Revision history for Acme-SafetyGoggles

0.05    2013-01-19
	- Including Text::Diff dependency in Makefile.PL. No code changes.

0.04    2013-01-18
	- Remove (_) prototype in _set_current function, which is incompatible
	  with Perl v5.8.

0.03    2013-01-16
	- Rewrite to get  -MAcme::SafetyGoggles  feature to work.
	- Add  state, diff  methods.
	- Added unit tests

0.02    2010-05-12
	- Now a pure Perl module without system grep/diff tool dependencies.
	- Removed File::Slurp dependency.
	- Added Text::Diff dependency.
        - Don't warn about implicit source filtering provided by the __END__ token.

0.01    2010-05-12
	First version, released on an unsuspecting world.