Thank you for considering contributing to this distribution. This file contains
instructions that will help you work with the source code.

Clone a copy of Mnet source code from github with the following commands, which
will create a git clone of the repository in your local $HOME/Mnet directory:

    git clone $HOME/Mnet
    cd $HOME/Mnet

Tests for the Mnet lib code are contained in the t directory, these commands
will run all of the tests:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test realclean

Individual tests can be run after adding the cloned Mnet lib directory to your
perl library environment variable, as follows:

    export PERL5LIB=$HOME/Mnet/lib
    perl t/Log.t

Patches containing local changes can be emailed to to other developers, and
can be created with the following command:

    git diff > patch.diff

Any patches received can be applied locally with the following command:

    git apply patch.diff

It is expected that new code will be consistant with existing code, including
documentation and tests. Github forks and pull requests can be used for more
involved changes.

The Mnet perl distribution has been created and is maintained by Mike Menza.
Feedback and bug reports are welcome, feel free to contact Mike via email
at with any comments or questions.

Makefile.PL contains notes on how new releases are created.