3.13002_03 2010-05-13
- fixed: generate new OAuth authorization hearder on retry (RetryOnError trait)
3.13002_02 2010-05-12
- fixed: removed redundant alias declarations
3.13002_01 2010-05-12
- Refactored the Lists API to use Net::Twitter::API
3.13001 2010-11
- use POST with Authorization header for XAuth (per Twitter documentation)
- replace homegrown XAuth support with Net::OAuth's native support
- accommodate 2 base URLs for API::Search (search and trends* methods use different base URLs)
- enable SSL support for API::Search
3.13000 2010-05-09
- added support and documentation for optional timeline parameter skip_user
- fixed tests: plan was called twice when LWP was too old
- added friends_incoming and friendships_outgoing methods
3.12000 2010-03-19
- added new API methods: retweeted_by and retweeted_by_ids
- fixed: t/51_since.t was actually connecting to twitter
3.11012 2010-03-13
- fixed: added fallback since Test::More 0.95_01 does not stringify in "is" (tokuhirom)
3.11011 2010-03-11
- fixed documentation to include lookup_users
3.11010 2010-03-11
- Added lookup_users API method
3.11009 2010-03-10
- Added RetryOnError trait (see perldoc Net::Twitter::Role::RetryOnError)
- Import Sclar::Util::blessed in the POD Synopsis to make it clear callers need to do so (RT#55283)
- Use newly documented "preferred" oauth endpoints: http://api.twitter.com/oauth/*
- Added SimulateCursors trait for Identi.ca compatibility
3.11008 2010-03-02
- Added support for new api methods: reverse_geocode, geo_id
- Updated method "update" with new parameters: place_id, display_coordinates
3.11007 2010-02-27
- xAuth implemented and tested
3.11006_01 2010-02-26
- xAuth implemented: @oauth = $nt->xauth($username, $password);
3.11006 2010-02-25
- Fixed: unicode.t skip needed number of tests to skip (miyagawa)
3.11005 2010-02-25
- Fixed: image updates accept a single array ref argument (RT#54422)
- Fixed: "since" synthetic arg with InflateObjects role (RT#54901)
- Fixed: utf8 encoding error for latin1 using Basic Authentication
- Allow a pre-created user agent object as argument to new (ua => $ua)
- FAQ: How do I get Twitter to display something other than "from Perl Net::Twitter"?
3.11004 2010-02-09
- Removed an extraneous tar ball from the distribution (no code changes)
3.11003 2010-01-29
- Renamed "retweeted_of_me" REST API call to the correct "retweets_of_me" (Dan Moore @mgrdcm)
- Back the Moose requirement down to 0.09 (earliest version with native traits)
3.11002 2010-01-28
- Use Moose 0.94 with native traits (resolves CPAN testers failing reports)
3.11001 2010-01-28
- Honor synthetic args (authenticate and since) for Lists API calls
3.11000 2010-01-27
- Lists API overhaul; bug fixes, added parameters, documentation
- Create meaninful names for anonymous classes; better error context
- Added "Paging and Cursors" documentation section
3.10003 2009-12-15
- Oops! Fixed bug in new test in t/10_net-twitter-regression.t (oh, the irony!)
3.10002 2009-12-15
- Added netrc_machine option to new with default 'api.twitter.com'
- Fixed: netrc failed without trait API::REST
- Fixed: retweeted_{to,of}_me API URLs (RT#52784)
3.10001 2009-11-26
- Fixed: new t/51_rate_limit.t needs to skip tests unless LWP >= 5.819
3.10000 2009-11-24
- Fixed: ssl not applied when both Lists and REST api used
- Added Role::RateLimit
- Added trends_available and trends_location methods to the REST API
- Documented the lat and long parameters to update
3.09000 2009-11-17
- Bumped Net::OAuth requirement to 0.20 (hopefully resolves CPAN Testers failures)
- Added users_search/find_people API method
- Updated default apiurl: http://api.twitter.com/1
- Deprecated apihost option to new
- Fixed ssl handling for Lists API
3.08000 2009-11-02
- return user_id and screen_name from request_access_token (Roberto Etcheverry)
3.07999_01 2009-10-23
- Added experimental Lists API support
3.07004 2009-10-22
- Fixed: cached request_token results in a stale authentication/authorization urls
3.07003 2009-10-13
- Added new API method: report_spam
3.07002 2009-10-05
- Documented the cursor parameter for friends, followers, friends_ids, and
- Fixed: synthetic since parameter (could fail with multiple API traits defined)
- Added support for since in YYYY-MM-DD format
3.07001 2009-09-28
- Added specific versions for DateTime and DateTime::Format::Strptime (closes RT#50069)
- better deps (Alexandr Ciornii)
3.07000 2009-09-22
- added 'retweets' REST API method
- added synthetic 'since' parameter
- fixed: object inflation for Search API returns (different timestamp format!)
3.06000 2009-09-16
- support for multipart/from-data posts, used by update_profile_image and
- bumped version requirement on namespace::autoclean to avoid deprecation notice
3.05003 2009-09-10
- URI 1.35 breaks unicode support; require 1.40 (thanks to Dan Boger, @zigdon)
- Removed deprecated is_authorized from examples in pod (thanks to Nigel Metheringham)
3.05002 2009-08-27
- Work around perl bug requiring encoded hash keys when client uses "use utf8"
3.05001 2009-08-21
- Added get_authentication_url for "Sign in with Twitter" authentication flow
- Updated "source" option documentation (closes RT 48786)
3.05000 2009-08-14
- Added new API methods: home_timeline, retweet, retweed_{by,of,to}_me
- Removed JSON::DWIW from supported handlers (lacks support for JSON::Any's uft8 option)
3.04006 2009-07-29
- Silence Net::OAuth double encoding error (false positives)
- Fixed: infrequent OAuth signature failures
3.04005 2009-07-28
- Fix: OAuth / unicode conflict
3.04004 2009-07-28
- Bug fix: OAuth signatures on POST requests (Galen Huntington)
3.04003 2009-07-23
- properly utf-8 encode output to twitter (should provide full unicode support, now)
3.04002 2009-07-21
- Optionally decode HTML entities in status text
3.04001 2009-07-17
- Set JSON::Any option utf8 for consistent unicode support
- Added ssl and netrc options (from Net::Twitter::Lite)
3.04000 2009-07-07
- Added inflation of Twitter return HASH refs to Moose objects
3.03003 2009-07-07
- Fixed a typo in Makefile.PL
3.03002 2009-07-04
- Updated documentation to include callback parameter to get_authorization_url
- Different OAuth nonce algorithm avoids duplicates in forked processes
- Bumped JSON version dependencies for better JSON boolean handling
3.03001 2009-06-29
- Updated to Moose 0.85
- Properly subclassed top level Net::Twitter modules
3.03000 2009-06-25
- Twitter API update:
- Added screen_name and user_id parameters to new_direct_message
- Added show_friendship method (friendships/show.json)
- Made Net::Twitter safe for subclassing
- Added "authenticate" parameter handling. By default REST API methods
inclued an Authorization header; Search API methods do not. Can be
overridden with "authenticate => 0|1". This finally allows getting
rate_limit_status by user (the default), or by IP address, with
->rate_limit_status({ authenticate => 0 }).
- Added FAQ section to pod
3.02000 2009-06-21
- Added OAuth 1.0a support
- Added init_args user/pass for compat with NT 2.12
3.01000_01 2009-06-12
- Updated OAuth support for desktop app PIN numbers (oauth_verifier)
3.01000 2009-06-07
- Added support for the saved_search API methods.
3.00004 2009-06-06
- Fixed: accept extra args as a hashref (search behaved this way in 2.12)
3.00003 2009-06-03
- Added a workaround for JSON backends that don't handle booleans properly
3.00002 2009-06-01
- Updated version requirements in Makefile.PL
3.00001 2009-05-30
- Provided version numbers for modules that already existed on CPAN
3.00000 2009-05-30
- upgrade get/put parms so Latin-1 can be handled as UTF-8
2.99000_05 2009-05-27
- Restructured module hierarchy: all roles/traits moved to Net/Twitter/Role/
- Itegrated Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's OAuth support as a trait
- Identica fixes: strings '"true"' and '"false"' to bools; mentions => replies
- Fixed useragent_args type. (Christopher Biggs)
- Store HTTP::Response even on success in WrapError for legacy support (Christopher Biggs)
2.99000_04 2009-05-25
- Moved Net::Twitter to Net::Twitter::Core; Net::Twitter provides new -> new_with_traits
- Added legacy => [0|1] shortcut option
2.99000_03 2009-05-22
- Broke MANIFEST on the prior dist (fixed)
2.99000_02 2009-05-22
- Corrected POD NAME sections and module naming
- Temporarily removed lib/Net/Twitter/Search.pm from MANIFEST
2.99000_01 2009-05-22
- Initial dev release of 3.00 candidate
- Moose based replacement for Net::Twitter
This is a complete rewrite of Net::Twitter. For earlier versions, see: