$Header: /cvsroot/weather::underground/Weather/Underground/Changes,v 1.10 2003/01/05 02:45:51 mina Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension Weather::Underground.
2.09 Fixed multi-location match, thanks to Rabin Vincent's submitted code.
2.08 Fixed multi-location match, thanks to Frederic TYNDIUK's submitted code.
2.07 Fixed single-location match, thanks to Mike Irwin's submitted patch
2.06 More changes to properly parse some single-location results.
2.05 A change I implemented in 2.04 was broken in multi-location match, sometimes causing the name
of the place returned to be a large chunk of garbage HTML. This was fixed.
2.04 WeatherUnderground website made a change again, changed regex to understand it
2.03 WeatherUnderground website made a change in the HTML for single-listing preventing this module from
correctly parsing the needed info. This has been fixed.
2.02 Renamed all references from celcius to celsius (including function names and hash key names)
2.01 Fixed the _debug() method generating a warning when perl is called with the -w switch
2.00 Initial public release after much beta testing consuming much 1.* versioning