##-*- Mode: Change-Log -*-

v0.25 Thu, 07 Jul 2016 12:09:56 +0200 moocow
	+ added CQKeys::SetMatchId()

v0.24 Thu, 07 Jul 2016 10:43:36 +0200 moocow
	+ minor pod warts fixed
	+ DDC::PP::Object compatibility fixes for DDC::Any
	+ added mapTraverse tests 07_pp_traverse.t, 17a_any_pp_traverse.t, 17b_any_xs_traverse.t
	+ updated module metadata

v0.23 Wed, 06 Jul 2016 15:24:54 +0200 moocow
	+ added DDC::PP hierarchy: pure-perl simulation of DDC::XS classes (updated for DDC::XS v0.13 / ddc v2.0.43)
	  - removed old DDC::Query subtree (deprecated since pre-v0.11/r159/2014-03-27, now superseded by DDC::XS, DDC::PP)
	+ added DDC::Any package to wrap DDC::XS (if available) or DDC::PP (if requested or as fallback)

v0.22 Wed, 15 Jun 2016 09:25:38 +0200 moocow
	+ removed // operator (perl >= v5.10.0)
	  - apparently the 'require' in DDC/Concordance.pm wasn't catching
	  - caused cpantesters failures for perl v5.8.x, e.g. http://www.cpantesters.org/cpan/report/2ad78a32-31ff-11e6-aa87-16280081755b
	  - also likely responsible for failed 4add1b26-3173-11e6-99be-4eefed1f9a26

v0.21 Tue, 14 Jun 2016 08:52:30 +0200 moocow
	+ added __END__ keyword before PODs in pm files
	  - try to fix bizarre cpantesters failure http://www.cpantesters.org/cpan/report/4add1b26-3173-11e6-99be-4eefed1f9a26

v0.20 Tue, 29 Sep 2015 09:09:10 +0200 moocow
	+ require perl >= 5.10.0 (for // operator)

v0.19 Mon, 28 Sep 2015 15:27:04 +0200 moocow
	+ doc fixes

v0.18 Mon, 28 Sep 2015 14:50:46 +0200 moocow
	+ "official" release of cpan-compatible DDC::Concordance (devel release looks ok)

v0.17_001 Fri, 25 Sep 2015 11:04:52 +0200 moocow
	+ renamed distribution to DDC::Concordance for CPAN-compatibility
	+ restructured directory (DDC/ -> lib/DDC/) to avoid confusing ExtUtils::MakeMaker

v0.17 Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:47:03 +0200 moocow
	+ moved top-level module from 'DDC' to 'DDC::Concordance'
	+ kept dummy top-level wrapper DDC.pm for backwards-compatibility
	+ workaround for name conflict with Torsten Raudssus' "DDC" in the
	  "Data-Coloured" distribution ( https://metacpan.org/pod/DDC )
	  (see RT bug #107031, https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=107031)

v0.16 Fri, 24 Apr 2015 14:13:09 +0200 moocow
	+ parse deep-encoded context tokens in DDC:::Hit::expandFields() for ddc >= v2.0.38
	+ fixed Text format to deal with deep-encoded context tokens if available

v0.15 2015-01-20 moocow
	+ fixed -output arg to ddc-dump2tj.perl
	+ fixed no-hits error in ddc-query.perl

v0.14 Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:46:28 +0100 moocow
	+ added count()-query handling to 'text' and 'kwic' formats

v0.13 Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:40:43 +0200 moocow
	+ improved query benchmarking, allow reading query-list from a file

v0.12 Fri, 27 Jun 2014 12:17:19 +0200 moocow
	+ added scripts ddc-make-bibl.perl, ddc-dump2tj.perl

v0.11 Tue, 27 May 2014 09:48:33 +0200 moocow
	+ added Format/Kwic.pm to MANIFEST
	+ added Changes

2014-05-14  moocow
	* [r241] DDC.pm, DDC/Client.pm, DDC/Client/Distributed.pm: + added
	  DDC::Client::decodeJson() method and

2014-05-07  moocow
	* [r227] ddc-cgi.perl: + more request-mode stuff for ddc-cgi.perl

2014-03-27  moocow
	* [r159] DDC.pm, DDC/Query.pm, DDC/Query/yylexer.pm,
	  DDC/Query/yyparser.output, DDC/Query/yyparser.pm,
	  DDC/Query/yyparser.yp: + updated DDC-perl query lexer+parser for
	  - TODO: chuck the pure-perl implementation and use the C++ parser
	  directly somehow

2014-03-07  moocow
	* [r121] DDC/Format/Kwic.pm: + kwic formatter: output total number
	  of hits

2014-03-03  moocow
	* [r112] ddc-query.perl: + parse port in ddc-query.perl (for less
	  confusing error messages on failure)#

2014-02-24  moocow
	* [r111] ddc-query.perl: + ddc-query.perl: append newline to
	  raw-data results if not already present
	* [r106] DDC.pm: + load kwic format by default
	* [r105] ddc-query.perl: + removed debugging code
	* [r104] DDC.pm, DDC/Format/Kwic.pm, ddc-query.perl: + v0.09: added
	  Kwic format

2014-02-19  moocow
	* [r101] ddc-query.perl: + ddc-query.perl: bench raw queries, not

2014-02-18  moocow
	* [r99] DDC/Client.pm, DDC/Client/Distributed.pm, ddc-query.perl: +
	  ddc-query.perl: added -request option: alias for -raw
	  -mode=request (formerly -mode=raw)

2014-02-17  moocow
	* [r96] DDC/Client.pm, DDC/Client/Distributed.pm, ddc-query.perl: +
	  v0.08: added -mode=raw queries to test and verify ddc_proto

2014-01-08  moocow
	* [r86] DDC.pm: + updated to v0.08
	* [r85] ., DDC/Format/JSON.pm: + added JSON formatter abs(level)>1
	  check for canonical-json

2012-01-17  moocow
	* [r26] README.txt: + typo fix
	* [r25] ., DDC.pm, DDC/Client.pm, DDC/Client/Distributed.pm,
	  DDC/Filter.pm, DDC/Format.pm, DDC/Format/Dumper.pm,
	  DDC/Format/JSON.pm, DDC/Format/Raw.pm, DDC/Format/Template.pm,
	  DDC/Format/Text.pm, DDC/Format/YAML.pm, DDC/Hit.pm,
	  DDC/HitList.pm, DDC/Query.pm, DDC/Query/Filter.pm,
	  DDC/Query/Parser.pm, DDC/Query/yylexer.pm,
	  DDC/Query/yyparser.output, DDC/Query/yyparser.pm,
	  DDC/Query/yyparser.yp, DDC/Utils.pm, README.rpod, qparse.perl:
	  v0.07: got DDC::Query::Parser up and running again
	  - this is a real PITA to maintain parallel to the 'real' DDC
	  query parser in C++
	  - eventually, there should be an XS perl module which just calls
	  the real parser

2011-12-02  moocow
	* [r21] DDC/Client.pm: + better error handling on client reads
	* [r20] DDC/Client.pm: + fixed typo in error message
	* [r19] DDC/Format/Raw.pm: + bugfix in DDC::Format::Raw (thanks to
	  Konstantin Bairer)

2011-11-15  moocow
	* [r16] Makefile.PL: + renamed distribution to ddc-perl (all
	* [r15] .: + ignore some stuff
	* [r14] DDC/Client.pm: + fixed $ilen initialization bug
	* [r8] DDC.pm: + updated version comments
	* [r7] ., DDC, DDC.pm, DDC/Client, DDC/Client.pm,
	  DDC/Client/Distributed.pm, DDC/Filter.pm, DDC/Format,
	  DDC/Format.pm, DDC/Format/Dumper.pm, DDC/Format/JSON.pm,
	  DDC/Format/Raw.pm, DDC/Format/Template.pm, DDC/Format/Text.pm,
	  DDC/Format/YAML.pm, DDC/Hit.pm, DDC/HitList.pm, DDC/Query,
	  DDC/Query.pm, DDC/Query/Filter.pm, DDC/Query/Parser.pm,
	  DDC/Query/yylexer.pm, DDC/Query/yyparser.output,
	  DDC/Query/yyparser.pm, DDC/Query/yyparser.yp, DDC/Utils.pm,
	  ddc-cgi.perl, ddc-cgi.rc, ddc-expand-lts-query.perl,
	  ddc-lts-wrapper.perl, ddc-query.perl, dummylex.perl,
	  qexpand.perl, qparse.perl, t, t/00_basic.t, t/common.plt,
	  testme.perl: + initial import of ddc-perl bindings for ddc-2.x