# POD documentation - main docs before the code

=head1 NAME

GenOO::Spliceable - Role for a region that can be spliced


    # This role provides regions with the splicing attributes and methods

    An object that consumes this role gets splicing attributes and methods such as exons and
    introns. The key attributes of this class are "splice_starts" and "splice_stops"
    which are sorted arrays of coordinates that define the intervals for exons.
    -------------EXON_1-----------            ------------EXON_2------------


    # Get the location information on the reference sequence
    # Check if a position is within an exon or an intron
    $obj_with_role->is_position_within_exon(120);    # 1/0
    $obj_with_role->is_position_within_intron(120);  # 0/1
    # Get the length of the exonic region


# Let the code begin...

package GenOO::Spliceable;

use Moose::Role;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use namespace::autoclean;

use GenOO::Exon;
use GenOO::Intron;
use GenOO::Junction;

# Define new data type
subtype 'SortedArrayRef', as 'ArrayRef', where { _sorted_array() };

# Define coercions to new data type
coerce 'SortedArrayRef', from 'ArrayRef', via { [sort {$a <=> $b} @{$_}] };
coerce 'SortedArrayRef', from 'Str'     , via { [sort {$a <=> $b} (split(/\D+/,$_))] };

# Define attributes
has 'splice_starts' => (
	isa      => 'SortedArrayRef',
	is       => 'ro',
	writer   => '_set_splice_starts',
	required => 1,
	coerce   => 1

has 'splice_stops' => (
	isa      => 'SortedArrayRef',
	is       => 'ro',
	writer   => '_set_splice_stops',
	required => 1,
	coerce   => 1

has 'exons' => (
	isa       => 'ArrayRef',
	is        => 'ro',
	builder   => '_create_exons',
	init_arg  => undef,
	lazy      => 1,

has 'introns' => (
	isa       => 'ArrayRef',
	is        => 'ro',
	builder   => '_create_introns',
	init_arg  => undef,
	lazy      => 1,

# Define consumed roles
with 'GenOO::Region';

sub BUILD {
	my $self = shift;

########################   Interface Methods   ########################
sub is_position_within_exon {
	my ($self, $position) = @_;
	my $exons = $self->exons;
	foreach my $exon (@$exons) {
		if ($exon->contains_position($position)) {
			return 1;
	return 0;

sub is_position_within_intron {
	my ($self, $position) = @_;
	my $introns = $self->introns;
	foreach my $intron (@$introns) {
		if ($intron->contains_position($position)) {
			return 1;
	return 0;

sub exon_exon_junctions {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my @junctions;
	my @junction_starts;
	my @junction_stops;
	my $exons = $self->exons;
	if (@$exons > 1) {
		for (my $i=0;$i<@$exons-1;$i++) {
			push @junction_starts, $$exons[$i]->stop;
			push @junction_stops, $$exons[$i+1]->start;
	my $junctions_count = @junction_starts == @junction_stops ? @junction_starts : die "Junctions starts are not of the same size as junction stops\n";
	for (my $i=0;$i<$junctions_count;$i++) {
		push @junctions, GenOO::Junction->new(
			species      => $self->species,
			strand       => $self->strand,
			chromosome   => $self->chromosome,
			start        => $junction_starts[$i],
			stop         => $junction_stops[$i],
			part_of      => $self,
	return \@junctions;

sub exonic_sequence {
	my ($self) = @_;
	if (defined $self->sequence) {
		my $exonic_sequence = '';
		my $seq = $self->strand == 1 ? $self->sequence : reverse($self->sequence);
		foreach my $exon (@{$self->exons}) {
			$exonic_sequence .= substr($seq, ($exon->start - $self->start), $exon->length);
		if ($self->strand == 1) {
			return $exonic_sequence;
		else {
			return reverse($exonic_sequence);

sub exonic_length {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $length = 0;
	foreach my $exon (@{$self->exons}) {
		$length += $exon->length;
	return $length;

sub intronic_length {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $length = 0;
	foreach my $intron (@{$self->introns}) {
		$length += $intron->length;
	return $length;

sub relative_exonic_position {
	my ($self, $abs_pos) = @_;
	if ($self->is_position_within_exon($abs_pos)) {
		my $relative_pos = $abs_pos - $self->start;
		foreach my $intron (@{$self->introns}) {
			if ($intron->stop < $abs_pos) {
				$relative_pos -= $intron->length;
			else {
		return $relative_pos;
	else {
		return undef;

sub set_splice_starts_and_stops {
	my ($self, $splice_starts, $splice_stops) = @_;

#######################   Private Methods  ############################
sub _create_exons {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $exon_starts = $self->splice_starts;
	my $exon_stops = $self->splice_stops;
	my @exons;
	for (my $i=0;$i<@{$exon_starts};$i++) {
		push @exons, GenOO::Exon->new({
			strand     => $self->strand,
			chromosome => $self->rname,
			start      => $$exon_starts[$i],
			stop       => $$exon_stops[$i],
			part_of    => $self
	return \@exons;

sub _create_introns {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $exon_starts = $self->splice_starts;
	my $exon_stops = $self->splice_stops;
	my @introns;
	if ($self->start < $$exon_starts[0]) {
		push @introns, GenOO::Intron->new({
			strand     => $self->strand,
			chromosome => $self->rname,
			start      => $self->start,
			stop       => $$exon_starts[0] - 1,
			part_of    => $self,
	for (my $i=1;$i<@{$exon_starts};$i++) {
		push @introns, (GenOO::Intron->new({
			strand     => $self->strand,
			chromosome => $self->rname,
			start      => ${$exon_stops}[$i-1] + 1,
			stop       => ${$exon_starts}[$i] - 1,
			part_of    => $self,
	if ($self->stop > $$exon_stops[-1]) {
		push @introns, (GenOO::Intron->new({
			strand     => $self->strand,
			chromosome => $self->rname,
			start      => $$exon_stops[-1] + 1,
			stop       => $self->stop,
			part_of    => $self,
	return \@introns;

sub _sanitize_splice_starts_and_stops {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $splice_starts = $self->splice_starts;
	my $splice_stops = $self->splice_stops;
	if (@$splice_starts != @$splice_stops) {
		die "Error: Spice starts array is not of the same size as splice_stops (".scalar @$splice_starts."!=".scalar @$splice_stops.")\n";
	my $index = 0;
	while ($index < (@$splice_starts-1)) {
		if ($$splice_stops[$index] == $$splice_starts[$index+1] - 1) {
			$$splice_stops[$index] = $$splice_stops[$index+1];
			splice @$splice_starts, $index+1, 1;
			splice @$splice_stops, $index+1, 1;
		else {

#######################   Private Routines  ###########################
sub _sanitize_splice_coords_within_limits {
	my ($pre_splice_starts, $pre_splice_stops, $start, $stop) = @_;
	my @splice_starts;
	my @splice_stops;
	for (my $i=0;$i<@$pre_splice_starts;$i++) {
		if ($$pre_splice_stops[$i] < $start) {
		elsif ($$pre_splice_starts[$i] > $stop) {
		else { #if the exon overlaps or is contained in the UTR5
			if ($start >= $$pre_splice_starts[$i]) {
				push @splice_starts, $start;
			else {
				push @splice_starts, $$pre_splice_starts[$i];
			if ($stop < $$pre_splice_stops[$i]) {
				push @splice_stops, $stop;
			else {
				push @splice_stops, $$pre_splice_stops[$i];
	return \@splice_starts, \@splice_stops;

sub _sorted_array {
	my $arrayref = $_;
	if (@{$arrayref} > 1){
		for (my $i = 1; $i < @{$arrayref}; $i++){
			if ($$arrayref[$i] < $$arrayref[$i-1]){
				return 0;
		return 1;
	return 1;
