##-*- Mode: Change-Log; coding: utf-8; -*-
## Change log for perl distribution DTA::CAB
v1.107 Fri, 22 Feb 2019 09:40:00 +0100 moocow
* added DTA::TokWrap and GermaNet::Flat dependencies (used by built-in analyzer classes)
v1.106 2019-02-12 moocow
* improved Version.pm (re-)generation: only if this looks like a "proper" checkout
* added Changes (this file: extracted from SVN logs & reformatted)
* cleanup for CPAN release
* SVNVERSION tweaks (revision only, no root URL)
* find.hack: File::Find hacks for ExtUtils::Manifest
* removed some (but not all) doubled and/or recursuive symlinks from SVN
- they don't play nicely with ExtUtils::Manifest / MakeMaker / File::Find
v1.105 2019-01-09 moocow
* added ddc full lemma-list (LemmaListAll LemmasAll llist-all ll-all lla lemmas lemmata)
v1.104 2018-12-17 moocow
* default -log-watch=USR1 for dta-cab-server.sh
* added server logInitAnalyzer option
* added -log-watch=SIGNAL syntax (reload log-config on user signal, e.g. -log-watch=USR1)
v1.103 2018-12-06 moocow
* XmlLing : escape token text if not running in twcompat mode
* syslog debugging
* added cab-syslog.l4p -- getting weird rsyslog errors
> Oct 25 13:55:12 plato liblogging-stdlog: action 'action 0' resumed (module 'builtin:ompipe') [v8.24.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2359 ]
> Oct 25 13:55:51 plato liblogging-stdlog: action 'action 1' resumed (module 'builtin:ompipe') [v8.24.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2359 ]
... on every message; not pretty
* systemd-friendliness for cab sysv-scripts (control groups, etc)
* dta-cab.sh: merged changes from bogus for in dstar/cabx/
* added cgiwrap for version
* web-howto typos
* updated 'fliegen' example in web-howto
* clean Version.pm
* WebServiceHowto updates for XmlLing
* alias tweaks
* XmlLing for server mode
* added support for TEI att.linguistic features
- new formatter Format::XmlLing (flat att.linguistic features, with optional TokWrap compatibility for later spliceback)
- new TEI and TEIws options 'att.linguistic=bool' : force use of XmlLing sub-formatter with appropriate options
- new TEI and TEIws aliases (ltei ... ling-tei-xml, lteiws ... ling-tei-ws)
- updated Format SUBCLASSES docs and examples
- still TODO: integrate new formats into CAB demo web-GUI and HOWTO
* added format XmlLing: use TEI att.linguistic attributes
v1.102 2018-06-20 moocow
* howto updates
for spliced2ling
* added
spliced2ling xsl stuff
* HttpProtocol.pod: added explicit
'xpost' reference
* DSGVO stuff
* clean Version.pm
* attempt to ensure Listen=SOMAXCONN for
v1.101 2018-04-13 moocow
* dta-cab-server.sh: handle tcp<->unix relay via new variables
+ added -verbose LEVEL option for debugging
+ added 'config|debug' action to view configuration variables
* system/xlit-unix.plm: test tcp relay handling by sysv-like dta-cab-server.sh
* more cab-v1.101 check tweaks
(icinga/pnp4nagios doesn't like floats in engineering notation)
* dta-cab-http-check.perl: v1.101 perfdata fixes
* status.html.tpl: compatibility fixes for transition
* added rss and exponential moving average query times to CAB status output
- implements mantis #26054
v1.100 2018-03-21 moocow
* dta-cab-server.sh:
- disable watchdog by default (let icinga do this)
- use administrative lock-files to avoid concurrent operations
* minor tempfile tweaks attempting to get at mantis #25739
v1.99 2018-03-07 moocow
* wd_verbose=1 after r27799 debugging left it at 2
* dta-cab-server.sh: tweaks for process groups (UNIX socket server + socat relay)
* clean Version.pm
* UNIX process group tweaks
* dta-cab-server.sh: kill whole process group on 'stop'
* clean Version.pm
* v1.99: improved handling for pathological Server::HTTP::UNIX conditions
(stale unix socket, stale relay process)
- server now only WARNs for stale relay sockets; dodgy 'fix' for
mantis bug #25326 (should be a valid fix for identical relay
command-lines as in bug #25326)
v1.98 2018-02-21 moocow
* moot langid FM.* pseudo-tags: keep CARD analyses too
* check for undef pid_cmd() output in Server::UNIX -- avoid heinous death in File::Basename::basename()
v1.97 2018-02-12 moocow
* v1.97: peerenv() optimization for DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::UNIX::ClientConn
- only call peerenv() for peer command 'socat'
+ support http+unix:// scheme in DTA::CAB::Client::HTTP::lwpUrl()
v1.96 2018-02-09 moocow
* check for existing rc-file
* clean Version.pm
* tweaks for implicit creation of parent directories for unix sockets
* fixed Server::HTTP::UNIX destructor code
- was killing off relay process via signal for post-on-fork destruction
* documented new UNIX socket stuff
* added support for UNIX server sockets in CAB/Client/HTTP.pm, dta-cab-http-client.perl
* DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::UNIX seems to be working
- built-in socat relay
- emulation of peerhost() and peerport() for relayed sockets via socat EXEC:'socat - UNIX-CLIENT:/socket/path' idiom + /proc/PEERPD/environ
* removed stale t.t
* xlit-http: disable cache again
* svn:ignore cleanup on plato
* started working on Server::HTTP::UNIX (should work more or less transparently with dta-cab-http-server.perl)
v1.95 2018-01-15 moocow
* Unicode::CharName version fix
* report memory usage in kB, not pages
v1.94 2017-11-13 moocow
* fix mantis bug #23127, introduced in v1.93
v1.93 2017-11-10 moocow
* dta-cab-analyze.perl: removed debug code
* db flags O_RDONLY fix for Dict::DBD
* don't include 'mhessen' in dmoot/morph
- if we've non-trivially normalized via dmoot, we probably don't want it
- plus, we're not sure if it's enabled anyways
* added Analyzer/Morph/Extra hacks; based on Morph/Latin/*, tested with Morph/Extra/OrtLexHessen
v1.92 2017-11-09 moocow
* *.cmdi-xml: added 'landing pages'
* added getcmdi.sh: fetch current CMDI record
* Raw::Waste utf8 handling woes
* check defined(ENV{HOME}) for Format::Raw::Waste (docker irritations)
* debugging for Format::Raw::Waste cache-clearance
* new default raw subclass=Raw::Waste; added shared model caching and auto-update to Format::Raw::Waste
* added support for environment variable DTA_CAB_FORMAT_RAW_DEFAULT_SUBCLASS
v1.91 2017-09-05 moocow
* removed stale test data cz.*
* cab-demo script cab.perl : updated target server to (data.dwds.de:9099)
* hack to allow global alternate default waste config dir (for cabx servers)
+ 'raw' input still uses default HTTP subclass
v1.90 2017-05-24 moocow
* blockscan debugging / kira
* cleaned up some debugging code
* fix optimization for Format::XmlNative::blockScanBody()
* optimization for Format::XmlNative::blockScanBody()
v1.89 2017-05-19 moocow
* v1.89: new default labenc=>auto (utf8 > latin1) for Analyzer::Automaton
v1.88 2017-05-18 moocow
* fixes for new Chain::Multi::getChain() method
* Makefile.PL workarounds for broken EUMM on kira (ubuntu 16.04 LTS / EUMM v7.0401)
* Chain::Multi::getChain() method (useful with dta-cab-analyze.perl -onload option)
v1.87 2017-05-16 moocow
* added -onload option for dta-cab-analyze.perl (porting dta cab_dbs builds to generic dstar)
v1.86 2017-05-12 moocow
* cabx server debugging, preparing for merge
* report top-level analyzer version in 'status' output
* Analyzer::versionInfo(): include rcfile
* version template fix
* better chain-handling for DTA::CAB::Analyzer
* cab server /version handler: analyzer options
* added cab server /version wrapper
* en-chain: remove msafe?
* DTA::CAB::moduleVersions(): renamed match/ignore options to moduleMatch, moduleIgnore
* DTA::CAB::moduleVersions(): return all version identifiers as strings
* DTA::CAB::moduleVersions() option changes
* honor 'chain' option in Analyzer::versionInfo() [hack]
* added options for Analyzer::versionInfo():
- don't report timestamps for disabled analyzers (allow user selection)
* updates for dta-cab-version.perl
* various version tweaks; added DTA::CAB->moduleVersions()
v1.85 2017-04-28 moocow
* teiws ner-parsing: more fixes for old libxml (kaskade)
* clean Version.pm
* tcf+ner: attribute-order tweaks
* more fixes for tcf+ner on kaskade
* teiws ner-parsing: fixes for old libxml (kaskade)
* v1.85: teiws, tcf ner support
- teiws: added support for parsing $w->{ner} from input //(persName|placeName|orgName|name); use -fo=teinames=1
- tcf: added support for output //namedEntities layer with
-fo=teilayers='... names ...', class alias -fc=tcf+ner
v1.84 2017-04-27 moocow
* fast version checking for CAB configurations with dta-cab-version.perl
* lemmatizer updates for taghm-2.5 lemma-internal 'diamond-tags'
* doc-extra/tcf-orthswap.xsl
v1.83 2017-04-25 moocow
* webservicehowto url tweaks (bbaw epub server URLs moved)
* WebServiceHowto: added tcf munger
* explicit 'please cite this' crap
* Analyzer::Automaton: tweaks for utf-8 encoded labels
* updates for tagh v2.5 (diamond-tags <A> etc.)
v1.82 2017-01-25 moocow
* removed @rendition=#aq heuristics in Analyzer::Moot::Boltzmann
(attempt to fix mantis bug #18392)
v1.81 2017-01-10 moocow
* updated taghx http config: logo, status
* dta-cab-http-check.perl: report n cached hits rather than hit rate in perfdata
* better logging for ignored connections
* clean Version.pm
* dta-cab-http-check.perl set svn:keywords
* dta-cab-http-check.perl tweaks
* tested dta-cab-http-check.perl: seems working
* added dta-cab-http-check.perl: nagios/icinga plugin
* CAB::Server::HTTP: hacks for hadling chrome-style 'background connections'
- accept()ed sockets without any request on them
* added null-http.plm: dummy test server
* improved 'status' response
- cacheHitRate, nRequests, nErrors, memSize
v1.80 2016-12-02 moocow
* format docs
* dta-cab-server.sh: max 30 restart attempts (sleep=10)
* various lemmalist tweaks
* return all lemmata for function words in new specialized DDC-expansion format LemmaList
v1.79 2016-09-05 moocow
* fixed cab.plm eqphox reference
* added missing eqphox config to cab.plm
* cab-rc-update.sh: read local config file if present
* dta-cab-server.sh: fixed hanging when running via scripted ssh
- stdout/stderr for subprocesses was still bound on 'start', 'restart'
* updated http server docs
* added http server forkMax option
* added http server forkOn(Get|Post) options
v1.78 2016-06-16 moocow
* howto fixes
* udpated web howto for date-dependent chains
* udpated Chain::DTA docs for range-dependent chains
* auto-disable date-dependent rewrite tranducers (e.g. for Dingler)
* removed debug code from dta-cab-analyze.perl
* added date-dependent rewrite models for DTA chain
v1.77 2016-06-13 moocow
* don't treat links as XY for LangId::Simple
v1.76 2016-06-09 moocow
* fixes and tweaks for en-wsj (english)
* added Morph/Helsinki.pm
- TAGH-simulation postprocessing for Helsinki-style morphological transducers
v1.75 2016-04-29 moocow
* updated cab howto for new server limit: 512KB -> 1MB
* updated WebServiceHowto: added screenshot
* pass error response through apache cgi wrappers
* more error tweak attempts
* fixed content-type: html for new error messages
* improved error reporting in Server::HTTP::clientError(), Server::HTTP::Handler::cerror()
- generate generic error responses and send them using
HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn send_response() method rather than its
send_error() method, since the latter generates html markup
without root element (may be a problem for weblicht)
- see mantis bug #12941
* http handler tweaks
* cab-http.plm: maxRequestSize 512KB -> 1MB
v1.74 2016-02-12 moocow
* more doc tweaks & fixes
* re-generated doc index
* updated HOWTO
* better checkbox value pass-in handling
* added SIGPIPE handler for Server::HTTP : avoid death with exit code 141
- following perlmonks suggestion
v1.73 2015-11-16 moocow
* LangId::Simple: workaround for mantis bug #6737
v1.72 2015-11-12 moocow
* fixed double URL-encoding of query parameters on apache redirect (NE apache redirect option)
* file demo -> file upload
* symlinked tests/format-examples -> ../format-examples
* removed tests/format-examples (symlinking)
* moved tests/format-examples/ to top-level format-examples/
* renamed 'demo' to 'web service'
* Format/TEI: use tokwrap 'auto' low-level class by default, not 'http'
- should speed things up a bit; we're getting weird errors from kaskade http tokenizer for some reason
* web-service howto cleanup
* more cab-curl-*post.sh cleanup
* made cab-curl-*post.sh a bit more comfortable: allow omission of base URL
* htmlifypods fixes
* webservice howto re-formatting
* web howto; looks pretty much ok
* more web-service howto work, TEIws fixes
* TEIws fixes for missing @t or @text attributes
* xml-rpc: ignore textbufr, teibufr
* clean version.pm
* xml-rpc: ignore textbufr, teibufr
* doc fixes while writing web howto
v1.71 2015-11-10 moocow
* more format examples
* more format documentation: examples
* fixed some pod errors
* documented some more formats
* documented LangId::Simple
* Analyzer/Moot.pm set use_dmoot=1 by default (unless set explicitly in analysis opts)
v1.70 2015-10-02 moocow
* fixed morph+moot on csv1g files for dstar cab_eqlemma/corpus-csvx.1g
* v1.70: fixed 'Possible precedence issue with control flow operator' warnings from perl v5.20.2
v1.69 2015-08-06 moocow
* clean Version.pm
* fixed 'Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at DTA/CAB/Format/XmlTokWrapFast.pm line 147.' warning
* handle EINTR (interrupted system call) in sysread() calls from CAB::Socket
- used for parallel job-queues in dta-cab-analyze.perl as called in dstar build/cab_corpus/ subdirectory
* EINTR woes
* added cab-error-eintr.log: 'interrupted system call' during CAB analysis in dstar build
- probably resulting from a SIGCHLD handler getting called during a queue-socket read
v1.68 2015-04-29 moocow
* fixes for LangId::Simple if no 'msafe' analysis is present (fixes bogus dstar FM.la tags)
v1.67 2015-03-25 moocow
* example: updated
* NE-tagging heuristics: don't force NE for placeName (e.g. 'Golf von Foo')
* v1.67: dmoot, moot heuristics for TEI <(pers|place)Name> and <foreign> tags
- doesn't work from straight-up TEI input, since 'xp' attribute is populated by build-time script dtatw-get-ddc-attrs.perl
v1.66 2015-03-06 moocow
* added weblicht -> cmdi
* fixed PatternLayoutl typo in Logger.pm (introduced in r5410)
* re-set CAB_SLEEP default to 3 (for watchdog)
* removed tokenizer-waste.xml (replaced by tokenizer-waste-update.xml)
* removed tagger-new.xml (replaced by tagger-update.xml)
* removed ddc-dstar-c4.cmdi-xml
- superseded by ddc-dstar-c4-update.cmdi-xml
* tiny tweaks
* dta-cab-server.sh robustness improvements
* more cab-server stuff (still wip)
* improved dta-cab-server.sh stuff
* added 'fmt=tcf' to 'Input Parameters' section for dstar/ddc services
- otherwise limit gets integrated with a '?'
- e.g. http://kaskade.dwds.de/dstar/dta/dstar.perl?fmt=tcf?limit=10 rather than ...?fmt=tcf&limit=10
* finer-grained sleep commands
* added updates
* added *update.cmdi-xml
* implemented WebLichtWebServices:N naming scheme in //CMD//ResourceProxy/@id
* added system/apache-cgi-wrap/.htcabrc-data-9096-autoclean
* added tcf+pos pseudo-formats to demo.html.tpl
* added tcf-pos pseudo-format
* added ddc-c4*.cmdi-xml
* moved dta corpus query to id=s070!
* added some more web services
* moved orig/cab.cmdi-xml back to .
* added WebLichtWebServices.url
* moved WebLichtWebServices.url -> WebLichtWebServices.url_old
* fixed TCF parsing bug
v1.65 2014-12-02 moocow
* don't let topkwrap ignore mapclass attribute in tei mode
* TEIws format update#
- allow #-prefixed IDs in @prev,@next attributes gracefully
* disabled debug code
* ignore some stuff
* tcf tweaks: encode tei in textCorpus/textSource as schema trunk describes
* tei-in-tcf embedding uses textSource element
v1.64 2014-11-27 moocow
* disable cab demo debug
* Format/JSON fix: don't output scalar references (e.g. teibufr, textbufr)
* tcf token id fix
* tcf sentence id fix
* fixed TCF typos
* always include //sentence/@ID for TCF format
v1.63 2014-11-25 moocow
* htdocs/demo.js fixes for implicit tokenization of un-tokenized tcf
- effectively ignore 'tokenize' checkbox for tcf
* clean Version.pm
* TCF format fixes and updates
- improved tcf parsing using getChildrenByLocalName() instead of findnodes()
- added tcf tokenization if only 'text' layer is present using DTA::CAB::Format::Raw
* ifmt is safe too
* improved tcf parsing
v1.62 2014-11-12 moocow
* added 'ofmt' to list of safe pass-through parameters
* status home link: .. (for demo)
* demo fix: disable raw text for live-mode
* demo.js fixes for inline return
* more tcf options
* output format option only for upload gui
* more tcf i/o tweaks
* more tei/tcf and server i/o format tweaks: looks good, go live on MONDAY
* different in- and output-formats for server, TEI, TCF format tweaks using doc->{textbufr}
v1.61 2014-10-16 moocow
* added eval files
* don't output sentence comments for ExpandList
* verbose logging options
* log-stderr typo
* added playground/logo as symlink
* removed old logo/ symlink ; replacing with real mccoy
* cabx directory basically in place
* automaton resultfst crashing
* added logos
* cab demo: added logo
* added 48p logo
* tag-hacks: added mathematical operators to 'punctuation-like' class
* MootSub tag-tweaking hacks: avoid 'normal' tags for non-wordlike tokens
v1.60 2014-08-22 moocow
* fixed DTA::CAB::Analyzer::_am_wordlike_regex() to allow combining diacritical whetver [[:alpha:]] is included
- unicode should really call these things alphabetic, imho, but it doesn't
v1.59 2014-06-24 moocow
* added dta 'lemma', 'lemma1' chains (with exlex)
* sleep between stop and start actions on restart
* allow direct demo-gui display of xml responses
- fixed 'pretty' parameter pass-through bug in DTA::CAB::Format::Registry::newFormat()
- stop tcf format complaining about missing document for spliceback (avoid garbage in apache logs)
v1.58 2014-06-16 moocow
* added example scripts cab-curl-post.sh, cab-curl-xpost.sh
* reapClient chost fix2
* daemonMode=fork for DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP
- only for POST queries
* xlit-http.plm : turned down logLevel
* server status tweaks
v1.57 2014-06-13 moocow
* added OpenThesaurus expander to dta chain (uses Analyzer::GermaNet class)
* added OpenThesaurus expander
v1.56 2014-06-11 moocow
* GermaNet : allow synset names as 'lemma' queries
* apache-cgi-wrap default host = localhost
* ExpandList/LemmaList alias fixes (no CODE refs in default formats)
* v1.56: added ExpandList aliases LemmaList,llist,ll,lemmata,lemmas,lemma
+ added Chain::DTA analyzers default.lemma, default.lemma1
* added LemmaList|llist|ll|lemmata|lemmas alias for ExpandList
+ using CODE-ref hack to extract non-root attribute moot/lemma
+ better solution would be to polish up and use (something like) Data::ZPath
v1.55 2014-05-27 moocow
* moved tagh-http.plm to taghx-http-9098.plm
* eliminated 'ge|' prefix removal hack for tagh-lemmatization
- for compatibility with dwds-kc20 lemmatization
v1.54 2014-05-15 moocow
* updated format docs
* replace 'xml' with 'txml' in demo list
* allow lowercase letters in morph tags parsed by Analyzer.pm accessor macro am_tagh_fst2moota
- fixes bogus VV* tags for new [roman] pseudo-analyses from dta-morph-additions
v1.53 2014-03-16 moocow
* set default CAB_SLEEP=5
- try to avoid restart failures on services (Cannot bind socket port 9099: Address already in use);
- but SO_REUSEADDR ought to be set - what gives?
* don't set ReusePort, since it gives errors: "Your vendor has not defined Socket macro SO_REUSEPORT"
* documented ExpandList
* added csv1g formatter
* added moot/details field: best analysis, for saving tagh analyses
- new moot/details should be swept by analyzeClean
v1.52 2014-01-31 moocow
* tei: disabled debug
* added twTokenizeClass pass-through to DTA::TokWrap
* fixed tei rmtree() bug on multiple processes
* apostrophe-s handling
* v1.52: updated 'word-like' regex to include 's suffixes
+ centralized word-like regex to DTA::CAB::Analyzer::_am_wordlike_regex()
+ updated/unified email address to moocow@cpan.org
v1.51 2014-01-13 moocow
* Cab/Analyzer/MootSub
- fixed bug assigning lowercase lemma 'urteilen' to urteil/NN~urteil~en[VVIMP]
- CAB/Format/TT : fixed (d|m)oot analysis parsing
* TokPP/Waste: fixed again
* TokPP/Waste-related segfaults on services
* CAB/Analyzer/TokPP/Waste.pm : don't try to store annot key (avoid segfaults)
* basic redundancy handling for moot/analysis and dmoot/morph (mostly just aesthetic)
* TokPP analyzer re-factored to use Moot::Waste::Annotator by default
v1.50 2013-12-10 moocow
* dmoot fix for list-valued $w->{lang}
* new raw input modes
* improved raw-text input using moot/waste
- either locally (CAB::Format::Raw::Waste)
- or via http (CAB::Format::Raw::HTTP)
* added CAB::Format::Raw::Waste : waste tokenization
- currently only works by writing a temporary string buffer and passing to Format::TT for final document construction: UGLY
- we should probably use the waste buffer classes for this (making these visible to perl)
- better yet, this is a poster child for perl-level TokenWriter subclassing
* XmlTokWrapFast: read //w/moot/@* into $w->{moot}{$_}
v1.49 2013-12-09 moocow
* updated to v1.49
v1.48 2013-12-06 moocow
* added capsFallback automaton option; set by default for Analyzer::Morph
* cab automaton-based analyzers: set check_symbols=>0
v1.47 2013-12-05 moocow
* added system/dwds/ and system/init/dwds-http-9096.rc
* added dwds-http-9096.plm wrapper
- removed request-size limit (maxRequestSize=undef)
- disable autoclean modee
* fewer unknown-symbol warnings (once per symbol per object)
- XmlTokWrapFast: output //s/@pn
* CAB/Format/TEI: default tokenizer class back to http
* fix warning for missing content-length
* TCF: default to format level=1
* Moot:
- compatibility fix: apply tag-translation table BEFORE model lookup
* set global server maxRequestSize=512k for cab-http.plm
* added maxRequestSize key to CAB::Server::HTTP and CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Query
* allow TEI to support -fo=txmlfmt=XmlTokWrapFast
- 2x faster than default, but doesn't support all keys
* CAB/Chain.pm: propagate logTrace from opts if set there
v1.46 2013-10-10 moocow
* edited cab.cmdi-xml with local export (Edmund): sending to Frank
* removed bogus debug code from dta-cab-analyze.perl
* cab.plm: moot,dmoot use 'dtiger' infix instead of tiger
- centralized training source in moot-models/dta-dtiger
* Format/Raw.pm : handle U+00AD (SOFT HYPHEN)
* LangId::Simple : don't output lang_counts by default
* cab-rc-update.sh: update from kaskade
* Raw tokenizer: handle '[Formel]'
* improved LangId::Simple
- now counts number of stopword CHARACTERS (vs tokens)
- added better 'xy' rules, also added an xy 'stopword' list in
v1.45 2013-09-03 moocow
* CAB::Analyzer::LangId : got working again; results not very encouraging
* special handling for double-initial caps in Analyzer::Unicruft: updated version
* special handling for double-initial caps
* re-built logos using inkscape
* added new compatibility symlink cab-favicon.png
* removed old cab-favicon.png
* added new logos
* added caberr-64.png
* updated cab favicon
* MorphSafe badTypes map now maps (text=>isGood) rather than (text=>isBad)
- fixes bug in which badMorph heuristics were overriding a
__good__ entry in badTypes file (Gutherzigkeit)
v1.44 2013-07-22 moocow
* tcf / format fixes
v1.43 2013-07-11 moocow
* TCF format fix: reset temp variables ($pos,$lemma,$orth) between words
* added TCF to demo formats
* default TOKENIZE_CLASS='auto' for TEI via TokWrap
* checkin with updated Version.pm
* first version with TCF support
- how finicky do we need to be with offset-based tokens, sentences, etc?
- and how do we handle metadata?
* added basic TCF format (output only atm)
v1.42 2013-06-23 moocow
* -fc option added to dta-cab-splice-syncope.perl
* better version check
* TEI format debugging and tweaks
- can now set -fo=txmlfmt=XmlTokWrapFast for e.g. fast TEI-format input, but this slows down TEI-format output
- best results seem to be with -io=txmlfmt=XmlTokWrapFast
-oo=XmlTokWrap for plain convert; ymmv with actual analysis going on
* lots of debugging code
* better TEI format debugging with e.g. -fo teilog=debug
* removed Format::TEI debug flag
* fixed ugly regex-slowing $POSTMATCH in CAB::Format::XmlNative::blockScanFoot()
- use perl 5.10 /p modifier and ${^POSTMATCH} instead
v1.41 2013-06-05 moocow
* default xml format now resolves to tei
* cab.perl: read dirname($0)/.htcabrc for local overrides
* cab.perl: read cab.perl.rc
* demo.js: fix cab_url_base guessing regex if parameters are specified
- e.g. http://localhost:9099/?q=foo
* MootSub lemmatization: honor 'FM.*' tags
* cab demo: pass through 'file' parameter
* demo links seem to work now!
* demo init: fix links
* demo.js &-expansion woes
* workaround for Unify.pm choking on REGEXPs in Format::Registry
- implement STORABLE_(freeze|thaw) for Format::Registry
- allows rollback of Unify.pm changes in r9738 (explicit
DS-traversal with potential cycles, caused infinite allocation
loop and memory explosion in 'real' CAB servers)
* added /upload and /file paths to cab-http.plm
* demo/upload tweaks (don't call it 'upload')
* file upload updates
* merged in branch htdocs-1.41-upload -r9728:9736
* fixed YAML dispatch
* updated demo.js: make traffic-light frame work in proxy mode
* language guesser tests
* wrap various YAML implementations directly in YAML.pm (rather than subclass hacks)
* LangId::Simple: only use unicode character block hacks for words of length >= 2
* hasmorph for text-mode output
* updated DTAClean: added 'hasmorph' key
* prune analyzers in cab.perl wrapper
* dingler: try to enable autoclean
* cab-http-9099: auto-clean on
* trimmed cab-http-9099.plm to ignore authentication
* updates from kaskade2 for debian/wheezy
* lang-guesser updates: unicode hacks
* Morph::Latin : only analyze if isLatinExt
* Moot: use FM.$lang as tag for language-guesser hack
* XML formatting woes
* built in langid heuristics to Moot/Boltzmann and Moot
* added LangId::Simple analyzer, built into DTA chain as 'langid'
v1.40 2013-04-30 moocow
* smarter verbosity for cab-rc-update.sh
* updated to use (my own) GermaNet::Flat API module, rather than clunky google code variant
* added -begin and -end CODE options to dta-cab-analyze.perl
* Format::Raw : parse underscores as word-like
v1.39 2013-04-24 moocow
* removed xlemma stuff again
* MootSub: generate moot/xlemma field: raw TAGH segmentation for best lemma
* bugfix lemma(Christentum) -> Christenenum (cab lemmatizer ~e)
* lemmatizer: rename verb inflections
* GermaNet runs sentence-wise, in order to access moot/lemma
+ added GermanNet::Synonyms
+ changed GermaNet labels to:
- gn-syn (Synonyms)
- gn-isa (Hyperonyms~superclasses)
- gn-asi (Hyponyms~subclasses)
+ added GermaNet analyzer option LABEL_max_depth e.g. gn-syn_max_depth for some control of resolution
* oops: fixed multi-load of GermaNet and descendants
* added germanet hypoyms to DTA
* added and tested basic GermaNet relation closures
* added GermaNet/{RelationClosure,Hyperonyms,Hyponyms}.pm
* added Analyzer::GermaNet.pm
v1.38 2013-03-11 moocow
* added xlist format to demo
* ExpandList fix
* pretty-printing for ExpandList
* TokPP: replaced some bad [[:digit:]]* with [[:digit:]]+ regexes
- upshot: don't analyze empty string as CARD
* Analyzer::Morph::Latin::CDB : use _am_xlit rather than $_->{text} as key
- fixes caberr bug #66980 (Phaſmate -> Faßmate != Phasmate) b/c utf8 variant isn't in latin lexicon
v1.37 2013-03-08 moocow
* added dingler server, running on kaskade @ port 9097
* added dingler server configs
* fix typo
* add FM,XY moot analyses for words with non-latin characters
* v1.37: dmoot: leave as-is if !isLatinExt
v1.36 2013-02-22 moocow
* syncope csv format: let "'s" be LOWERCASE_WORD (python regex compatibility hack)
* v1.36: fixed moot bug resulting in e.g. --/NE
- problem was bad propagation of tokeinizer (toka) tags of the form [$(] through _am_tagh_list2moota rsp _am_tagh_fst2moota
v1.35 2013-02-11 moocow
* updated lemmatization heuristics: punish orgnames
v1.34 2013-02-05 moocow
* format/syncope/csv: 'digit' type now includes dotted numerics
* ignore dta-syncope-ner.*
* remove debug code from dta-cab-convert.perl
* Format::TEI fix: include PID in tmpdir name so parallelization works
* morph fst: check_symbols=>0
* Format/XmlXsl gone
* removed some debug code from cab.plm
* resource changes (dta-cabopt.mak: eqphox_xocoef* -> eqp_xocoef_*)
* ignore dta-cabopt.mak
* set dta-cabopt.mak.v0
* added dta-cabopt.mak.v0 (original parameters)
* cab.plm: parse RCDIR/cabopt.mak for cab-optimization parameters
* added Utils::(min2|max2)
* added missing chomp() to repaired tj
* fixed non-linear slowdown for Format::TJ
- problem seems to have been buffer-and-parse-string strategy
- likely related to the bizarre non-linear slow-regex-match-on-large-buffers we saw in TokWrap::tokenize1
- fix is to avoid buffer and parse filehandles directly
- TODO: port this approach to TT and Text
* Format.pm: pre-allocation string hacks for fromFh_str(): no joy
- problem is major non-linear slow-down for large TT-based formats (including TJ)
v1.33 2012-11-02 moocow
* better analyzePost fixes
* Analayzer::Automaton::analyzePost : run after analyzeSet() closure
+ Analyzer::accessClosure(): allow passing of HASH-refs for more flexibility in config-files
* added Format::TT I/O for raw-sentence text (either in sentence id-line with "\t=TEXT" or in dedicated "%% $stxt=TEXT" line
* high-level I/O wrappers DTA::CAB::Document::(from|to)(File|Fh|String)
* updated XmlTokWrapFast : include xb attribute if available
* updated for dta-tokwrap v0.37 - v0.38
v1.32 2012-10-04 moocow
* fixed more tokwrap v0.37 bugs (explicit <toka> grouping now output by tokwrap)
* fixes for dta-tokwrap v0.37
* updated Client::HTTP docs
* added 'ws' attribute to XmlTokWrapFast
* got Format::TEIws working
+ updated for dta-tokwrap v0.36
v1.31 2012-09-24 moocow
* moved gfsmxl parameters from old setLookupOptions() API to new 'analyzePre' key for Analyzer::Automaton subclasses
+ more flexible in general
+ updated cab.plm to reflect changes in semantics
+ old-style code using max_paths, max_weight, and max_ops should still work if no 'analyzePre' key is present
* updated cab-rc-update.sh: changed source url from 'dta2012' back to 'dta'
v1.30 2012-09-18 moocow
* content-length fixes for kaskade
* updated demo.hs, demo.html.tpl: fixes for apache-cgi-wrap/
* added generic apache cgi wrapper dir: system/apache-cgi-wrap
* updated CAB::Format::TEI for dta-tokwrap v0.35
v1.29 2012-09-05 moocow
* Format::SQLite updates for almost-ready eval-corpus
* syncope-tab alias for SynCoPe::CSV
* another name change: now in XmlTokWrapFast
* oops: another id->nid rename
* syncope/ner fixes: 'id' is a bad attribute name for subsequent splice
* syncope splice fixes
* added dta-cab-splice-syncope.perl
* use HYPHEN-MINUS instead of HYPHEN_MINUS for syncope csv
* add sid,wid numeric suffixes to syncope-csv location
* oops: mapclass was already in XmlTokWrapFast
* added mapclass attribute to Format::XmlTokWrapFast
* removed analyzeDebug option from Analyzer::Moot::Boltzmann
* copy fixes for dmoot
* empty sentence fix for moot,dmoot
* added dmoot flag 'lctags': bash dmoot tags to lower case
+ added moot flag 'lctext': bash text to lower-case
+ for use with new build hmms '*.lc.(1|12|123).hmm'
* abs() rule for TJ : level=-2 --> -text, +canonical
* added dta-cab-eval.perl
v1.28 2012-07-23 moocow
* SQLite changes: history now stored directly as json (TODO: move to version control)
* improved Format/SQLite parsing -- throughput up from <100 tok/sec to >15k tok/sec
* added CAB::Format::SQLite.pm for EvalCorpus
v1.27 2012-07-18 moocow
* updated default.(base|type) chains in CAB/Chain/DTA.pm
* map 'old' key to 'text' in Format::XmlTokWrap
* v1.27: blockScan fixes for Format::XmlNative (and by inheritance Format::XmlTokWrapFast)
- fixes mantis bug #543 : disappearing pages
- this worked with negative lookahead regexes, but those crash perl on some inputs (grr....)
v1.26 2012-07-06 moocow
* debug
* cab-rc-update.sh: pull from dta2012/cab rather than ddc/cab
* real new DTA-unknown-char U+FFFC (object replacement character), various bugfixes
v1.25 2012-07-04 moocow
* cab improvements for dealing with unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) as unknown-text marker
* workaround for blockScan() segfault: slower but works on plato
* segfault bughunt / kaskade:
- dying at Format/XmlNative.pm line 146 (regex match in blockScanFoot) for
in build/cab_corpus
- only dying under make (make -j , -blockSize don't matter)
- segfault backtrace:
0x00002b26f788ef77 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00002b26f788ef77 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10
#1 0x00002b26f7896fd0 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10
#2 0x00002b26f789ad29 in Perl_regexec_flags () from
#3 0x00002b26f7837e76 in Perl_pp_match () from
#4 0x00002b26f7831392 in Perl_runops_standard () from
#5 0x00002b26f782c5df in perl_run () from
#6 0x0000000000400d0c in main ()
* more choice stuff!
* 'null' analyzer fix
* add explicit 'null' analyzer (not just empty chain) to DTA
* tei re-fix (revision 7415:7416 broke DTAQ)
* added DTA pseudo-analyzer 'null'
* tei fix
* ner fix
* added NER to DTA chain
* moved nerec/ into tests/
* added nerec/ test directory for syncope ne-recognition
* added Analyzer::SynCoPe::NER : named-entity recognition via SynCoPe XML-RPC server
v1.24 2012-03-28 moocow
* dta-cab-analyze.perl -fo option fix
* even more msafe adaptation; use unicode class \p{Letter}
* more msafe adaptation
* typo fix
* updated MorphSafe:
- all-non-alphabetic tokens are now considered "safe" (replaces /^[[:punct:][:digit:]]*$/ heuristic)
* add U+A75B (r rotunda) to latin1x-safe symbols
* added rudimentary query handling to cab demo.js, demo.html.tpl
* improved lemmatization for XY (no lower-case bashing)
* added canonical option to Format::TJ if level>=0
* hack: remove ge\| prefixes in lemmatizer
* added live javascript demo.js to taghx-http.plm
* updated MANIFEST: remove CAB/Format/JSON/*.pm, CAB/Format/YAML/*.pm
* fixed cab/moot bug 'nachgesucht->VVFIN'
- problem was inconsitency between model (uses TAGH tags for lex
classes e.g. VVPP2) and CAB-generated input (used translated
tags, VVPP2->VVPP)
- CAB now uses raw (tagh) tags for input and applies the tag
translation dict __after__ tagging (so lemmatization should still work
* fixed utf-8 bug in dta-cab-http-client.perl
v1.23 2012-01-17 moocow
* sysv-ified dta-cab.sh
* improved demo: added arbitrary user options (JSON-encoded)
* allow non-refs in JSON input
+ also updated demo page to use backgrounded javascript-based queries a la cab error db
v1.22 2011-12-16 moocow
* services fixes
+ http server response logging option (srv->{logResponse})
* fixed "'frobble' is not a HASH reference in Format/TT.pm" bug with eqlemma as array-of-strings
v1.21 2011-12-09 moocow
* changed undef to 'off' in cab-http.plm (avoid unification glitch)
* fixed rmlog actions on check-ok
* improved cab-rc-update.sh cron script
* added caberr1, norm1 chains
* removed local ssh keys; use id_dsa by default
* changed default actions for cab-rc-update.sh to 'check update': no implicit restart
* fixed JSON format bug blowing up logs e.g. on services
* updated cab-rc-update.sh script for resources.new->resources renaming
* rc changes (services)
* moved resources.new/ pointers to resources/
* moved resources.new/ -> resources/
* removed stale resources/ dir
* turned up CAB_SLEEP to 3 in dta-cab-server.sh: auto-restart was failing
* cabEval fix (global %::analyzeOpts)
* added logResponse option to cab-http.plm
* default re-starteable servers
* TEI format fixes
* updated cab-rc-update.sh (added basic actions to command-line)
* added and tested CAB/Analyzer/EqRW/JsonCDB.pm
* added and tested CAB/Analyzer/EqPho/JsonCDB.pm
* added CAB/Analyzer/EqLemma/JsonCDB : new moot-only lemma-equivalence
v1.20 2011-09-15 moocow
* explicitly set static type keys
* static typeKeys fixes: auto-scan on prepareLoaded()
+ MootSub bug fix
* lemmatizer fixes
* updated MootSub: now basically tomasotath-compatible
* added stringsim/testme.perl : string similarity benchmarking
* more best-lemma updates:
- slowdown from 3.3 tok/sec to 2.9 tok/sec in dta/build/cab_corpus
* updated MootSub: added stupid unigram-based edit-similarity in best-lemma heuristics
* more lemmatizer fixes
* lemmatizer fix: remove '/p' infixes
* fixed typo in taghx-9098.rc server rc file
* added simple tagh expander class (EqTagh), server taghx-server.plm, init file taghx-9098.plm
* added taghx-http.plm: tagh expander
* added some deps to Makefile.PL for build on new services2
* added CDB_File dep to Makefile.PL
* ignore some stuff
* fixed list-mode argument parsing bug
* fixed stdin auto-spooling bug
* leak tests: inconclusive
+ installing to kaskade...
* json doesn't leak much at all
* added expat-base input to Format::XmlTokWrapFast
+ looks good, leaking some memory though (ftxml,txml,tj formats; even with Null analyzer)
* got Xml(Native|TokWrap) block-scanning working
+ TODO (?): write XmlTokWrapFast input mode using expat?
* tested api cleanup from carrot: scan seems to be working again
* block api cleanup from carrot (untested)
+ still todo: TT::blockFinish() override for block-final eos newline scanning
+ still todo: XmlNative::blockFinish() ? or can we use the defaults
+ todo: block testing?
* more block-scanning tests
- sentence-level blocking should work for XmlNative, XmlTokWrap
* moved block tests to tests/blockscan
* more block-scanning tests: moving to tests/blockscan/
* added test xmlbscan.perl: try to get blockScan(), blockMerge() working for flat XML files
* got cab-analyze.perl working with new UNIX-socket based queue
- block scan & merge works with TT, TJ formats, even in -list mode
- TODO (?): extend blockScan() + blockAppend() API to other (e.g. xml-based) formats?
v1.19 2011-08-31 moocow
* revised CAB/Fork/Pool.pm to use new CAB/Queue/Server.pm rather than clunky Queue::File
- started working new Fork/Pool.pm stuff into dta-cab-analyze.perl
- continue at or around line 407 (post queue population)
* more queue tests in (increasingly poorly-named) tests/sysv
+ looks good: should be ready to integrate into command-line analyzer
* JobManager update
- todo: JobManger::Client (in JobManager.pm), update analyze script
* added CAB/Queue/JobManager.pm for block-savvy DTA::CAB::Analyze queue management
* got basic blockScan(), blockAppend() APIs in place for Format::TT
* added tt-blockscan.perl
* got dta-cab-analyze.perl working with new format semantics
+ todo: UNIX socket queue, better block handling
* got HTTP, XmlRpc server and client working with new format semantics
* updated dta-cab-(http|xmlrpc)-client.perl to use new format semantics
* removed stale dta-cab-xml-format.perl
* removed statle cachegen, compile, dict-convert scripts
* removed old YAML directory: stick to YAML::XS
* finished updating toString,toFile,toFh semantics in CAB formats
* re-working CAB::Format API: toFh(), toString()
- done formats: JSON, Null, Sotrable, ExpandList, TJ, Text, TT, Raw, CSV, Perl
- todo: YAML, Xml*
+ next: kludge a generic block-handling API into DTA::CAB::Format (@blocks=->block_scan(); ->block_append(,))
* re-factored CAB/Queue/(Socket|Client|Server) to CAB/Socket, CAB/Socket/UNIX, CAB/Queue/(Client|Server)
* more UNIX socket queue tests
* more tests: tests/sysv/cq(test|client).perl -- working again (it seems)
* broke things
* socket queue-server work
* more queue tests
- best candidate so far: qsrv.perl : dedicated 'master' queue server using UNIX sockets
- idea: separate scan- and process- fork-pools (like now)
- scan pool scans for block boundaries (test: blockscan.perl: use yte offsets, lengths, seek(), tell())
- process pool does actual processing
(like current dta-cab-analyze.perl, but must send data BACK to server; see qsrv.perl)
- master process maintains queue (qsrv.perl) and merges processed blocks into final output files (blockmerge.perl)
* added qtest.perl: works (single-file binary-safe message queue using flock)
* more bdb/cdb fixes
* added sysv tests: semaphores ought to work; message queues look a bit dodgy...
* added Cache::Static; moved bdb->cdb
* added Analyzer::Cache::Static sub-hierarchy
* bdb->cdb: system/cab.plm
* bdb->cdb: analyzer aliases
v1.18 2011-08-22 moocow
* split ExLex into {BDB,CDB} subclasses: todo: replace BDB by CDB for db-based lookups (ca 25% faster)
* removed stale BDB directory
* added Format::XmlTokWrapFast : quick+dirty fast output for feeding to dtatw-xml2ddc.perl
* more fixes (short format alias 'bin' for Storable)
* kaskade fixes for big dta build
* fixed wide-character bug in tj output
* update script debugging
* added documentation to README.update
* changed alias structure in Chain::DTA (default->norm rather than norm->default)
- no functional difference
* don't start langid server by default
* README: newline at EOF
* fixed CAB_RCDIR
* cab_corpus/ build: fixes & adjustments
* fixed TJ format bug for sentence attributes
* version, analyze verbosity for spawn
* got forked block-processing working
* pre-split blocks in dta-cab-analyze.perl
v1.17 2011-08-12 moocow
* work on new system/resources/ dir (as system/resources.new)
* default update from kaskade
* added ssh keypair cab-rc-update.dsa
- pubkey must be authorized for update user on build host
* added svnignore, update script
* re-added forced lower-case for mlatin db lookups
* added watchdog links and README in old system/watchdog/ directory>
* changed watchdog defaults to live in CAB_ROOT/(run|log) by default
* added cab-xlit-9099.rc for init-script debugging
+ added forkit, watchdog calls to dta-cab-server.sh (see CAB_WD_* options in dta-cab-server.sh)
+ old watchdog scripts should now be obsolete
* tt2tj fixes
* added c,b tokwrap attributes to Format::TT
* added dta-cab-convert -list option (list known formats)
* updated CAB/Format/TT : added new tokwrap/ddc attributes xr,xc,bb,pb,lb,...
* updated demo template
* typo fix
* added exlex checkbutton to demo.html.tpl
* added exlex checkbox
* TEI fixes
* runtime updates from services
* pathological fix for MootSub (undef prob)
* fixed annoying dmoot bug with temp-variable re-use in analysis closure
* startup logic fixes for watchdog-related race condition in dta-cab-http-server.perl
* added -guess option for dtatw-add-c.perl to TEI format
* TEI format tweaks & fixes
* got TEI format working with splice-back
* added format 'TEI': input from raw TEI-XML with or without //c; output as TokWrapXml
* fixed <a>-multiplication in TokWrapXml format
* dtaq optimization tests:
- looks like CAB client is the real bottleneck (1.8s cab / 2.6s total = 69% cab time for cab.sh script)
- problem doesn't seem immediately fixable
+ format is fixed by tokwrap and expected by dtaq
+ moving server to localhost shaves off some time occasionally, but not much
+ removing verbose messages gets us only a whopping 1% improvement
+ using curl instead of cab-http-client is actually slower (on kaskade)
* forking dta-cab-analyze.perl
* dta-cab-analyze.perl: fork maintainence polishing
+ added -keep , -nokeep args for queue management debugging
+ improved automatic queue deltion
+ added signal handlers for INT,HUP,TERM,ABRT to main process (aborts subprocesses)
+ changed JSON::XS utf8() flag to 0: expect and return wide strings (with utf8::is_utf8($str)==1)
* tested forks in dta-cab-analyze.perl: all seems good
* added File::Temp dependency to Makefile.PL
* more temp-related options
v1.16 2011-07-13 moocow
* more work on fork pool
- abstract queue-savvy fork pool now in CAB/Fork/Pool.pm
- uses CAB::Queue::File::Locked for queue
- some basic checking for abnormal exit status in children
- re-worked tests/threads/test-cabfsm-fork.perl to use new CAB::Fork::Pool object
* corrected typo in name of fifo-based fork attempt (doesn't work)
* added CAB/Queue/File.pm : wraps File::Queue with locks & other niceties
+ use new CAB::Queue::File::Locked in tests/thread/test-cabfsm-fork.perl
* rolled back (most) thread-related changes
* more thread-related stuff
- segfaults on g_free() for multiple simultaneous Gfsm::Automaton lookups
- even on different automata
* thread tests: more re-arranging
* thread tests: re-arranging
* minor thread-ish edits (still no concrete changes)
* added CAB/Thread/Pool.pm : generic thread pool
+ added CAB/Thread/Semaphores.pm : generic semaphore pool (best to remove it again in favor of analyzer-local semaphores)
+ added semaphore wrapper downup() in CAB/Utils.pm under tag ':threads'
+ thread tests in tests/thread/test-gfsm-pool.perl : looks good
+ started adding thread-savvy code to CAB/Analyzer.pm and CAB/Analyzer/Automaton sub-hierarchy
- problem here is where to insert the semaphore pseudo-locking wrappers
* test-gfsm-pool.perl : more tests: boundary conditions (die etc)
* added test-gfsm-pool.perl: local thread pool object (works)
* more thread tests: Data::Structure::Util::unbless() works (probably also Acme::Damn::damn)
* added thread test directory (argh argh argh)
* no cache logging in normal mode
* added cache control headers to server
* changed defaults for HTTP server cache; added cache args to system/cab-http.plm
v1.15 2011-06-28 moocow
* added cache
* added Cache::LRU : simple LRU cache for server responses
* minor tweaks for DDC CAB expansion
* added format ExpandList (xl) for DDC
* updated eqpho db to use twiddled 'xpho2wlex' target from rc.eqpho/
- uses phonetic forms of exception lexicon __targets__ where available
- e.g. 'AIte' gets phonetized as '\?alte' rather than '\?[aI] because of the exception 'AIte->Alte'
- hence, 'AIte' \in eqpho('alte')
* updated ExLex (include 'errid' in type keys)
* added [errid] tt field
* fixed DTAMapClass bug:
- moota should apply if !@{$_->{moot}{analyses}}
* added 'mapclass' I/O to TT format
* added new analyzer DTAMapClass.pm for cab view
* added special comments to TJ format: now we can stream full CAB documents
* updated demo template
* added TJ format to demo.html formats
* kaskade fixes
* fixed morph/safe regex in Format::TT
* removed dta-rw.*.dict --> moved to rc.rewrite/
* fixed LocalPort arg in http server
* reverted to 'eval "use DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Common;"' in DTA::CAB
* added Lingua::TT v0.07 dep
* added dta-exlex.plm; added rules for dta-exlex.tjdb
* added -notext option to tt2tj.perl : uses Format::TJ 'level'=-1 : suppress output 'text' attribute
* fixed mysteriously truncated dta-cab-tt2tj.perl
* v1.15: updated CAB/Version.pm
* tested dmoot/xs: working
+ fixed bugs in DmootSub (morph wasnt getting copied for non-hapax types: ick)
+ added format Format::TJ : tt-like 1 word/line with JSON values: TEXT "\t" JSON : fast and more or less readable
+ added tools dta-cab-tt2tj.perl, dta-cab-tj2tt.perl for fast conversion between TT and TJ formats
+ we ought to be able to build a Dict::JsonDB from JDICT.db from a raw TT-dict file DICT.tt as:
- dta-cab-tt2tj.perl DICT.tt | tt-dict2db.perl -truncate -o JDICT.db
* re-added new CAB/Analyzer/Moot/DynLex.pm : still untested
* moved 'moot' (swig) dependency to 'Moot' (XS) in Makefile.PL
* finshed moving old Analyzer::Moot to Analyzer::Moot1 (throw out soon)
* got Analyzer::Moot2 working
+ new xs interface; output now equivalent to old SWIG interface for morph+tiger
+ re-worked Format::TT::parseTTString : now ca. 10x faster for large files (use split vs. regex)
- we __really__ need to re-implement this stuff in C
* added Moot2.pm (new XS interface)
+ moved Moot.pm -> Moot1.pm (old swig interface)
* more exlex and revision work: stuck on moot (new xs-only wrappers?)
* argh: msafe tweaks
* MorphSafe: avoid re-analysis; also re-worked internal algorithm: now ca. 5x faster
+ old %MorphSafe::badTypes should live in new general exception lexicon
+ hacked %MorphSafe::badStems %MorphSafe::badTags should live in a separate external data file (e.g. loaded as an Analyzer::Dict)
* got exlex + automaton working (tests/cab-lts+exlex.plm)
* started work on no-reanalyze for Automaton : todo: test with dict
* cleaned up root directory (moved cab*plm, test* to tests/)
* json db working; still not with object creation in new()
* added LSB tags to dta-cab.sh
* started moving Dict::* out of analyzer modules
+ added more better access closure utils to CAB::Analyzer
v1.14 2011-03-23 moocow
* updated MorphSafe
* replaced old XML-RPC only server on services:8088 with new flexible HTTP server
* renamed server stuff using port number suffixes (-8088, -9099)
* added 'id' to clean-safe attributes in Analyzer::DTAClean
* more format niceties for http client
* fixed missing 'use DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA' in cab-server.plm
* http-client: format-mismatch beautification
* http-client: just warn and set sensible defaults (ifc->qfc->ofc) on data-mode format mismatch
* Format::XmlTokWrap fixes
* added Format::XmlTokWrap (.t.xml)
v1.13 2011-02-15 moocow
* fixed HTTP client bug which required \%opts hash (should be optional)
* encoding stuff for services
* made -version flag reports consistent
* updated watchdogs
* re-added cab-server-local.l4p as a symlink
- since relative paths are now used also by cab-server.l4p
* server l4p files to relative paths
- assumes server is run from cwd DTA-CAB/system/ (as it is by init/dta-cab-server.sh)
* fixed missing $status arg in Server::HTTP::clientError() calls
- fixes mantis bug #426
* added some more handlers (alias, template), tweaked demo server a bit
* updated cab-http.plm
v1.12 2011-01-27 moocow
* logo play; minor handler fixes
* new basic http demo
* minor log-level fixes in http server configs
* oops: re-added ReuseAddr to xlit-http.plm
* extended log-level configuration in xlit-http.plm, cab-http.plm
* fixed double-bind() bug in XML-RPC wrapper code for Server::HTTP
* set up cab-http system, init files
* http server fixes; added dta http server config (9099) system/cab-http.plm
* format and HTTP server/client tweaks
* HTTP query handler futzelei: added DTA::CAB::Format::Registry
* removed obsolete 'Text1.pm' from MANIFEST (fixes mantis bug #419)
* more documentation
* updated examples
* documented CAB/Server/HTTP and below
* updated CAB/Version.pm (re-)generation in Makefile.PL
* some documentation and re-factoring
* added Lingua::TT dep to Makefile.PL
* added dta-cab-http-client.perl (currently supports only analyzeData)
* added CAB/Server/HTTP/Handler/XmlRpc.pm
- xml-rpc wrapper for generic HTTP server, just wraps old Server::XmlRpc
* aded cab-server-local.*
* added Raw format (rudimentary handling of untokenized input)
* added basic standalone HTTP server code
* logging improvements
* more CGI stuff
* re-factored XmlNative class
- should actually base this on expat rather than libxml, but it works (sort of) for now
* many small server- and wrapper-related bugfixes
* got public web service basically working
* updated Server::XmlRpc: finer-grained logging options
- fixed a bug in Analyzer::analyzeData()
- tested Analyzer::analyzeData() json and yaml modes: working now
* EqLemma integrated into cab.plm
* got EqLemma class basically working (cleaner)
v1.11 2010-11-18 14:07 moocow
* EqLemma::DB basically working (but very very baroque)
* added TokPP
* added jptest.pl, pathtest.pl
* bashWS re-fix
* added dta-cab-tw2cab.perl (tokwrap to cab-tt format converter)
* moved format examples to format-examples/ dir
* moved old Automaton::analyzeWord closure into analyzeTypes
* tried dynamic code generation:
- 1.12K -> 1.17K tok/sec on kant-types: 4% improvement (bah)
* basic integration of tokenizer analyses from [toka] for msafe, dmoot, moot
v1.10 2010-11-02 10:34 moocow
* updated resources dir
* updated Automaton/Gfsm/XL.pm : set default max_ops=16384
* added eqrw/, dmoot/, moot/ links
* moved dmoot/ dir from cab/system/resources/ to automata/
* moved moot/ dir from cab/system/resources/ to automata/
* oops
* added local link words -> automata/words
* resource build system update:
- moved dta-cab/system/resources/words to automata/words
* changed automata/ links in system/resouces
* Dict updates
- still todo: move eqrw to dict mode (move build out of system/resouces into ../automata/eqrw)
- eqlemma
* removed stale EqClass.pm
* started work on EqLemma
- re-implemented DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict to use Lingua::TT::Dict
- added Analyzer::Dict::DB using Lingua::TT::DB::File (Berkeley DB): tolerably fast and quite handy
- TODO: use new dict class(es) as exception lexica in Analyzer::Automaton (and elsewhere?) -- chuck out legacy code
- TODO: update Analyzer::EqPho::Dict, Analyzer::EqRW::Dict work from 'inverted' dict formats (tt-dict-invert.perl, tt-db-invert.perl)
- tiny tweak for compatibility: add word being analyzed to eqclass if it's not already there
v1.09 2010-10-27 13:05 moocow
* added dta-cab-tt2csv.perl, dta-cab-tt2txt.perl, dta-cab-txt2tt.perl
* added CAB/Analyzer/MootSub.pm : post-processing hacks for moot (bash NE to original form)
* added tiger-local STTS hacks
* added lemma parsing to Analyzer::Automaton if {wantAnalysisLemma} is true (not by default)
+ set wantAnalysisLemma=true in Analyzer::Morph
+ updated Format::TT to use generalized FST-analysis parsing code
- for (lts|eqpho|eqphox|morph|mlatin|rw|rw/lts|rw/morph|eqrw|...)
* re-defined Format::Text as simple wrapper around Format::TT
* added tagh/stts incompatibility hack table %Analyzer::Moot::TAGX
* added moot model
* load logic updates, new Analyzer::DmootSub, prepared for moot integration on dmoot output
* added Analyzer::EqPhoX
v1.08 2010-10-21 14:04 moocow
* added dmoot/tiger to system/resouces
* added 'dist' rule to makefile
* resource re-build update (649 texts) on kaskade for services
v1.07 2010-10-20 11:43 moocow
* updated lexfilter: allow hyphens
* re-linked dta-words.de.lex.latin1.tf to new words/current/ dir
* added from-tokwrap-xml/ for new build system
* moved ddc-based build system to from-ddc-xml
* added Text::Phonetic analyzers Soundex,Koeln,Metaphone
* added (untested) CAB/Analyzer/Alias.pm
* added analyzer-local 'enabled' flag, per-call 'LABEL_enabled' flag
v1.06 2010-10-01 10:08 moocow
* rc: symlink morph
* more safe updates
* improved comment pass-through for TT,Text formats using $(tok,sent)->{_cmts}
* added Analyzer::typeKeys() method for controlled type/token distinction
v1.05 2010-09-28 13:15 moocow
* various dmoot fixes
* added -block-sents option to dta-cab-analyze.perl
* block-wise tt analysis with dta-cab-analyze.perl
* all type keys are inherited by default
* new dta-cab-analysis -analyzer-class=CLASS option
* new Chain::Multi analyzer option 'chain=C1,C2,...' parses user-defined sub-chains
v1.04 2010-09-22 09:38 moocow
* added -block-size=NLINES option to dta-cab-analyze.perl for pseudo-streaming TT analysis
* updated MorphSafe: first- and geonames are now 'safe'
v1.03 2010-05-19 10:36 moocow
* require Unicode::CharName
* updated system/resources using CAB v1.x on uhura (no complete re-build yet)
* small Analyzer::RewriteSub fix (canAnalyze() -> ANY (vs. ALL))
* fixed system/resources plm file generation, brought dta-cab-cachegen.perl up to v1.x api
v1.02 2010-03-10 14:17 moocow
* format work (wip) form uhura
* added __DIE__ to caught server signals
* tweet config system/cab-tweet.plm updated for new Chain::Tweet
v1.01 2010-02-08 14:49 moocow
* fixes for tweet server, adapted CAB::Analyzer::Chain::Tweet
* tiny buglet fixes
* report Unicruft XS, C versions in analyzer
* updated status commands
* use NFC vs NFKC normalization in Unicruft (fixes mantis bug #140)
* v1.x server-config updates
v1.001 2010-01-22 15:42 moocow
* moved old cab.plm, cab-server.plm, cab-server-nodict.plm to v0.x
* removed externals link to de-tiger (breaks checkout for taxi user)
* re-factored (Chain->Chain::DTA) to (Chain->Chain::Multi->Chain::DTA)
+ got Server::XmlRpc working dta-xmlrpc-client.perl and Chain::DTA
+ server config is now MUCH prettier
+ ugly chain-dependent analyzer goop is now relegated to a single method xmlRpcAnalyzers() in Chain::Multi
* added, tested class DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA to replace old DTA::CAB
* added rules for human-readable .csv, .csv.ps, .csv.ps2
* updated to use ddc .con file
* removed CAB::Analysis and sub-classes
* smoothed/fixed Analysis classes
+ it seems though that we can't rely on these, since they don't survive e.g. XML-RPC coding
+ also we need some hook besides analysis class, for parsers (data doesn't yet have a class)
+ we also appear to have solved the 'generic access' problems with closures, so we don't need analysis classes there
+ upshot: lose analysis classes in next checkin
* more fixes for CAB::Chain
+ dta-cab-analyze output for new chain now identical to old version (services) for test-kant-8k
+ TODO: format updates, documentation updates, ...
* started re-factorization for abstract Chain analyzers
- current conundrum: how to handle flexible {src}, {dst} as previously passed in in %opts e.g. for Automaton ?
- idea: abstract Analysis class, API
* fixed buglet (no "return $tok" in MorphSafe analysis sub) --
- maybe re-think that API (e.g. analyze() is always destructive?)
- next steps: re-factor CAB hacks into analyzers, get old CAB working as Analyzer::Chain
- benchmark old closure-style analyzeToken() vs. new force-document analyzeTypes() [via XML-RPC? in-memory?]
- add default control options to chain (e.g. doAnalyzeWhatever=>BOOL), add {name} convention for all analyzers
- re-work I/O Formats -- better flexibility & handling of new fields
* fixed bug 'no start without stop on dta-cab.sh restart'
v0.18 2009-12-01 14:46 moocow
* Format/XmlNative.pm safety fixes
v0.17 2009-11-12 10:30 moocow
* DocClassify dummy document fixes
v0.16 2009-11-12 10:18 moocow
* updated pid files
v0.15 2009-10-16 09:45 moocow
* added configs tweet-server-[1234].(rc|plm) for round-robin
* use 'funconly-nofeatures' morph variant by default
* add @NEW tag to DHMM
* added tag @NEW to negra-yy.123
* use corpus as target language for tweet rewrite (also re-build ../automata/tweeted)
* added tweet-server.rc to dta-cab.sh
v0.14 2009-09-23 12:15 moocow
* tweet stuff
* added negra-yy.123
* added dta-words.tf
* added basic PoS-tagger CAB::Analyzer::Moot
* added dta-words.de.lex.latin1.tf.t
* re-routed word-list
* removed word-list dta-words.lex.tf: now build by 'make -C words/'
* words/: build from /home/dta/dta_tokenized_xml
* added words/ make build-system for word-lists
* updated CAB: use FSTs for eqpho, eqrw
- only get latin-1 forms (xlit/unicruft) on output side, but this is exactly what we need for DDC
v0.13 2009-08-28 13:36 moocow
* updated eqrw rules (use FST instead of dict)
* added EqRW.pm, EqRW/Dict.pm
* moved Dict::EqRW -> EqRW::Dict
* fixed latin-1/utf-8 bug in CAB::Analyzer::Automaton
v0.12 2009-08-06 11:29 moocow
* equiv-expander work
- TODO: get eqrw working via FST
v0.11 2009-08-03 14:26 moocow
* removed eqpho-dict
- TODO: get eqrw working with 1-sided FST (explicit cascade direct from token-stored rw output)
* added EqPho/FST.pm
- updated Analyzer::Automaton for non-deterministic analysis
- e.g. split Text->Pho and Pho->EqText into 2 FST analyzers
* updated dta-eqrw.dict (after additional punishments for 'hülfe' in target lg)
* more rewrite-equivalence class testing
+ got integrated in DTA::CAB class, server config, etc.
+ got dictionary building
+ found some more data-type bugs (tagh, rewrite, msafe, ...):
- hülfe -> helf~en ... [subjII] : see misc/notes/*
+ found more tokenizer problems/bugs: see misc/notes/tokenizer.txt
+ added XmlRpc server config arg 'aos=>\%name2options' to allow server to set default options on a per-analyzer basis
- useful for e.g. always requiring 'xlit' to run without shamelessly wasting memory by duplicationg $cab
v0.10 2009-07-24 14:37 moocow
* added dta-cab-compile.perl: compile analyzer configs to binary
* added binary I/O routines for analyzers in DTA::CAB::Persistent
* re-worked Dict::EqClass to use non-deterministic kernel (so now any relation can be used to induce the equivalence class)
* added system/resources/Makefile rules to generate rewrite-equivalence dictionary for use with Dict::EqClass
* initial tests seem to work well
v0.09 2009-07-24 14:34 moocow
* dictionary/cache updates
v0.08 2009-07-23 14:34 moocow
* removed stale old-format cache files
* added cache-generation to resources Makefile
* moved EqClass, LatinDict to Dict:: namespace
* added EqPho analyzer via Gfsm::XL cascade
- loads quicker, runs slower, still maybe some buglets
* updated rewrite dict with better upper/lower case heuristics
v0.07 2009-07-03 13:42 moocow
* added linear-function max_weight computation for Gfsm::XL (rewrite) cascades
v0.0602 2009-07-03 13:39 moocow
* updated system/cab.plm to use new rewrite FST, dict
* updated dta-rw.dict
* added -log-config option to dta-cab-analyze.perl
* added cab-server-nodict.plm: useful for testing e.g. rewrite cascade w/o exception lexicon
* MorphSafe back-changes: ITJ is unsafe
* minor MorphSafe changes, new rw dict
v0.0601 2009-06-26 14:28 moocow
* added dta-rw.dict, updated MorphSafe
* added dta-rw.dict: extracted from grimm/wm-eval data
* updated resource makefile
* added symlink taxi-resources
* Morph/Latin uses tolower=>1
v0.06 2009-06-25 18:48 moocow
* Morph/Latin: set tolower=>1 by default
* minor server log format and config updates
* added magic bless() to cab.plm
* added latin resource to cab.plm
* got latin recognizer working via Gfsm subclass Analyzer::Morph::Latin
v0.05 2009-06-17 14:49 moocow
* more dta-cab link-up stuff
* more attribute pass-through for dta-tokwrap sentence & document attributes
* added dta-tokwrap pass-through token attributes {other}{xmlid}, {other}{chars}
v0.04 2009-06-11 12:21 moocow
* added Unicruft to Makefile.PL PREREQ_PM
* replaced Transliterator with Unicruft (using libunicruft)
v0.03 2009-06-09 14:26 moocow
* more encoding hell, started replace Transliterator with Unicruft-based version
* added parsing and pass-through of '$tok->{other}' attributes for Format::XmlNative
* updated Text, TT Formats
* updated log4perl config to use 24-hour time
* updated init script
* minor doc fix
* added -verbose options to perl scripts
* more doc updates
* doc update
* updated docs, incremented version to v0.03
v0.02 2009-06-05 12:58 moocow
* added Format/XmlTW.pm: dta-tokwrap interface format (1st stab)
* doc fix
* added test-word 'oede' to dta-lts.china.dict
* added analyzer aliases to cab-server.plm, system/cab-server.plm
* moved dta-cab-multi.sh to dta-cab.sh
* changed default xml-rpc port to 8088
* moved Protocol.pod to XmlRpcProtocol.pod
v0.01 2009-05-08 20:51 moocow
* updated cab.plm
* added system/ directory: system-wide installation stuff
* added client-request-level logging to Server::XmlRpc (used RPC::XML::Procedure subclass)
* added server options: -daemon , -pidfile=FILE
* MorphSafe fixes (for changed analysis structure)
* updated program --version behavior: report some SVN keywords
* added svn:keywords
* more documentation
* documented (Client|Server)/XmlRpc.pm
* documented Analyzers
* documented, documented, documented
* moved *.POD to *.rpod (avoid auto-installation)
* started work on equivalence-class-expander CAB::Analyzer::EqClass
* changed default suffix of perl loadable files to '.plm'
+ avoid interfering with MakeMaker default rules
* changed morph analysis structure to HASH ref: better maintainability
* updated cachegen, formats for ltsText
+ TODO: always include analyzed text with automaton analyses: major structural changes
* got basic format guessing from filenames working
* chased down encode/decode goof causing Format::Storable to puke with XmlRpc server/client raw data queries
* format checks: found another bug in Storable
+ storables output via xmlrpc -raw are no longer decodable
* removed old Formatter/ and Parser/ namespaces
* added Analyzer/LTS.pm : lts analysis
+ moved I/O parser-formatter pairs to single modules under namespace DTA::CAB::Format
* removed old Formatter/ and Parser/ namespaces
* added Analyzer/LTS.pm : lts analysis
+ moved I/O parser-formatter pairs to single modules under namespace DTA::CAB::Format
* enforced unified formatter API
+ added command-line analyzer dta-cab-analyze.perl
* moved Parser::Freeze to Parser::Storable
* renamed Formatter::Freeze to Formatter::Storable
* renamed Formatter::Freeze to Formatter::Storable
* added dta-cab-cachegen.perl: generate static morph, rewrite caches
* got raw data comms basically working; XML-RPC is more a hindrance than a help here
* server I/O basically working; still goofiness:
- test1.t 'ist' not getting morph parsed... wtf?
* added basic parsers; tested parser/formatter pairs
* added XML-RPC client program (TODO: document parsing)
+ added simple XML-RPC formatter (really just a debugging toy)
* got 'real' xmlrpc server script written & running
* added DTA::CAB::Formatter class, example subclasses
+ added DTA::CAB::Parser class (needs work)
* generalized Analysis API (again): all destructive token analysis
+ uglier for single tokens in DTA::CAB, prettier for general abstract sentence and document processing
+ TODO: sentence and document processing (e.g. in server)
+ TODO: command-line utilities
+ TODO: formatters (TT, XML, ...)
+ TODO: bells and whistles (optional analysis, etc.)
* got logging working; started basic server API
* got things basically set up and working
* moved analysis modules to DTA::CAB::Analyzer:: namespace
* added basic automaton classes; mostly just ganked from Lingua::LTS
v0.00 2008-12-10 11:24 moocow
* added DTA-CAB