## -*- Mode: CPerl -*- ## ## File: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc.pm ## Author: Bryan Jurish <moocow@cpan.org> ## Description: DTA::CAB XML-RPC server using RPC::XML package DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc; use DTA::CAB::Server; use RPC::XML; use RPC::XML::Server; use Encode qw(encode decode); use Socket qw(SOMAXCONN); use Carp; use strict; ##============================================================================== ## Globals ##============================================================================== our @ISA = qw(DTA::CAB::Server); BEGIN { ##-- RPC::XML::Server v1.48 (kaskade / debian squeeze) DOES have add_proc() but does NOT have add_procedure() ##-- RPC::XML::Server v1.68 (kaskade2 / debian wheezy) does NOT have add_proc() but DOES have add_procedure() if (!RPC::XML::Server->can('add_procedure') && RPC::XML::Server->can('add_proc')) { *RPC::XML::Server::add_procedure = \&RPC::XML::Server::add_proc; } } ##============================================================================== ## Constructors etc. ##============================================================================== ## $obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args) ## + object structure: HASH ref ## { ## ##-- Underlying server ## xsrv => $xsrv, ##-- low-level server, an RPC::XML::Server object ## xopt => \%opts, ##-- options for RPC::XML::Server->new() ## xrun => \%opts, ##-- options for RPC::XML::Server->server_loop() ## ## ## ##-- XML-RPC procedure naming ## procNamePrefix => $prefix, ##-- default: 'dta.cab.' ## ## ## ##-- hacks ## encoding => $enc, ##-- sets $RPC::XML::ENCODING on prepare(), used by underlying server ## ## ## ##-- security ## allowUserOptions => $bool, ##-- allow user options? (default: true) ## ## ## ##-- logging ## logRegisterProc => $level, ##-- log xml-rpc procedure registration at $level (default='trace') ## logCall => $level, ##-- log client IP and procedure at $level (default='debug') ## logCallData => $bool, ##-- log client data queries at $level (default=undef: none) ## ## ## ##-- (inherited from DTA::CAB::Server) ## as => \%analyzers, ##-- ($name=>$cab_analyzer_obj, ...) ## aos => \%anlOptions, ##-- ($name=>\%analyzeOptions, ...) : %opts passed to $anl->analyzeXYZ($xyz,%opts) ## } sub new { my $that = shift; return $that->SUPER::new( ##-- underlying server xsrv => undef, xopt => { #path => '/', ##-- URI path for underlying server (HTTP::Daemon) #host => '', ##-- host for underlying server (HTTP::Daemon) port => 8088, ##-- port for underlying server (HTTP::Daemon) queue => SOMAXCONN, ##-- queue size for underlying server (HTTP::Daemon) #timeout => 10, ##-- connection timeout (HTTP::Daemon) ## #no_default => 1, ##-- disable default methods (default=enabled) #auto_methods => 1, ##-- enable auto-method seek (default=0) }, xrun => { #signal => [qw(INT HUP TERM)], signal => 0, ##-- don't catch any signals by default }, ## ##-- XML-RPC procedure naming procNamePrefix => 'dta.cab.', ## ##-- hacks encoding => 'UTF-8', ## ##-- security allowUserOptions => 1, ## ##-- logging logRegisterProc => 'trace', logCall => 'debug', logCallData => undef, ## ##-- user args @_ ); } ## undef = $obj->initialize() ## + called to initialize new objects after new() ##============================================================================== ## Methods: Encoding Hacks ##============================================================================== ## \%rpcProcHash = $srv->wrapMethodEncoding(\%rpcProcHash) ## + wraps an RPC::XML::procedure spec into $srv->{encoding}-safe code, ## only if $rpcProcHash{wrapEncoding} is set to a true value sub wrapMethodEncoding { my $srv = shift; if (defined($srv->{encoding}) && $_[0]{wrapEncoding}) { my $code_orig = $_[0]{code_orig} = $_[0]{code}; $_[0]{code} = sub { my $rv = $code_orig->(@_); my $rve = DTA::CAB::Utils::deep_encode($srv->{encoding}, $rv); return $rve; }; } return $_[0]; } ##============================================================================== ## Methods: Generic Server API ##============================================================================== ## $rc = $srv->prepareLocal() ## + subclass-local initialization sub prepareLocal { my $srv = shift; ##-- get RPC::XML object my $xsrv = $srv->{xsrv} = RPC::XML::Server->new(%{$srv->{xopt}}); if (!ref($xsrv)) { $srv->logcroak("could not create underlying RPC::XML::Server object: $xsrv\n"); } ##-- hack: set server encoding if (defined($srv->{encoding})) { $srv->info("(hack) setting RPC::XML::ENCODING = $srv->{encoding}"); $RPC::XML::ENCODING = $srv->{encoding}; } ##-- hack: set $RPC::XML::FORCE_STRING_ENCODINTG $srv->info("(hack) setting RPC::XML::FORCE_STRING_ENCODING = 1"); $RPC::XML::FORCE_STRING_ENCODING = 1; ##-- register analysis methods my ($aname,$a,$aopts, $xp, $proc); while (($aname,$a)=each(%{$srv->{as}})) { $aopts = $srv->{aos}{$aname}; $aopts = RPC::XML::struct->new($aopts) if ($aopts); foreach ($a->xmlRpcMethods) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'HASH')) { ##-- hack method 'name' $_->{name} = 'analyze' if (!defined($_->{name})); $_->{name} = $aname.'.'.$_->{name} if ($aname); $_->{name} = $srv->{procNamePrefix}.$_->{name} if ($srv->{procNamePrefix}); $_->{opts} = $aopts; $srv->wrapMethodEncoding($_); ##-- hack encoding? } $xp = DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc::Procedure->new($_); $xp = $xsrv->add_method($xp); if (!ref($xp)) { $srv->error("could not register XML-RPC procedure ".(ref($_) ? "$_->{name}()" : "'$_'")." for analyzer '$aname'\n", " + RPC::XML::Server error: $xp\n", ); } else { $srv->vlog($srv->{logRegisterProc},"registered XML-RPC procedure $_->{name}() for analyzer '$aname'\n"); } } } ##-- register 'listAnalyzers' method my $listproc = $srv->listAnalyzersProc; $xsrv->add_procedure( DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc::Procedure->new($listproc) ); $srv->vlog($srv->{logRegisterProc},"registered XML-RPC listing procedure $listproc->{name}()\n"); ##-- propagate security and logging options to underlying server $xsrv->{$_} = $srv->{$_} foreach (qw(allowUserOptions logCall logCallData)); return 1; } ## $rc = $srv->run() ## + run the server sub run { my $srv = shift; $srv->prepare() if (!$srv->{xsrv}); ##-- sanity check $srv->logcroak("run(): no underlying RPC::XML object!") if (!$srv->{xsrv}); $srv->info("server starting on host ", $srv->{xsrv}->host, ", port ", $srv->{xsrv}->port, "\n"); $srv->{xsrv}->server_loop(%{$srv->{runopt}}); $srv->info("server exiting\n"); return $srv->finish(); } ##============================================================================== ## Methods: Additional ##============================================================================== ## \%procSpec = $srv->listAnalyzersProc() sub listAnalyzersProc { my $srv = shift; my $anames = DTA::CAB::Utils::deep_encode($srv->{encoding}, [ map {($srv->{procNamePrefix}||'').$_ } keys(%{$srv->{as}}) ] ); return { name => ($srv->{procNamePrefix}||'').'listAnalyzers', code => sub { return $anames; }, help => 'list registered analyzer names', signature => [ 'array' ], }; } ##======================================================================== ## PACKAGE: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc::Procedure ## + subclass of RPC::XML::Procedure package DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc::Procedure; use RPC::XML::Procedure; use strict; use Data::Dumper; our @ISA = ('RPC::XML::Procedure','DTA::CAB::Logger'); ## $proc = CLASS->new(\%methodHash) ## $rv = $proc->call($XML_RPC_SERVER, @PARAMLIST) sub call { if (defined($_[1]{logCall})) { $_[0]->vlog($_[1]{logCall}, "$_[0]{name}(): client=".($_[1]{peerhost}||'(unavailable)')); #:$_[1]{peerport} } if (defined($_[1]{logCallData})) { local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Pad = "\t"; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 0; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; $_[0]->vlog($_[1]{logCallData}, "call:\n", Data::Dumper->Dump([ $_[1]{peerhost}, $_[0]{name}, [@_[2..$#_]]], [qw(CLIENT PROC PARAMS)])); } if (@_ > 3) { return $_[0]->SUPER::call(@_[1..($#_-1)], bless({ ($_[0]{opts} ? (%{$_[0]{opts}}) : qw()), ($_[1]{allowUserOptions} && $_[$#_] ? (%{$_[$#_]}) : qw()), },'RPC::XML::struct'), ); } elsif ($_[0]{opts}) { return $_[0]->SUPER::call(@_[1..$#_], bless( { %{$_[0]{opts}} },'RPC::XML::struct'), ); } else { return $_[0]->SUPER::call(@_[1..$#_]); } } 1; ##-- be happy __END__ ##======================================================================== ## POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl, edited ##======================================================================== ## NAME =pod =head1 NAME DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc - DTA::CAB XML-RPC server using RPC::XML =cut ##======================================================================== ## SYNOPSIS =pod =head1 SYNOPSIS use DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc; ##======================================================================== ## Constructors etc. $srv = DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc->new(%args); ##======================================================================== ## Methods: Encoding Hacks \%rpcProcHash = $srv->wrapMethodEncoding(\%rpcProcHash); ##======================================================================== ## Methods: Generic Server API $rc = $srv->prepareLocal(); $rc = $srv->run(); ##======================================================================== ## Methods: Additional \%procSpec = $srv->listAnalyzersProc(); =cut ##======================================================================== ## DESCRIPTION =pod =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut ##---------------------------------------------------------------- ## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc: Globals =pod =head2 Globals =over 4 =item Variable: @ISA DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc inherits from L<DTA::CAB::Server|DTA::CAB::Server>. =back =cut ##---------------------------------------------------------------- ## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc: Constructors etc. =pod =head2 Constructors etc. =over 4 =item new $srv = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args); Constructor. %args, %$srv: ##-- Underlying server xsrv => $xsrv, ##-- low-level server, an RPC::XML::Server object xopt => \%opts, ##-- options for RPC::XML::Server->new() xrun => \%opts, ##-- options for RPC::XML::Server->server_loop() ## ##-- XML-RPC procedure naming procNamePrefix => $prefix, ##-- default: 'dta.cab.' ## ##-- hacks encoding => $enc, ##-- sets $RPC::XML::ENCODING on prepare(), used by underlying server ## ##-- (inherited from DTA::CAB::Server) as => \%analyzers, ##-- ($name => $cab_analyzer_obj, ...) aos => \%name2options, ##-- ($name => \%analyzerOptions, ...) =back =cut ##---------------------------------------------------------------- ## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc: Methods: Encoding Hacks =pod =head2 Methods: Encoding Hacks =over 4 =item wrapMethodEncoding \%rpcProcHash = $srv->wrapMethodEncoding(\%rpcProcHash); Wraps an RPC::XML::procedure spec into $srv-E<gt>{encoding}-safe code, only if $rpcProcHash{wrapEncoding} is set to a true value. This is a hack to which we resort because RPC::XML is so stupid. =back =cut ##---------------------------------------------------------------- ## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc: Methods: Generic Server API =pod =head2 Methods: Generic Server API =over 4 =item prepareLocal $rc = $srv->prepareLocal(); Subclass-local post-constructor initialization. Registers analysis methods, generates wrapper closures, etc. Returns true on success, false otherwise. =item run $rc = $srv->run(); Runs the server. Doesn't return until the server dies (or is killed). =back =cut ##---------------------------------------------------------------- ## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc: Methods: Additional =pod =head2 Methods: Additional =over 4 =item listAnalyzersProc \%procSpec = $srv->listAnalyzersProc(); Returns an RPC::XML specification for the 'listAnalyzers' method, which just returns an array containing the names of all known analyzers. Used by L</prepareLocal>(). =back =cut ##======================================================================== ## END POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl ##====================================================================== ## Footer ##====================================================================== =pod =head1 AUTHOR Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009-2019 by Bryan Jurish This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut