services don't specify the user from which they must be started.\n"; print_tty "Default user will be used in this case.\n"; $default_user = prompt_str("Default user?", $opt_default_user); } else { print_tty "\n"; $default_user = getpwuid($>); unless (defined $default_user) { die "Can't get login (uid '$>')"; } print_tty "You're using local installation, so default service user will be set to '$default_user'.\n"; } my $enable_1777; if ($is_root) { print_tty "\nSystem-wide installations usually need to store service-related data\n"; print_tty "into data dir for different users. For non-root services to work\n"; print_tty "1777 grants for some data dir subdirectories is required.\n"; print_tty "(1777 grants means that everyone is able to write to the dir,\n"; print_tty "but only file owners are able to modify and remove their files.)\n"; print_tty "There are no known security issues with this approach, but you have\n"; print_tty "to decide for yourself if that's ok for you.\n"; $enable_1777 = prompt_bool("Enable 1777 grants for data dir?", $opt_sticky_777); } my $install_services; { print_tty "There are three standard services in ubic service tree:\n"; print_tty " - ubic.watchdog (universal watchdog)\n"; print_tty " - (http service status reporter)\n"; print_tty " - ubic.update (helper process which updates service portmap, used by service)\n"; print_tty "If you'll choose to install them, ubic.watchdog will be started automatically\n"; print_tty "and two other services will be initially disabled.\n"; $install_services = prompt_bool("Do you want to install standard services?", $opt_install_services); } my $enable_crontab; { print_tty "\n'ubic.watchdog' is a service which checks all services and restarts them if\n"; print_tty "there are any problems with their statuses.\n"; print_tty "It is very simple and robust, but since it's important that watchdog never\n"; print_tty "goes down, we recommended to install the cron job which checks watchdog itself.\n"; print_tty "Also, this cron job will bring watchdog and all other services online on host reboots.\n"; $enable_crontab = prompt_bool("Install watchdog's watchdog as a cron job?", $opt_crontab); } my $config_file = ( defined($local_dir) ? "$local_dir/.ubic.cfg" : $defaults{config} ); { print_tty "\nThat's all I need to know.\n"; print_tty "If you proceed, all necessary directories will be created,\n"; print_tty "and configuration file will be stored into $config_file.\n"; my $run = prompt_bool("Complete setup?", 1); return unless $run; } print "Installing dirs...\n"; mkpath($_) for ($service_dir, $data_dir, $log_dir); for my $subdir (qw[ status simple-daemon/pid lock ubic-daemon tmp watchdog/lock watchdog/status ]) { mkpath("$data_dir/$subdir"); chmod(01777, "$data_dir/$subdir") or die "chmod failed: $!"; } mkpath("$service_dir/ubic"); if ($install_services) { my $add_service = sub { my ($name, $content) = @_; print "Installing ubic.$name service...\n"; my $file = "$service_dir/ubic/$name"; Ubic::AtomicFile::store($content => $file); }; $add_service->( 'ping', "use Ubic::Ping::Service;\n" ."Ubic::Ping::Service->new;\n" ); $add_service->( 'watchdog', "use Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon;\n" ."Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon->new(\n" ."bin => [ 'ubic-periodic', '--rotate-logs', '--period=60', '--stdout=$log_dir/watchdog.log', '--stderr=$log_dir/watchdog.err.log', 'ubic-watchdog' ],\n" .");\n" ); $add_service->( 'update', "use Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon;\n" ."Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon->new(\n" ."bin => [ 'ubic-periodic', '--rotate-logs', '--period=60', '--stdout=$log_dir/update.log', '--stderr=$log_dir/update.err.log', 'ubic-update' ],\n" .");\n" ); } if ($enable_crontab) { print "Installing cron jobs...\n"; system("crontab -l >$data_dir/tmp/crontab.stdout 2>$data_dir/tmp/crontab.stderr"); my $old_crontab = slurp("$data_dir/tmp/crontab.stdout"); my $stderr = slurp("$data_dir/tmp/crontab.stderr"); unlink "$data_dir/tmp/crontab.stdout"; unlink "$data_dir/tmp/crontab.stderr"; if ($stderr and $stderr !~ /no crontab/) { die "crontab -l failed"; } if ($old_crontab =~ /\subic-watchdog\b/) { print "Looks like you already have ubic commands in your crontab.\n"; } else { open my $fh, '|-', 'crontab -' or die "Can't run 'crontab -': $!"; my $printc = sub { print {$fh} @_ or die "Can't write to pipe: $!"; }; $printc->($old_crontab."\n"); $printc->("* * * * * ubic-watchdog ubic.watchdog >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null\n"); close $fh or die "Can't close pipe: $!"; } } print "Installing $config_file...\n"; Ubic::Settings::ConfigFile->write($config_file, { service_dir => $service_dir, data_dir => $data_dir, default_user => $default_user, }); if ($install_services) { print "Starting ubic.watchdog...\n"; xsystem('ubic start ubic.watchdog'); } print "Installation complete.\n"; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Ubic::Admin::Setup - this module handles ubic setup: asks user some questions and configures your system =head1 VERSION version 1.36_02 =head1 DESCRPITION This module guides user through ubic configuration process. =head1 INTERFACE SUPPORT This is considered to be a non-public class. Its interface is subject to change without notice. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over =item B<< print_tty(@) >> Print something to terminal unless quiet mode or batch mode is enabled. =item B<< prompt($description, $default) >> Ask user a question, assuming C<$default> as a default. This function is stolen from ExtUtils::MakeMaker with some modifications. =item B<< prompt_str($description, $default) >> Ask user for a string. =item B<< prompt_bool($description, $default) >> Ask user a yes/no question. =item B<< xsystem(@command) >> Invoke C<system> command, throwing exception on errors. =item B<< slurp($file) >> Read file contents. =item B<< setup() >> Perform setup. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<ubic-admin> - command-line script which calls this module =head1 AUTHOR Vyacheslav Matyukhin <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Yandex LLC. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut