##-*- Mode: Change-Log; coding: utf-8; -*-
## Change log for perl distribution DTA::CAB

v1.112 Mon, 30 Mar 2020 13:49:13 +0200 moocow
	* added %DTA::CAB::Analyzer::CLOSURE_CACHE - avoid re-compiling accessClosure() subs
	  - appears to fix memory-leak symptoms for Analyzer::Moot on debian stretch (perl 5.24.1)

v1.111 Thu, 23 Jan 2020 10:15:17 +0100 moocow
	* fixed normalized-key bug in DTA:CAB::Analyzer::DmootSub, ::MootSub
	  - earlier versions used normalized text as type-key ($dmoot->{tag},$moot->{word})
	  - old code caused bogus data-sharing for distinct input types mapped to same normalized form
 	  - bug observed for type-wise analysis of dwb1 lemmata ("aasz","asz") both mapped to "As", both assigned lemma ("aasz")
	    if processed in the same document, otherwise "asz" gets assigned lemma "asz"

v1.110 Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:57:09 +0200 moocow
	* added http+unix support to dta-cab-check.perl
	* added CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::sanitizeCharset() : tweak UTF-8 charset args to browser-friendly "utf-8"

v1.109 Tue, 26 Mar 2019 13:52:49 +0100 moocow
	* added Analyzer::DTAClean 'cleanPublic' option
	  - implements 'clean' option for public web-service
	  - still prunes 'unsafe' attributes (morph) including rwsub and dmootsub
	  - interest expressed by Graz users (G. Vogeler), 2019-03-19
	* added Format::CorpusExplorerPlugin (aliases "ceplugin", "ceplug")
	* added Format::Raw::Base
	  - common base class for Format::Raw::*, supports simple "normalized plain text" output

v1.108 Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:59:49 +0100 moocow
	* added ling2norm.xsl, ling2plain.xsl
	* added format aliases teiws-names, teiws-ling-names (input option {teinames=>1})

v1.107 Fri, 22 Feb 2019 09:40:00 +0100 moocow
	* added DTA::TokWrap and GermaNet::Flat dependencies (used by built-in analyzer classes)

v1.106 2019-02-12  moocow
	* improved Version.pm (re-)generation: only if this looks like a "proper" checkout
	* added Changes (this file: extracted from SVN logs & reformatted)
	* cleanup for CPAN release
	* SVNVERSION tweaks (revision only, no root URL)
	* find.hack: File::Find hacks for ExtUtils::Manifest
	* removed some (but not all) doubled and/or recursuive symlinks from SVN
	  - they don't play nicely with ExtUtils::Manifest / MakeMaker / File::Find

v1.105 2019-01-09  moocow
	* added ddc full lemma-list (LemmaListAll LemmasAll llist-all ll-all lla lemmas lemmata)

v1.104 2018-12-17  moocow
	* default -log-watch=USR1 for dta-cab-server.sh
	* added server logInitAnalyzer option
	* added -log-watch=SIGNAL syntax (reload log-config on user signal, e.g. -log-watch=USR1)

v1.103 2018-12-06  moocow
	* XmlLing : escape token text if not running in twcompat mode
	* syslog debugging
	* added cab-syslog.l4p -- getting weird rsyslog errors
	  > Oct 25 13:55:12 plato liblogging-stdlog: action 'action 0' resumed (module 'builtin:ompipe') [v8.24.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2359 ]
	  > Oct 25 13:55:51 plato liblogging-stdlog: action 'action 1' resumed (module 'builtin:ompipe') [v8.24.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2359 ]
	  ... on every message; not pretty
	* systemd-friendliness for cab sysv-scripts (control groups, etc)
	* dta-cab.sh: merged changes from bogus for in dstar/cabx/
	* added cgiwrap for version
	* web-howto typos
	* updated 'fliegen' example in web-howto
	* clean Version.pm
	* WebServiceHowto updates for XmlLing
	* alias tweaks
	* XmlLing for server mode
	* added support for TEI att.linguistic features
	  - new formatter Format::XmlLing (flat att.linguistic features, with optional TokWrap compatibility for later spliceback)
	  - new TEI and TEIws options 'att.linguistic=bool' : force use of XmlLing sub-formatter with appropriate options
	  - new TEI and TEIws aliases (ltei ... ling-tei-xml, lteiws ... ling-tei-ws)
	  - updated Format SUBCLASSES docs and examples
	  - still TODO: integrate new formats into CAB demo web-GUI and HOWTO
	* added format XmlLing: use TEI att.linguistic attributes

v1.102 2018-06-20  moocow
	* howto updates
	  for spliced2ling
	* added
	  spliced2ling xsl stuff
	* HttpProtocol.pod: added explicit
	  'xpost' reference
	* DSGVO stuff
	* clean Version.pm
	* attempt to ensure Listen=SOMAXCONN for

v1.101 2018-04-13  moocow
	* dta-cab-server.sh: handle tcp<->unix relay via new variables
	  + added -verbose LEVEL option for debugging
	  + added 'config|debug' action to view configuration variables
	* system/xlit-unix.plm: test tcp relay handling by sysv-like dta-cab-server.sh
	* more cab-v1.101 check tweaks
	  (icinga/pnp4nagios doesn't like floats in engineering notation)
	* dta-cab-http-check.perl: v1.101 perfdata fixes
	* status.html.tpl: compatibility fixes for transition
	* added rss and exponential moving average query times to CAB status output
	  - implements mantis #26054

v1.100 2018-03-21  moocow
	* dta-cab-server.sh:
	  - disable watchdog by default (let icinga do this)
	  - use administrative lock-files to avoid concurrent operations
	* minor tempfile tweaks attempting to get at mantis #25739

v1.99 2018-03-07  moocow
	* wd_verbose=1 after r27799 debugging left it at 2
	* dta-cab-server.sh: tweaks for process groups (UNIX socket server + socat relay)
	* clean Version.pm
	* UNIX process group tweaks
	* dta-cab-server.sh: kill whole process group on 'stop'
	* clean Version.pm
	* v1.99: improved handling for pathological Server::HTTP::UNIX conditions
	  (stale unix socket, stale relay process)
	  - server now only WARNs for stale relay sockets; dodgy 'fix' for
	    mantis bug #25326 (should be a valid fix for identical relay
	    command-lines as in bug #25326)

v1.98 2018-02-21  moocow
	* moot langid FM.* pseudo-tags: keep CARD analyses too
	* check for undef pid_cmd() output in Server::UNIX -- avoid heinous death in File::Basename::basename()

v1.97 2018-02-12  moocow
	* v1.97: peerenv() optimization for DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::UNIX::ClientConn
	  - only call peerenv() for peer command 'socat'
	  + support http+unix:// scheme in DTA::CAB::Client::HTTP::lwpUrl()

v1.96 2018-02-09  moocow
	* check for existing rc-file
	* clean Version.pm
	* tweaks for implicit creation of parent directories for unix sockets
	* fixed Server::HTTP::UNIX destructor code
	  - was killing off relay process via signal for post-on-fork destruction
	* documented new UNIX socket stuff
	* added support for UNIX server sockets in CAB/Client/HTTP.pm, dta-cab-http-client.perl
	* DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::UNIX seems to be working
	  - built-in socat relay
	  - emulation of peerhost() and peerport() for relayed sockets via socat EXEC:'socat - UNIX-CLIENT:/socket/path' idiom + /proc/PEERPD/environ
	* removed stale t.t
	* xlit-http: disable cache again
	* svn:ignore cleanup on plato
	* started working on Server::HTTP::UNIX (should work more or less transparently with dta-cab-http-server.perl)

v1.95 2018-01-15  moocow
	* Unicode::CharName version fix
	* report memory usage in kB, not pages

v1.94 2017-11-13  moocow
	* fix mantis bug #23127, introduced in v1.93

v1.93 2017-11-10  moocow
	* dta-cab-analyze.perl: removed debug code
	* db flags O_RDONLY fix for Dict::DBD
	* don't include 'mhessen' in dmoot/morph
	  - if we've non-trivially normalized via dmoot, we probably don't want it
	  - plus, we're not sure if it's enabled anyways
	* added Analyzer/Morph/Extra hacks; based on Morph/Latin/*, tested with Morph/Extra/OrtLexHessen

v1.92 2017-11-09  moocow
	* *.cmdi-xml: added 'landing pages'
	* added getcmdi.sh: fetch current CMDI record
	* Raw::Waste utf8 handling woes
	* check defined(ENV{HOME}) for Format::Raw::Waste (docker irritations)
	* debugging for Format::Raw::Waste cache-clearance
	* new default raw subclass=Raw::Waste; added shared model caching and auto-update to Format::Raw::Waste
	* added support for environment variable DTA_CAB_FORMAT_RAW_DEFAULT_SUBCLASS

v1.91 2017-09-05  moocow
	* removed stale test data cz.*
	* cab-demo script cab.perl : updated target server to (data.dwds.de:9099)
	* hack to allow global alternate default waste config dir (for cabx servers)
	  + 'raw' input still uses default HTTP subclass

v1.90 2017-05-24  moocow
	* blockscan debugging / kira
	* cleaned up some debugging code
	* fix optimization for Format::XmlNative::blockScanBody()
	* optimization for Format::XmlNative::blockScanBody()

v1.89 2017-05-19  moocow
	* v1.89: new default labenc=>auto (utf8 > latin1) for Analyzer::Automaton

v1.88 2017-05-18  moocow
	* fixes for new Chain::Multi::getChain() method
	* Makefile.PL workarounds for broken EUMM on kira (ubuntu 16.04 LTS / EUMM v7.0401)
	* Chain::Multi::getChain() method (useful with dta-cab-analyze.perl -onload option)

v1.87 2017-05-16  moocow
	* added -onload option for dta-cab-analyze.perl (porting dta cab_dbs builds to generic dstar)

v1.86 2017-05-12  moocow
	* cabx server debugging, preparing for merge
	* report top-level analyzer version in 'status' output
	* Analyzer::versionInfo(): include rcfile
	* version template fix
	* better chain-handling for DTA::CAB::Analyzer
	* cab server /version handler: analyzer options
	* added cab server /version wrapper
	* en-chain: remove msafe?
	* DTA::CAB::moduleVersions(): renamed match/ignore options to moduleMatch, moduleIgnore
	* DTA::CAB::moduleVersions(): return all version identifiers as strings
	* DTA::CAB::moduleVersions() option changes
	* honor 'chain' option in Analyzer::versionInfo() [hack]
	* added options for Analyzer::versionInfo():
	  - don't report timestamps for disabled analyzers (allow user selection)
	* updates for dta-cab-version.perl
	* various version tweaks; added DTA::CAB->moduleVersions()

v1.85 2017-04-28  moocow
	* teiws ner-parsing: more fixes for old libxml (kaskade)
	* clean Version.pm
	* tcf+ner: attribute-order tweaks
	* more fixes for tcf+ner on kaskade
	* teiws ner-parsing: fixes for old libxml (kaskade)
	* v1.85: teiws, tcf ner support
	  - teiws: added support for parsing $w->{ner} from input //(persName|placeName|orgName|name); use -fo=teinames=1
	  - tcf: added support for output //namedEntities layer with
	  -fo=teilayers='... names ...', class alias -fc=tcf+ner

v1.84 2017-04-27  moocow
	* fast version checking for CAB configurations with dta-cab-version.perl
	* lemmatizer updates for taghm-2.5 lemma-internal 'diamond-tags'
	* doc-extra/tcf-orthswap.xsl

v1.83 2017-04-25  moocow
	* webservicehowto url tweaks (bbaw epub server URLs moved)
	* WebServiceHowto: added tcf munger
	* explicit 'please cite this' crap
	* Analyzer::Automaton: tweaks for utf-8 encoded labels
	* updates for tagh v2.5 (diamond-tags <A> etc.)

v1.82 2017-01-25  moocow
	* removed @rendition=#aq heuristics in Analyzer::Moot::Boltzmann
	  (attempt to fix mantis bug #18392)

v1.81 2017-01-10  moocow
	* updated taghx http config: logo, status
	* dta-cab-http-check.perl: report n cached hits rather than hit rate in perfdata
	* better logging for ignored connections
	* clean Version.pm
	* dta-cab-http-check.perl set svn:keywords
	* dta-cab-http-check.perl tweaks
	* tested dta-cab-http-check.perl: seems working
	* added dta-cab-http-check.perl: nagios/icinga plugin
	* CAB::Server::HTTP: hacks for hadling chrome-style 'background connections'
	  - accept()ed sockets without any request on them
	* added null-http.plm: dummy test server
	* improved 'status' response
	  - cacheHitRate, nRequests, nErrors, memSize

v1.80 2016-12-02  moocow
	* format docs
	* dta-cab-server.sh: max 30 restart attempts (sleep=10)
	* various lemmalist tweaks
	* return all lemmata for function words in new specialized DDC-expansion format LemmaList

v1.79 2016-09-05  moocow
	* fixed cab.plm eqphox reference
	* added missing eqphox config to cab.plm
	* cab-rc-update.sh: read local config file if present
	* dta-cab-server.sh: fixed hanging when running via scripted ssh
	  - stdout/stderr for subprocesses was still bound on 'start', 'restart'
	* updated http server docs
	* added http server forkMax option
	* added http server forkOn(Get|Post) options

v1.78 2016-06-16  moocow
	* howto fixes
	* udpated web howto for date-dependent chains
	* udpated Chain::DTA docs for range-dependent chains
	* auto-disable date-dependent rewrite tranducers (e.g. for Dingler)
	* removed debug code from dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* added date-dependent rewrite models for DTA chain

v1.77 2016-06-13  moocow
	* don't treat links as XY for LangId::Simple

v1.76 2016-06-09  moocow
	* fixes and tweaks for en-wsj (english)
	* added Morph/Helsinki.pm
	  - TAGH-simulation postprocessing for Helsinki-style morphological transducers

v1.75 2016-04-29  moocow
	* updated cab howto for new server limit: 512KB -> 1MB
	* updated WebServiceHowto: added screenshot
	* pass error response through apache cgi wrappers
	* more error tweak attempts
	* fixed content-type: html for new error messages
	* improved error reporting in Server::HTTP::clientError(), Server::HTTP::Handler::cerror()
	  - generate generic error responses and send them using
	    HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn send_response() method rather than its
	    send_error() method, since the latter generates html markup
	    without root element (may be a problem for weblicht)
	  - see mantis bug #12941
	* http handler tweaks
	* cab-http.plm: maxRequestSize 512KB -> 1MB

v1.74 2016-02-12  moocow
	* more doc tweaks & fixes
	* re-generated doc index
	* updated HOWTO
	* better checkbox value pass-in handling
	* added SIGPIPE handler for Server::HTTP : avoid death with exit code 141
	  - following perlmonks suggestion

v1.73 2015-11-16  moocow
	* LangId::Simple: workaround for mantis bug #6737

v1.72 2015-11-12  moocow
	* fixed double URL-encoding of query parameters on apache redirect (NE apache redirect option)
	* file demo -> file upload
	* symlinked tests/format-examples -> ../format-examples
	* removed tests/format-examples (symlinking)
	* moved tests/format-examples/ to top-level format-examples/
	* renamed 'demo' to 'web service'
	* Format/TEI: use tokwrap 'auto' low-level class by default, not 'http'
	  - should speed things up a bit; we're getting weird errors from kaskade http tokenizer for some reason
	* web-service howto cleanup
	* more cab-curl-*post.sh cleanup
	* made cab-curl-*post.sh a bit more comfortable: allow omission of base URL
	* htmlifypods fixes
	* webservice howto re-formatting
	* web howto; looks pretty much ok
	* more web-service howto work, TEIws fixes
	* TEIws fixes for missing @t or @text attributes
	* xml-rpc: ignore textbufr, teibufr
	* clean version.pm
	* xml-rpc: ignore textbufr, teibufr
	* doc fixes while writing web howto

v1.71 2015-11-10  moocow
	* more format examples
	* more format documentation: examples
	* fixed some pod errors
	* documented some more formats
	* documented LangId::Simple
	* Analyzer/Moot.pm set use_dmoot=1 by default (unless set explicitly in analysis opts)

v1.70 2015-10-02  moocow
	* fixed morph+moot on csv1g files for dstar cab_eqlemma/corpus-csvx.1g
	* v1.70: fixed 'Possible precedence issue with control flow operator' warnings from perl v5.20.2

v1.69 2015-08-06  moocow
	* clean Version.pm
	* fixed 'Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at DTA/CAB/Format/XmlTokWrapFast.pm line 147.' warning
	* handle EINTR (interrupted system call) in sysread() calls from CAB::Socket
	  - used for parallel job-queues in dta-cab-analyze.perl as called in dstar build/cab_corpus/ subdirectory
	* EINTR woes
	* added cab-error-eintr.log: 'interrupted system call' during CAB analysis in dstar build
	  - probably resulting from a SIGCHLD handler getting called during a queue-socket read

v1.68 2015-04-29  moocow
	* fixes for LangId::Simple if no 'msafe' analysis is present (fixes bogus dstar FM.la tags)

v1.67 2015-03-25  moocow
	* example: updated
	* NE-tagging heuristics: don't force NE for placeName (e.g. 'Golf von Foo')
	* v1.67: dmoot, moot heuristics for TEI <(pers|place)Name> and <foreign> tags
	  - doesn't work from straight-up TEI input, since 'xp' attribute is populated by build-time script dtatw-get-ddc-attrs.perl

v1.66 2015-03-06  moocow
	* added weblicht -> cmdi
	* fixed PatternLayoutl typo in Logger.pm (introduced in r5410)
	* re-set CAB_SLEEP default to 3 (for watchdog)
	* removed tokenizer-waste.xml (replaced by tokenizer-waste-update.xml)
	* removed tagger-new.xml (replaced by tagger-update.xml)
	* removed ddc-dstar-c4.cmdi-xml
	  - superseded by ddc-dstar-c4-update.cmdi-xml
	* tiny tweaks
	* dta-cab-server.sh robustness improvements
	* more cab-server stuff (still wip)
	* improved dta-cab-server.sh stuff
	* added 'fmt=tcf' to 'Input Parameters' section for dstar/ddc services
	  - otherwise limit gets integrated with a '?'
	  - e.g. http://kaskade.dwds.de/dstar/dta/dstar.perl?fmt=tcf?limit=10 rather than ...?fmt=tcf&limit=10
	* finer-grained sleep commands
	* added updates
	* added *update.cmdi-xml
	* implemented WebLichtWebServices:N naming scheme in //CMD//ResourceProxy/@id
	* added system/apache-cgi-wrap/.htcabrc-data-9096-autoclean
	* added tcf+pos pseudo-formats to demo.html.tpl
	* added tcf-pos pseudo-format
	* added ddc-c4*.cmdi-xml
	* moved dta corpus query to id=s070!
	* added some more web services
	* moved orig/cab.cmdi-xml back to .
	* added WebLichtWebServices.url
	* moved WebLichtWebServices.url -> WebLichtWebServices.url_old
	* fixed TCF parsing bug

v1.65 2014-12-02  moocow
	* don't let topkwrap ignore mapclass attribute in tei mode
	* TEIws format update#
	  - allow #-prefixed IDs in @prev,@next attributes gracefully
	* disabled debug code
	* ignore some stuff
	* tcf tweaks: encode tei in textCorpus/textSource as schema trunk describes
	* tei-in-tcf embedding uses textSource element

v1.64 2014-11-27  moocow
	* disable cab demo debug
	* Format/JSON fix: don't output scalar references (e.g. teibufr, textbufr)
	* tcf token id fix
	* tcf sentence id fix
	* fixed TCF typos
	* always include //sentence/@ID for TCF format

v1.63 2014-11-25  moocow
	* htdocs/demo.js fixes for implicit tokenization of un-tokenized tcf
	  - effectively ignore 'tokenize' checkbox for tcf
	* clean Version.pm
	* TCF format fixes and updates
	  - improved tcf parsing using getChildrenByLocalName() instead of findnodes()
	  - added tcf tokenization if only 'text' layer is present using DTA::CAB::Format::Raw
	* ifmt is safe too
	* improved tcf parsing

v1.62 2014-11-12  moocow
	* added 'ofmt' to list of safe pass-through parameters
	* status home link: .. (for demo)
	* demo fix: disable raw text for live-mode
	* demo.js fixes for inline return
	* more tcf options
	* output format option only for upload gui
	* more tcf i/o tweaks
	* more tei/tcf and server i/o format tweaks: looks good, go live on MONDAY
	* different in- and output-formats for server, TEI, TCF format tweaks using doc->{textbufr}

v1.61 2014-10-16  moocow
	* added eval files
	* don't output sentence comments for ExpandList
	* verbose logging options
	* log-stderr typo
	* added playground/logo as symlink
	* removed old logo/ symlink ; replacing with real mccoy
	* cabx directory basically in place
	* automaton resultfst crashing
	* added logos
	* cab demo: added logo
	* added 48p logo
	* tag-hacks: added mathematical operators to 'punctuation-like' class
	* MootSub tag-tweaking hacks: avoid 'normal' tags for non-wordlike tokens

v1.60 2014-08-22  moocow
	* fixed DTA::CAB::Analyzer::_am_wordlike_regex() to allow combining diacritical whetver [[:alpha:]] is included
	  - unicode should really call these things alphabetic, imho, but it doesn't

v1.59 2014-06-24  moocow
	* added dta 'lemma', 'lemma1' chains (with exlex)
	* sleep between stop and start actions on restart
	* allow direct demo-gui display of xml responses
	  - fixed 'pretty' parameter pass-through bug in DTA::CAB::Format::Registry::newFormat()
	  - stop tcf format complaining about missing document for spliceback (avoid garbage in apache logs)

v1.58 2014-06-16  moocow
	* added example scripts cab-curl-post.sh, cab-curl-xpost.sh
	* reapClient chost fix2
	* daemonMode=fork for DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP
	  - only for POST queries
	* xlit-http.plm : turned down logLevel
	* server status tweaks

v1.57 2014-06-13  moocow
	* added OpenThesaurus expander to dta chain (uses Analyzer::GermaNet class)
	* added OpenThesaurus expander

v1.56 2014-06-11  moocow
	* GermaNet : allow synset names as 'lemma' queries
	* apache-cgi-wrap default host = localhost
	* ExpandList/LemmaList alias fixes (no CODE refs in default formats)
	* v1.56: added ExpandList aliases LemmaList,llist,ll,lemmata,lemmas,lemma
	  + added Chain::DTA analyzers default.lemma, default.lemma1
	* added LemmaList|llist|ll|lemmata|lemmas alias for ExpandList
	  + using CODE-ref hack to extract non-root attribute moot/lemma
	  + better solution would be to polish up and use (something like) Data::ZPath

v1.55 2014-05-27  moocow
	* moved tagh-http.plm to taghx-http-9098.plm
	* eliminated 'ge|' prefix removal hack for tagh-lemmatization
	  - for compatibility with dwds-kc20 lemmatization

v1.54 2014-05-15  moocow
	* updated format docs
	* replace 'xml' with 'txml' in demo list
	* allow lowercase letters in morph tags parsed by Analyzer.pm accessor macro am_tagh_fst2moota
	  - fixes bogus VV* tags for new [roman] pseudo-analyses from dta-morph-additions

v1.53 2014-03-16  moocow
	* set default CAB_SLEEP=5
	  - try to avoid restart failures on services (Cannot bind socket port 9099: Address already in use);
	  - but SO_REUSEADDR ought to be set - what gives?
	* don't set ReusePort, since it gives errors: "Your vendor has not defined Socket macro SO_REUSEPORT"
	* documented ExpandList
	* added csv1g formatter
	* added moot/details field: best analysis, for saving tagh analyses
	  - new moot/details should be swept by analyzeClean

v1.52 2014-01-31  moocow
	* tei: disabled debug
	* added twTokenizeClass pass-through to DTA::TokWrap
	* fixed tei rmtree() bug on multiple processes
	* apostrophe-s handling
	* v1.52: updated 'word-like' regex to include 's suffixes
	  + centralized word-like regex to DTA::CAB::Analyzer::_am_wordlike_regex()
	  + updated/unified email address to moocow@cpan.org

v1.51 2014-01-13  moocow
	* Cab/Analyzer/MootSub
	  - fixed bug assigning lowercase lemma 'urteilen' to urteil/NN~urteil~en[VVIMP]
	  - CAB/Format/TT : fixed (d|m)oot analysis parsing
	* TokPP/Waste: fixed again
	* TokPP/Waste-related segfaults on services
	* CAB/Analyzer/TokPP/Waste.pm : don't try to store annot key (avoid segfaults)
	* basic redundancy handling for moot/analysis and dmoot/morph (mostly just aesthetic)
	* TokPP analyzer re-factored to use Moot::Waste::Annotator by default

v1.50 2013-12-10  moocow
	* dmoot fix for list-valued $w->{lang}
	* new raw input modes
	* improved raw-text input using moot/waste
	  - either locally (CAB::Format::Raw::Waste)
	  - or via http (CAB::Format::Raw::HTTP)
	* added CAB::Format::Raw::Waste : waste tokenization
	  - currently only works by writing a temporary string buffer and passing to Format::TT for final document construction: UGLY
	  - we should probably use the waste buffer classes for this (making these visible to perl)
	  - better yet, this is a poster child for perl-level TokenWriter subclassing
	* XmlTokWrapFast: read //w/moot/@* into $w->{moot}{$_}

v1.49 2013-12-09  moocow
	* updated to v1.49

v1.48 2013-12-06  moocow
	* added capsFallback automaton option; set by default for Analyzer::Morph
	* cab automaton-based analyzers: set check_symbols=>0

v1.47 2013-12-05  moocow
	* added system/dwds/ and system/init/dwds-http-9096.rc
	* added dwds-http-9096.plm wrapper
	  - removed request-size limit (maxRequestSize=undef)
	  - disable autoclean modee
	* fewer unknown-symbol warnings (once per symbol per object)
	  - XmlTokWrapFast: output //s/@pn
	* CAB/Format/TEI: default tokenizer class back to http
	* fix warning for missing content-length
	* TCF: default to format level=1
	* Moot:
	  - compatibility fix: apply tag-translation table BEFORE model lookup
	* set global server maxRequestSize=512k for cab-http.plm
	* added maxRequestSize key to CAB::Server::HTTP and CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Query
	* allow TEI to support -fo=txmlfmt=XmlTokWrapFast
	  - 2x faster than default, but doesn't support all keys
	* CAB/Chain.pm: propagate logTrace from opts if set there

v1.46 2013-10-10  moocow
	* edited cab.cmdi-xml with local export (Edmund): sending to Frank
	* removed bogus debug code from dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* cab.plm: moot,dmoot use 'dtiger' infix instead of tiger
	  - centralized training source in moot-models/dta-dtiger
	* Format/Raw.pm : handle U+00AD (SOFT HYPHEN)
	* LangId::Simple : don't output lang_counts by default
	* cab-rc-update.sh: update from kaskade
	* Raw tokenizer: handle '[Formel]'
	* improved LangId::Simple
	  - now counts number of stopword CHARACTERS (vs tokens)
	  - added better 'xy' rules, also added an xy 'stopword' list in

v1.45 2013-09-03  moocow
	* CAB::Analyzer::LangId : got working again; results not very encouraging
	* special handling for double-initial caps in Analyzer::Unicruft: updated version
	* special handling for double-initial caps
	* re-built logos using inkscape
	* added new compatibility symlink cab-favicon.png
	* removed old cab-favicon.png
	* added new logos
	* added caberr-64.png
	* updated cab favicon
	* MorphSafe badTypes map now maps (text=>isGood) rather than (text=>isBad)
	  - fixes bug in which badMorph heuristics were overriding a
	    __good__ entry in badTypes file (Gutherzigkeit)

v1.44 2013-07-22  moocow
	* tcf / format fixes

v1.43 2013-07-11  moocow
	* TCF format fix: reset temp variables ($pos,$lemma,$orth) between words
	* added TCF to demo formats
	* default TOKENIZE_CLASS='auto' for TEI via TokWrap
	* checkin with updated Version.pm
	* first version with TCF support
	  - how finicky do we need to be with offset-based tokens, sentences, etc?
	  - and how do we handle metadata?
	* added basic TCF format (output only atm)

v1.42 2013-06-23  moocow
	* -fc option added to dta-cab-splice-syncope.perl
	* better version check
	* TEI format debugging and tweaks
	  - can now set -fo=txmlfmt=XmlTokWrapFast for e.g. fast TEI-format input, but this slows down TEI-format output
	  - best results seem to be with -io=txmlfmt=XmlTokWrapFast
	  -oo=XmlTokWrap for plain convert; ymmv with actual analysis going on
	* lots of debugging code
	* better TEI format debugging with e.g. -fo teilog=debug
	* removed Format::TEI debug flag
	* fixed ugly regex-slowing $POSTMATCH in CAB::Format::XmlNative::blockScanFoot()
	  - use perl 5.10 /p modifier and ${^POSTMATCH} instead

v1.41 2013-06-05  moocow
	* default xml format now resolves to tei
	* cab.perl: read dirname($0)/.htcabrc for local overrides
	* cab.perl: read cab.perl.rc
	* demo.js: fix cab_url_base guessing regex if parameters are specified
	  - e.g. http://localhost:9099/?q=foo
	* MootSub lemmatization: honor 'FM.*' tags
	* cab demo: pass through 'file' parameter
	* demo links seem to work now!
	* demo init: fix links
	* demo.js &-expansion woes
	* workaround for Unify.pm choking on REGEXPs in Format::Registry
	  - implement STORABLE_(freeze|thaw) for Format::Registry
	  - allows rollback of Unify.pm changes in r9738 (explicit
	    DS-traversal with potential cycles, caused infinite allocation
	    loop and memory explosion in 'real' CAB servers)
	* added /upload and /file paths to cab-http.plm
	* demo/upload tweaks (don't call it 'upload')
	* file upload updates
	* merged in branch htdocs-1.41-upload -r9728:9736
	* fixed YAML dispatch
	* updated demo.js: make traffic-light frame work in proxy mode
	* language guesser tests
	* wrap various YAML implementations directly in YAML.pm (rather than subclass hacks)
	* LangId::Simple: only use unicode character block hacks for words of length >= 2
	* hasmorph for text-mode output
	* updated DTAClean: added 'hasmorph' key
	* prune analyzers in cab.perl wrapper
	* dingler: try to enable autoclean
	* cab-http-9099: auto-clean on
	* trimmed cab-http-9099.plm to ignore authentication
	* updates from kaskade2 for debian/wheezy
	* lang-guesser updates: unicode hacks
	* Morph::Latin : only analyze if isLatinExt
	* Moot: use FM.$lang as tag for language-guesser hack
	* XML formatting woes
	* built in langid heuristics to Moot/Boltzmann and Moot
	* added LangId::Simple analyzer, built into DTA chain as 'langid'

v1.40 2013-04-30  moocow
	* smarter verbosity for cab-rc-update.sh
	* updated to use (my own) GermaNet::Flat API module, rather than clunky google code variant
	* added -begin and -end CODE options to dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* Format::Raw : parse underscores as word-like

v1.39 2013-04-24  moocow
	* removed xlemma stuff again
	* MootSub: generate moot/xlemma field: raw TAGH segmentation for best lemma
	* bugfix lemma(Christentum) -> Christenenum (cab lemmatizer ~e)
	* lemmatizer: rename verb inflections
	* GermaNet runs sentence-wise, in order to access moot/lemma
	  + added GermanNet::Synonyms
	  + changed GermaNet labels to:
	    - gn-syn (Synonyms)
	    - gn-isa (Hyperonyms~superclasses)
	    - gn-asi (Hyponyms~subclasses)
	  + added GermaNet analyzer option LABEL_max_depth e.g. gn-syn_max_depth for some control of resolution
	* oops: fixed multi-load of GermaNet and descendants
	* added germanet hypoyms to DTA
	* added and tested basic GermaNet relation closures
	* added GermaNet/{RelationClosure,Hyperonyms,Hyponyms}.pm
	* added Analyzer::GermaNet.pm

v1.38 2013-03-11  moocow
	* added xlist format to demo
	* ExpandList fix
	* pretty-printing for ExpandList
	* TokPP: replaced some bad [[:digit:]]* with [[:digit:]]+ regexes
	  - upshot: don't analyze empty string as CARD
	* Analyzer::Morph::Latin::CDB : use _am_xlit rather than $_->{text} as key
	  - fixes caberr bug #66980 (Phaſmate -> Faßmate != Phasmate) b/c utf8 variant isn't in latin lexicon

v1.37 2013-03-08  moocow
	* added dingler server, running on kaskade @ port 9097
	* added dingler server configs
	* fix typo
	* add FM,XY moot analyses for words with non-latin characters
	* v1.37: dmoot: leave as-is if !isLatinExt

v1.36 2013-02-22  moocow
	* syncope csv format: let "'s" be LOWERCASE_WORD (python regex compatibility hack)
	* v1.36: fixed moot bug resulting in e.g. --/NE
	  - problem was bad propagation of tokeinizer (toka) tags of the form [$(] through _am_tagh_list2moota rsp _am_tagh_fst2moota

v1.35 2013-02-11  moocow
	* updated lemmatization heuristics: punish orgnames

v1.34 2013-02-05  moocow
	* format/syncope/csv: 'digit' type now includes dotted numerics
	* ignore dta-syncope-ner.*
	* remove debug code from dta-cab-convert.perl
	* Format::TEI fix: include PID in tmpdir name so parallelization works
	* morph fst: check_symbols=>0
	* Format/XmlXsl gone
	* removed some debug code from cab.plm
	* resource changes (dta-cabopt.mak: eqphox_xocoef* -> eqp_xocoef_*)
	* ignore dta-cabopt.mak
	* set dta-cabopt.mak.v0
	* added dta-cabopt.mak.v0 (original parameters)
	* cab.plm: parse RCDIR/cabopt.mak for cab-optimization parameters
	* added Utils::(min2|max2)
	* added missing chomp() to repaired tj
	* fixed non-linear slowdown for Format::TJ
	  - problem seems to have been buffer-and-parse-string strategy
	  - likely related to the bizarre non-linear slow-regex-match-on-large-buffers we saw in TokWrap::tokenize1
	  - fix is to avoid buffer and parse filehandles directly
	  - TODO: port this approach to TT and Text
	* Format.pm: pre-allocation string hacks for fromFh_str(): no joy
	  - problem is major non-linear slow-down for large TT-based formats (including TJ)

v1.33 2012-11-02  moocow
	* better analyzePost fixes
	* Analayzer::Automaton::analyzePost : run after analyzeSet() closure
	  + Analyzer::accessClosure(): allow passing of HASH-refs for more flexibility in config-files
	* added Format::TT I/O for raw-sentence text (either in sentence id-line with "\t=TEXT" or in dedicated "%% $stxt=TEXT" line
	* high-level I/O wrappers DTA::CAB::Document::(from|to)(File|Fh|String)
	* updated XmlTokWrapFast : include xb attribute if available
	* updated for dta-tokwrap v0.37 - v0.38

v1.32 2012-10-04  moocow
	* fixed more tokwrap v0.37 bugs (explicit <toka> grouping now output by tokwrap)
	* fixes for dta-tokwrap v0.37
	* updated Client::HTTP docs
	* added 'ws' attribute to XmlTokWrapFast
	* got Format::TEIws working
	  + updated for dta-tokwrap v0.36

v1.31 2012-09-24  moocow
	* moved gfsmxl parameters from old setLookupOptions() API to new 'analyzePre' key for Analyzer::Automaton subclasses
	  + more flexible in general
	  + updated cab.plm to reflect changes in semantics
	  + old-style code using max_paths, max_weight, and max_ops should still work if no 'analyzePre' key is present
	* updated cab-rc-update.sh: changed source url from 'dta2012' back to 'dta'

v1.30 2012-09-18  moocow
	* content-length fixes for kaskade
	* updated demo.hs, demo.html.tpl: fixes for apache-cgi-wrap/
	* added generic apache cgi wrapper dir: system/apache-cgi-wrap
	* updated CAB::Format::TEI for dta-tokwrap v0.35

v1.29 2012-09-05  moocow
	* Format::SQLite updates for almost-ready eval-corpus
	* syncope-tab alias for SynCoPe::CSV
	* another name change: now in XmlTokWrapFast
	* oops: another id->nid rename
	* syncope/ner fixes: 'id' is a bad attribute name for subsequent splice
	* syncope splice fixes
	* added dta-cab-splice-syncope.perl
	* use HYPHEN-MINUS instead of HYPHEN_MINUS for syncope csv
	* add sid,wid numeric suffixes to syncope-csv location
	* oops: mapclass was already in XmlTokWrapFast
	* added mapclass attribute to Format::XmlTokWrapFast
	* removed analyzeDebug option from Analyzer::Moot::Boltzmann
	* copy fixes for dmoot
	* empty sentence fix for moot,dmoot
	* added dmoot flag 'lctags': bash dmoot tags to lower case
	  + added moot flag 'lctext': bash text to lower-case
	  + for use with new build hmms '*.lc.(1|12|123).hmm'
	* abs() rule for TJ : level=-2 --> -text, +canonical
	* added dta-cab-eval.perl

v1.28 2012-07-23  moocow
	* SQLite changes: history now stored directly as json (TODO: move to version control)
	* improved Format/SQLite parsing -- throughput up from <100 tok/sec to >15k tok/sec
	* added CAB::Format::SQLite.pm for EvalCorpus

v1.27 2012-07-18  moocow
	* updated default.(base|type) chains in CAB/Chain/DTA.pm
	* map 'old' key to 'text' in Format::XmlTokWrap
	* v1.27: blockScan fixes for Format::XmlNative (and by inheritance Format::XmlTokWrapFast)
	  - fixes mantis bug #543 : disappearing pages
	  - this worked with negative lookahead regexes, but those crash perl on some inputs (grr....)

v1.26 2012-07-06  moocow
	* debug
	* cab-rc-update.sh: pull from dta2012/cab rather than ddc/cab
	* real new DTA-unknown-char U+FFFC (object replacement character), various bugfixes

v1.25 2012-07-04  moocow
	* cab improvements for dealing with unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) as unknown-text marker
	* workaround for blockScan() segfault: slower but works on plato
	* segfault bughunt / kaskade:
	  - dying at Format/XmlNative.pm line 146 (regex match in blockScanFoot) for
	    in build/cab_corpus
	  - only dying under make (make -j , -blockSize don't matter)
	  - segfault backtrace:
	  0x00002b26f788ef77 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10
	  (gdb) bt
	  #0 0x00002b26f788ef77 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10
	  #1 0x00002b26f7896fd0 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10
	  #2 0x00002b26f789ad29 in Perl_regexec_flags () from
	  #3 0x00002b26f7837e76 in Perl_pp_match () from
	  #4 0x00002b26f7831392 in Perl_runops_standard () from
	  #5 0x00002b26f782c5df in perl_run () from
	  #6 0x0000000000400d0c in main ()
	* more choice stuff!
	* 'null' analyzer fix
	* add explicit 'null' analyzer (not just empty chain) to DTA
	* tei re-fix (revision 7415:7416 broke DTAQ)
	* added DTA pseudo-analyzer 'null'
	* tei fix
	* ner fix
	* added NER to DTA chain
	* moved nerec/ into tests/
	* added nerec/ test directory for syncope ne-recognition
	* added Analyzer::SynCoPe::NER : named-entity recognition via SynCoPe XML-RPC server

v1.24 2012-03-28  moocow
	* dta-cab-analyze.perl -fo option fix
	* even more msafe adaptation; use unicode class \p{Letter}
	* more msafe adaptation
	* typo fix
	* updated MorphSafe:
	  - all-non-alphabetic tokens are now considered "safe" (replaces /^[[:punct:][:digit:]]*$/ heuristic)
	* add U+A75B (r rotunda) to latin1x-safe symbols
	* added rudimentary query handling to cab demo.js, demo.html.tpl
	* improved lemmatization for XY (no lower-case bashing)
	* added canonical option to Format::TJ if level>=0
	* hack: remove ge\| prefixes in lemmatizer
	* added live javascript demo.js to taghx-http.plm
	* updated MANIFEST: remove CAB/Format/JSON/*.pm, CAB/Format/YAML/*.pm
	* fixed cab/moot bug 'nachgesucht->VVFIN'
	  - problem was inconsitency between model (uses TAGH tags for lex
	    classes e.g. VVPP2) and CAB-generated input (used translated
	    tags, VVPP2->VVPP)
	  - CAB now uses raw (tagh) tags for input and applies the tag
	    translation dict __after__ tagging (so lemmatization should still work
	* fixed utf-8 bug in dta-cab-http-client.perl

v1.23 2012-01-17  moocow
	* sysv-ified dta-cab.sh
	* improved demo: added arbitrary user options (JSON-encoded)
	* allow non-refs in JSON input
	  + also updated demo page to use backgrounded javascript-based queries a la cab error db

v1.22 2011-12-16  moocow
	* services fixes
	  + http server response logging option (srv->{logResponse})
	* fixed "'frobble' is not a HASH reference in Format/TT.pm" bug with eqlemma as array-of-strings

v1.21 2011-12-09  moocow
	* changed undef to 'off' in cab-http.plm (avoid unification glitch)
	* fixed rmlog actions on check-ok
	* improved cab-rc-update.sh cron script
	* added caberr1, norm1 chains
	* removed local ssh keys; use id_dsa by default
	* changed default actions for cab-rc-update.sh to 'check update': no implicit restart
	* fixed JSON format bug blowing up logs e.g. on services
	* updated cab-rc-update.sh script for resources.new->resources renaming
	* rc changes (services)
	* moved resources.new/ pointers to resources/
	* moved resources.new/ -> resources/
	* removed stale resources/ dir
	* turned up CAB_SLEEP to 3 in dta-cab-server.sh: auto-restart was failing
	* cabEval fix (global %::analyzeOpts)
	* added logResponse option to cab-http.plm
	* default re-starteable servers
	* TEI format fixes
	* updated cab-rc-update.sh (added basic actions to command-line)
	* added and tested CAB/Analyzer/EqRW/JsonCDB.pm
	* added and tested CAB/Analyzer/EqPho/JsonCDB.pm
	* added CAB/Analyzer/EqLemma/JsonCDB : new moot-only lemma-equivalence

v1.20 2011-09-15  moocow
	* explicitly set static type keys
	* static typeKeys fixes: auto-scan on prepareLoaded()
	  + MootSub bug fix
	* lemmatizer fixes
	* updated MootSub: now basically tomasotath-compatible
	* added stringsim/testme.perl : string similarity benchmarking
	* more best-lemma updates:
	  - slowdown from 3.3 tok/sec to 2.9 tok/sec in dta/build/cab_corpus
	* updated MootSub: added stupid unigram-based edit-similarity in best-lemma heuristics
	* more lemmatizer fixes
	* lemmatizer fix: remove '/p' infixes
	* fixed typo in taghx-9098.rc server rc file
	* added simple tagh expander class (EqTagh), server taghx-server.plm, init file taghx-9098.plm
	* added taghx-http.plm: tagh expander
	* added some deps to Makefile.PL for build on new services2
	* added CDB_File dep to Makefile.PL
	* ignore some stuff
	* fixed list-mode argument parsing bug
	* fixed stdin auto-spooling bug
	* leak tests: inconclusive
	  + installing to kaskade...
	* json doesn't leak much at all
	* added expat-base input to Format::XmlTokWrapFast
	  + looks good, leaking some memory though (ftxml,txml,tj formats; even with Null analyzer)
	* got Xml(Native|TokWrap) block-scanning working
	  + TODO (?): write XmlTokWrapFast input mode using expat?
	* tested api cleanup from carrot: scan seems to be working again
	* block api cleanup from carrot (untested)
	  + still todo: TT::blockFinish() override for block-final eos newline scanning
	  + still todo: XmlNative::blockFinish() ? or can we use the defaults
	  + todo: block testing?
	* more block-scanning tests
	  - sentence-level blocking should work for XmlNative, XmlTokWrap
	* moved block tests to tests/blockscan
	* more block-scanning tests: moving to tests/blockscan/
	* added test xmlbscan.perl: try to get blockScan(), blockMerge() working for flat XML files
	* got cab-analyze.perl working with new UNIX-socket based queue
	  - block scan & merge works with TT, TJ formats, even in -list mode
	  - TODO (?): extend blockScan() + blockAppend() API to other (e.g. xml-based) formats?

v1.19 2011-08-31  moocow
	* revised CAB/Fork/Pool.pm to use new CAB/Queue/Server.pm rather than clunky Queue::File
	  - started working new Fork/Pool.pm stuff into dta-cab-analyze.perl
	  - continue at or around line 407 (post queue population)
	* more queue tests in (increasingly poorly-named) tests/sysv
	  + looks good: should be ready to integrate into command-line analyzer
	* JobManager update
	  - todo: JobManger::Client (in JobManager.pm), update analyze script
	* added CAB/Queue/JobManager.pm for block-savvy DTA::CAB::Analyze queue management
	* got basic blockScan(), blockAppend() APIs in place for Format::TT
	* added tt-blockscan.perl
	* got dta-cab-analyze.perl working with new format semantics
	  + todo: UNIX socket queue, better block handling
	* got HTTP, XmlRpc server and client working with new format semantics
	* updated dta-cab-(http|xmlrpc)-client.perl to use new format semantics
	* removed stale dta-cab-xml-format.perl
	* removed statle cachegen, compile, dict-convert scripts
	* removed old YAML directory: stick to YAML::XS
	* finished updating toString,toFile,toFh semantics in CAB formats
	* re-working CAB::Format API: toFh(), toString()
	  - done formats: JSON, Null, Sotrable, ExpandList, TJ, Text, TT, Raw, CSV, Perl
	  - todo: YAML, Xml*
	    + next: kludge a generic block-handling API into DTA::CAB::Format (@blocks=->block_scan(); ->block_append(,))
	* re-factored CAB/Queue/(Socket|Client|Server) to CAB/Socket, CAB/Socket/UNIX, CAB/Queue/(Client|Server)
	* more UNIX socket queue tests
	* more tests: tests/sysv/cq(test|client).perl -- working again (it seems)
	* broke things
	* socket queue-server work
	* more queue tests
	  - best candidate so far: qsrv.perl : dedicated 'master' queue server using UNIX sockets
	  - idea: separate scan- and process- fork-pools (like now)
	  - scan pool scans for block boundaries (test: blockscan.perl: use yte offsets, lengths, seek(), tell())
	  - process pool does actual processing
	    (like current dta-cab-analyze.perl, but must send data BACK to server; see qsrv.perl)
	  - master process maintains queue (qsrv.perl) and merges processed blocks into final output files (blockmerge.perl)
	* added qtest.perl: works (single-file binary-safe message queue using flock)
	* more bdb/cdb fixes
	* added sysv tests: semaphores ought to work; message queues look a bit dodgy...
	* added Cache::Static; moved bdb->cdb
	* added Analyzer::Cache::Static sub-hierarchy
	* bdb->cdb: system/cab.plm
	* bdb->cdb: analyzer aliases

v1.18 2011-08-22  moocow
	* split ExLex into {BDB,CDB} subclasses: todo: replace BDB by CDB for db-based lookups (ca 25% faster)
	* removed stale BDB directory
	* added Format::XmlTokWrapFast : quick+dirty fast output for feeding to dtatw-xml2ddc.perl
	* more fixes (short format alias 'bin' for Storable)
	* kaskade fixes for big dta build
	* fixed wide-character bug in tj output
	* update script debugging
	* added  documentation to README.update
	* changed alias structure in Chain::DTA (default->norm rather than norm->default)
	  - no functional difference
	* don't start langid server by default
	* README:  newline at EOF
	* fixed CAB_RCDIR
	* cab_corpus/ build: fixes & adjustments
	* fixed TJ format bug for sentence attributes
	* version, analyze verbosity for spawn
	* got forked block-processing working
	* pre-split blocks in dta-cab-analyze.perl

v1.17 2011-08-12  moocow
	* work on new system/resources/ dir (as system/resources.new)
	* default update from kaskade
	* added ssh keypair cab-rc-update.dsa
	  - pubkey must be authorized for update user on build host
	* added svnignore, update script
	* re-added forced lower-case for mlatin db lookups
	* added watchdog links and README in old system/watchdog/ directory>
	* changed watchdog defaults to live in CAB_ROOT/(run|log) by default
	* added cab-xlit-9099.rc for init-script debugging
	  + added forkit, watchdog calls to dta-cab-server.sh (see CAB_WD_* options in dta-cab-server.sh)
	  + old watchdog scripts should now be obsolete
	* tt2tj fixes
	* added c,b tokwrap attributes to Format::TT
	* added dta-cab-convert -list option (list known formats)
	* updated CAB/Format/TT : added new tokwrap/ddc attributes xr,xc,bb,pb,lb,...
	* updated demo template
	* typo fix
	* added exlex checkbutton to demo.html.tpl
	* added exlex checkbox
	* TEI fixes
	* runtime updates from services
	* pathological fix for MootSub (undef prob)
	* fixed annoying dmoot bug with temp-variable re-use in analysis closure
	* startup logic fixes for watchdog-related race condition in dta-cab-http-server.perl
	* added -guess option for dtatw-add-c.perl to TEI format
	* TEI format tweaks & fixes
	* got TEI format working with splice-back
	* added format 'TEI': input from raw TEI-XML with or without //c; output as TokWrapXml
	* fixed <a>-multiplication in TokWrapXml format
	* dtaq optimization tests:
	  - looks like CAB client is the real bottleneck (1.8s cab / 2.6s total = 69% cab time for cab.sh script)
	  - problem doesn't seem immediately fixable
	    + format is fixed by tokwrap and expected by dtaq
	    +  moving server to localhost shaves off some time occasionally, but not much
	    + removing verbose messages gets us only a whopping 1% improvement
	    +  using curl instead of cab-http-client is actually slower (on kaskade)
	* forking dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* dta-cab-analyze.perl: fork maintainence polishing
	  + added -keep , -nokeep args for queue management debugging
	  + improved automatic queue deltion
	  + added signal handlers for INT,HUP,TERM,ABRT to main process (aborts subprocesses)
	  + changed JSON::XS utf8() flag to 0: expect and return wide strings (with utf8::is_utf8($str)==1)
	* tested forks in dta-cab-analyze.perl: all seems good
	* added File::Temp dependency to Makefile.PL
	* more temp-related options

v1.16 2011-07-13  moocow
	* more work on fork pool
	  - abstract queue-savvy fork pool now in CAB/Fork/Pool.pm
	  - uses CAB::Queue::File::Locked for queue
	  - some basic checking for abnormal exit status in children
	  - re-worked tests/threads/test-cabfsm-fork.perl to use new CAB::Fork::Pool object
	* corrected typo in name of fifo-based fork attempt (doesn't work)
	* added CAB/Queue/File.pm : wraps File::Queue with locks & other niceties
	  + use new CAB::Queue::File::Locked in tests/thread/test-cabfsm-fork.perl
	* rolled back (most) thread-related changes
	* more thread-related stuff
	  - segfaults on g_free() for multiple simultaneous Gfsm::Automaton lookups
	  - even on different automata
	* thread tests: more re-arranging
	* thread tests: re-arranging
	* minor thread-ish edits (still no concrete changes)
	* added CAB/Thread/Pool.pm : generic thread pool
	  + added CAB/Thread/Semaphores.pm : generic semaphore pool (best to remove it again in favor of analyzer-local semaphores)
	  + added semaphore wrapper downup() in CAB/Utils.pm under tag ':threads'
	  + thread tests in tests/thread/test-gfsm-pool.perl : looks  good
	  + started adding thread-savvy code to CAB/Analyzer.pm and CAB/Analyzer/Automaton sub-hierarchy
	    - problem here is where to insert the semaphore pseudo-locking wrappers
	* test-gfsm-pool.perl : more tests: boundary conditions (die etc)
	* added test-gfsm-pool.perl: local thread pool object (works)
	* more thread tests: Data::Structure::Util::unbless() works (probably also Acme::Damn::damn)
	* added thread test directory (argh argh argh)
	* no cache logging in normal mode
	* added cache control headers to server
	* changed defaults for HTTP server cache; added cache args to system/cab-http.plm

v1.15 2011-06-28  moocow
	* added cache
	* added Cache::LRU : simple LRU cache for server responses
	* minor tweaks for DDC CAB expansion
	* added format ExpandList (xl) for DDC
	* updated eqpho db to use twiddled 'xpho2wlex' target from rc.eqpho/
	  - uses phonetic forms of exception lexicon __targets__ where available
	  - e.g. 'AIte' gets phonetized as '\?alte' rather than '\?[aI] because of the exception 'AIte->Alte'
	  - hence, 'AIte' \in eqpho('alte')
	* updated ExLex (include 'errid' in type keys)
	* added [errid] tt field
	* fixed DTAMapClass bug:
	  - moota should apply if !@{$_->{moot}{analyses}}
	* added 'mapclass' I/O to TT format
	* added new analyzer DTAMapClass.pm for cab view
	* added special comments to TJ format: now we can stream full CAB documents
	* updated demo template
	* added TJ format to demo.html formats
	* kaskade fixes
	* fixed morph/safe regex in Format::TT
	* removed dta-rw.*.dict --> moved to rc.rewrite/
	* fixed LocalPort arg in http server
	* reverted to 'eval "use DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Common;"' in DTA::CAB
	* added Lingua::TT v0.07 dep
	* added dta-exlex.plm; added rules for dta-exlex.tjdb
	* added -notext option to tt2tj.perl : uses Format::TJ 'level'=-1 : suppress output 'text' attribute
	* fixed mysteriously truncated dta-cab-tt2tj.perl
	* v1.15: updated CAB/Version.pm
	* tested dmoot/xs: working
	  + fixed bugs in DmootSub (morph wasnt getting copied for non-hapax types: ick)
	  + added format Format::TJ : tt-like 1 word/line with JSON values: TEXT "\t" JSON : fast and more or less readable
	  + added tools dta-cab-tt2tj.perl, dta-cab-tj2tt.perl for fast conversion between TT and TJ formats
	  + we ought to be able to build a Dict::JsonDB from JDICT.db from a raw TT-dict file DICT.tt as:
	    - dta-cab-tt2tj.perl DICT.tt | tt-dict2db.perl -truncate -o JDICT.db
	* re-added new CAB/Analyzer/Moot/DynLex.pm : still untested
	* moved 'moot' (swig) dependency to 'Moot' (XS) in Makefile.PL
	* finshed moving old Analyzer::Moot to Analyzer::Moot1 (throw out soon)
	* got Analyzer::Moot2 working
	  + new xs interface; output now equivalent to old SWIG interface for morph+tiger
	  + re-worked Format::TT::parseTTString : now ca. 10x faster for large files (use split vs. regex)
	    - we __really__ need to re-implement this stuff in C
	* added Moot2.pm (new XS interface)
	  + moved Moot.pm -> Moot1.pm (old swig interface)
	* more exlex and revision work: stuck on moot (new xs-only wrappers?)
	* argh: msafe tweaks
	* MorphSafe: avoid re-analysis; also re-worked internal algorithm: now ca. 5x faster
	  + old %MorphSafe::badTypes should live in new general exception lexicon
	  + hacked %MorphSafe::badStems %MorphSafe::badTags should live in a separate external data file (e.g. loaded as an Analyzer::Dict)
	* got exlex + automaton working (tests/cab-lts+exlex.plm)
	* started work on no-reanalyze for Automaton : todo: test with dict
	* cleaned up root directory (moved cab*plm, test* to tests/)
	* json db working; still not with object creation in new()
	* added LSB tags to dta-cab.sh
	* started moving Dict::* out of analyzer modules
	  + added more better access closure utils to CAB::Analyzer

v1.14 2011-03-23  moocow
	* updated MorphSafe
	* replaced old XML-RPC only server on services:8088 with new flexible HTTP server
	* renamed server stuff using port number suffixes (-8088, -9099)
	* added 'id' to clean-safe attributes in Analyzer::DTAClean
	* more format niceties for http client
	* fixed missing 'use DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA' in cab-server.plm
	* http-client: format-mismatch beautification
	* http-client: just warn and set sensible defaults (ifc->qfc->ofc) on data-mode format mismatch
	* Format::XmlTokWrap fixes
	* added Format::XmlTokWrap (.t.xml)

v1.13 2011-02-15  moocow
	* fixed HTTP client bug which required \%opts hash (should be optional)
	* encoding stuff for services
	* made -version flag reports consistent
	* updated watchdogs
	* re-added cab-server-local.l4p as a symlink
	  - since relative paths are now used also by cab-server.l4p
	*  server l4p files to relative paths
	  - assumes server is run from cwd DTA-CAB/system/ (as it is by init/dta-cab-server.sh)
	* fixed missing $status arg in Server::HTTP::clientError() calls
	  - fixes mantis bug #426
	* added some more handlers (alias, template), tweaked demo server a bit
	* updated cab-http.plm

v1.12 2011-01-27  moocow
	* logo play; minor handler fixes
	* new basic http demo
	* minor log-level fixes in http server configs
	* oops: re-added ReuseAddr to xlit-http.plm
	* extended log-level configuration in xlit-http.plm, cab-http.plm
	* fixed double-bind() bug in XML-RPC wrapper code for Server::HTTP
	* set up cab-http system, init files
	* http server fixes; added dta http server config (9099) system/cab-http.plm
	* format and HTTP server/client tweaks
	* HTTP query handler futzelei: added DTA::CAB::Format::Registry
	* removed obsolete 'Text1.pm' from MANIFEST (fixes mantis bug #419)
	* more documentation
	* updated examples
	* documented CAB/Server/HTTP and below
	* updated CAB/Version.pm (re-)generation in Makefile.PL
	* some documentation and re-factoring
	* added Lingua::TT dep to Makefile.PL
	* added dta-cab-http-client.perl (currently supports only analyzeData)
	* added CAB/Server/HTTP/Handler/XmlRpc.pm
	  - xml-rpc wrapper for generic HTTP server, just wraps old Server::XmlRpc
	* aded cab-server-local.*
	* added Raw format (rudimentary handling of untokenized input)
	* added basic standalone HTTP server code
	* logging improvements
	* more CGI stuff
	* re-factored XmlNative class
	  - should actually base this on expat rather than libxml, but it works (sort of) for now
	* many small server- and wrapper-related bugfixes
	* got public web service basically working
	* updated Server::XmlRpc: finer-grained logging options
	  - fixed a bug in Analyzer::analyzeData()
	  - tested Analyzer::analyzeData() json and yaml modes: working now
	* EqLemma integrated into cab.plm
	* got EqLemma class basically working (cleaner)

v1.11 2010-11-18 14:07  moocow
	* EqLemma::DB basically working (but very very baroque)
	* added TokPP
	* added jptest.pl, pathtest.pl
	* bashWS re-fix
	* added dta-cab-tw2cab.perl (tokwrap to cab-tt format converter)
	* moved format examples to format-examples/ dir
	* moved old Automaton::analyzeWord closure into analyzeTypes
	* tried dynamic code generation:
	  - 1.12K -> 1.17K tok/sec on kant-types: 4% improvement (bah)
	* basic integration of tokenizer analyses from [toka] for msafe, dmoot, moot

v1.10 2010-11-02 10:34  moocow
	* updated resources dir
	* updated Automaton/Gfsm/XL.pm : set default max_ops=16384
	* added eqrw/, dmoot/, moot/ links
	* moved dmoot/ dir from cab/system/resources/ to automata/
	* moved moot/ dir from cab/system/resources/ to automata/
	* oops
	* added local link words -> automata/words
	* resource build system update:
	  - moved dta-cab/system/resources/words to automata/words
	* changed automata/ links in system/resouces
	* Dict updates
	  - still todo: move eqrw to dict mode (move build out of system/resouces into ../automata/eqrw)
	  - eqlemma
	* removed stale EqClass.pm
	* started work on EqLemma
	  - re-implemented DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict to use Lingua::TT::Dict
	  - added Analyzer::Dict::DB using Lingua::TT::DB::File (Berkeley DB): tolerably fast and quite handy
	  - TODO: use new dict class(es) as exception lexica in Analyzer::Automaton (and elsewhere?) -- chuck out legacy code
	  - TODO: update Analyzer::EqPho::Dict, Analyzer::EqRW::Dict  work from 'inverted' dict formats (tt-dict-invert.perl, tt-db-invert.perl)
	  - tiny tweak for compatibility: add word being analyzed to eqclass if it's not already there

v1.09 2010-10-27 13:05  moocow
	* added dta-cab-tt2csv.perl, dta-cab-tt2txt.perl, dta-cab-txt2tt.perl
	* added CAB/Analyzer/MootSub.pm : post-processing hacks for moot (bash NE to original form)
	* added tiger-local STTS hacks
	* added lemma parsing to Analyzer::Automaton if {wantAnalysisLemma} is true (not by default)
	  + set wantAnalysisLemma=true in Analyzer::Morph
	  + updated Format::TT to use generalized FST-analysis parsing code
	    - for (lts|eqpho|eqphox|morph|mlatin|rw|rw/lts|rw/morph|eqrw|...)
	* re-defined Format::Text as simple wrapper around Format::TT
	* added tagh/stts incompatibility hack table %Analyzer::Moot::TAGX
	* added moot model
	* load logic updates, new Analyzer::DmootSub, prepared for moot integration on dmoot output
	* added Analyzer::EqPhoX

v1.08 2010-10-21 14:04  moocow
	* added dmoot/tiger to system/resouces
	* added 'dist' rule to makefile
	* resource re-build update (649 texts) on kaskade for services

v1.07 2010-10-20 11:43  moocow
	* updated lexfilter: allow hyphens
	* re-linked dta-words.de.lex.latin1.tf to new words/current/ dir
	* added from-tokwrap-xml/ for new build system
	* moved ddc-based build system to from-ddc-xml
	* added Text::Phonetic analyzers Soundex,Koeln,Metaphone
	* added (untested) CAB/Analyzer/Alias.pm
	* added analyzer-local 'enabled' flag, per-call 'LABEL_enabled' flag

v1.06 2010-10-01 10:08  moocow
	* rc: symlink morph
	* more safe updates
	* improved comment pass-through for TT,Text formats using $(tok,sent)->{_cmts}
	* added Analyzer::typeKeys() method for controlled type/token distinction

v1.05 2010-09-28 13:15  moocow
	* various dmoot fixes
	* added -block-sents option to dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* block-wise tt analysis with dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* all type keys are inherited by default
	* new dta-cab-analysis -analyzer-class=CLASS option
	* new Chain::Multi analyzer option 'chain=C1,C2,...' parses user-defined sub-chains

v1.04 2010-09-22 09:38  moocow
	* added -block-size=NLINES option to dta-cab-analyze.perl for pseudo-streaming TT analysis
	* updated MorphSafe: first- and geonames are now 'safe'

v1.03 2010-05-19 10:36  moocow
	* require Unicode::CharName
	* updated system/resources using CAB v1.x on uhura (no complete re-build yet)
	* small Analyzer::RewriteSub fix (canAnalyze() -> ANY (vs. ALL))
	* fixed system/resources plm file generation, brought dta-cab-cachegen.perl up to v1.x api

v1.02 2010-03-10 14:17  moocow
	* format work (wip) form uhura
	* added __DIE__ to caught server signals
	* tweet config system/cab-tweet.plm updated for new Chain::Tweet

v1.01 2010-02-08 14:49  moocow
	* fixes for tweet server, adapted CAB::Analyzer::Chain::Tweet
	* tiny buglet fixes
	* report Unicruft XS, C versions in analyzer
	* updated status commands
	* use NFC vs NFKC normalization in Unicruft (fixes mantis bug #140)
	* v1.x server-config updates

v1.001 2010-01-22 15:42  moocow
	* moved old cab.plm, cab-server.plm, cab-server-nodict.plm to v0.x
	* removed externals link to de-tiger (breaks checkout for taxi user)
	* re-factored (Chain->Chain::DTA) to (Chain->Chain::Multi->Chain::DTA)
	  + got Server::XmlRpc working dta-xmlrpc-client.perl and Chain::DTA
	  + server config is now MUCH prettier
	  + ugly chain-dependent analyzer goop is now relegated to a single method xmlRpcAnalyzers() in Chain::Multi
	* added, tested class DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA to replace old DTA::CAB
	* added rules for human-readable .csv, .csv.ps, .csv.ps2
	* updated to use ddc .con file
	* removed CAB::Analysis and sub-classes
	* smoothed/fixed Analysis classes
	  + it seems though that we can't rely on these, since they don't survive e.g. XML-RPC coding
	  + also we need some hook besides analysis class, for parsers (data doesn't yet have a class)
	  + we also appear to have solved the 'generic access' problems with closures, so we don't need analysis classes there
	  + upshot: lose analysis classes in next checkin
	* more fixes for CAB::Chain
	  + dta-cab-analyze output for new chain now identical to old version (services) for test-kant-8k
	  + TODO: format updates, documentation updates, ...
	* started re-factorization for abstract Chain analyzers
	  - current conundrum: how to handle flexible {src}, {dst} as previously passed in in %opts e.g. for Automaton ?
	  - idea: abstract Analysis class, API
	* fixed buglet (no "return $tok" in MorphSafe analysis sub) --
	  - maybe re-think that API (e.g. analyze() is always destructive?)
	  - next steps: re-factor CAB hacks into analyzers, get old CAB working as Analyzer::Chain
	  - benchmark old closure-style analyzeToken() vs. new force-document analyzeTypes() [via XML-RPC? in-memory?]
	  - add default control options to chain (e.g. doAnalyzeWhatever=>BOOL), add {name} convention for all analyzers
	  - re-work I/O Formats -- better flexibility & handling of new fields
	* fixed bug 'no start without stop on dta-cab.sh restart'

v0.18 2009-12-01 14:46  moocow
	* Format/XmlNative.pm safety fixes

v0.17 2009-11-12 10:30  moocow
	* DocClassify dummy document fixes

v0.16 2009-11-12 10:18  moocow
	* updated pid files

v0.15 2009-10-16 09:45  moocow
	* added configs tweet-server-[1234].(rc|plm) for round-robin
	* use 'funconly-nofeatures' morph variant by default
	* add @NEW tag to DHMM
	* added tag @NEW to negra-yy.123
	* use corpus as target language for tweet rewrite (also re-build ../automata/tweeted)
	* added tweet-server.rc to dta-cab.sh

v0.14 2009-09-23 12:15  moocow
	* tweet stuff
	* added negra-yy.123
	* added dta-words.tf
	* added basic PoS-tagger CAB::Analyzer::Moot
	* added dta-words.de.lex.latin1.tf.t
	* re-routed word-list
	* removed word-list dta-words.lex.tf: now build by 'make -C words/'
	* words/: build from /home/dta/dta_tokenized_xml
	* added words/ make build-system for word-lists
	* updated CAB: use FSTs for eqpho, eqrw
	  - only get latin-1 forms (xlit/unicruft) on output side, but this is exactly what we need for DDC

v0.13 2009-08-28 13:36  moocow
	* updated eqrw rules (use FST instead of dict)
	* added EqRW.pm, EqRW/Dict.pm
	* moved Dict::EqRW -> EqRW::Dict
	* fixed latin-1/utf-8 bug in CAB::Analyzer::Automaton

v0.12 2009-08-06 11:29  moocow
	* equiv-expander work
	  - TODO: get eqrw working via FST

v0.11 2009-08-03 14:26  moocow
	* removed eqpho-dict
	  - TODO: get eqrw working with 1-sided FST (explicit cascade direct from token-stored rw output)
	* added EqPho/FST.pm
	  - updated Analyzer::Automaton for non-deterministic analysis
	  - e.g. split Text->Pho and Pho->EqText into 2 FST analyzers
	* updated dta-eqrw.dict (after additional punishments for 'hülfe' in target lg)
	* more rewrite-equivalence class testing
	  + got integrated in DTA::CAB class, server config, etc.
	  + got dictionary building
	  + found some more data-type bugs (tagh, rewrite, msafe, ...):
	    - hülfe -> helf~en ... [subjII] : see misc/notes/*
	  + found more tokenizer problems/bugs: see misc/notes/tokenizer.txt
	  + added XmlRpc server config arg 'aos=>\%name2options' to allow server to set default options on a per-analyzer basis
	    - useful for e.g. always requiring 'xlit' to run without shamelessly wasting memory by duplicationg $cab

v0.10 2009-07-24 14:37  moocow
	* added dta-cab-compile.perl: compile analyzer configs to binary
	* added binary I/O routines for analyzers in DTA::CAB::Persistent
	* re-worked Dict::EqClass to use non-deterministic kernel (so now any relation can be used to induce the equivalence class)
	* added system/resources/Makefile rules to generate rewrite-equivalence dictionary for use with Dict::EqClass
	* initial tests seem to work well

v0.09 2009-07-24 14:34  moocow
	* dictionary/cache updates

v0.08 2009-07-23 14:34  moocow
	* removed stale old-format cache files
	* added cache-generation to resources Makefile
	* moved EqClass, LatinDict to Dict:: namespace
	* added EqPho analyzer via Gfsm::XL cascade
	  - loads quicker, runs slower, still maybe some buglets
	* updated rewrite dict with better upper/lower case heuristics

v0.07 2009-07-03 13:42  moocow
	* added linear-function max_weight computation for Gfsm::XL (rewrite) cascades

v0.0602 2009-07-03 13:39  moocow
	* updated system/cab.plm to use new rewrite FST, dict
	* updated dta-rw.dict
	* added -log-config option to dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* added cab-server-nodict.plm: useful for testing e.g. rewrite cascade w/o exception lexicon
	* MorphSafe back-changes: ITJ is unsafe
	* minor MorphSafe changes, new rw dict

v0.0601 2009-06-26 14:28  moocow
	* added dta-rw.dict, updated MorphSafe
	* added dta-rw.dict: extracted from grimm/wm-eval data
	* updated resource makefile
	* added symlink taxi-resources
	* Morph/Latin uses tolower=>1

v0.06 2009-06-25 18:48  moocow
	* Morph/Latin: set tolower=>1 by default
	* minor server log format and config updates
	* added magic bless() to cab.plm
	* added latin resource to cab.plm
	* got latin recognizer working via Gfsm subclass Analyzer::Morph::Latin

v0.05 2009-06-17 14:49  moocow
	* more dta-cab link-up stuff
	* more attribute pass-through for dta-tokwrap sentence & document attributes
	* added dta-tokwrap pass-through token attributes {other}{xmlid}, {other}{chars}

v0.04 2009-06-11 12:21  moocow
	* added Unicruft to Makefile.PL PREREQ_PM
	* replaced Transliterator with Unicruft (using libunicruft)

v0.03 2009-06-09 14:26  moocow
	* more encoding hell, started replace Transliterator with Unicruft-based version
	* added parsing and pass-through of '$tok->{other}' attributes for Format::XmlNative
	* updated Text, TT Formats
	* updated log4perl config to use 24-hour time
	* updated init script
	* minor doc fix
	* added -verbose options to perl scripts
	* more doc updates
	* doc update
	* updated docs, incremented version to v0.03

v0.02 2009-06-05 12:58  moocow
	* added Format/XmlTW.pm: dta-tokwrap interface format (1st stab)
	* doc fix
	* added test-word 'oede' to dta-lts.china.dict
	* added analyzer aliases to cab-server.plm, system/cab-server.plm
	* moved dta-cab-multi.sh to dta-cab.sh
	* changed default xml-rpc port to 8088
	* moved Protocol.pod to XmlRpcProtocol.pod

v0.01 2009-05-08 20:51  moocow
	* updated cab.plm
	* added system/ directory: system-wide installation stuff
	* added client-request-level logging to Server::XmlRpc (used RPC::XML::Procedure subclass)
	* added server options: -daemon , -pidfile=FILE
	* MorphSafe fixes (for changed analysis structure)
	* updated program --version behavior: report some SVN keywords
	* added svn:keywords
	* more documentation
	* documented (Client|Server)/XmlRpc.pm
	* documented Analyzers
	* documented, documented, documented
	* moved *.POD to *.rpod (avoid auto-installation)
	* started work on equivalence-class-expander CAB::Analyzer::EqClass
	* changed default suffix of perl loadable files to '.plm'
	  + avoid interfering with MakeMaker default rules
	* changed morph analysis structure to HASH ref: better maintainability
	* updated cachegen, formats for ltsText
	  + TODO: always include analyzed text with automaton analyses: major structural changes
	* got basic format guessing from filenames working
	* chased down encode/decode goof causing Format::Storable to puke with XmlRpc server/client raw data queries
	* format checks: found another bug in Storable
	  + storables output via xmlrpc -raw are no longer decodable
	* removed old Formatter/ and Parser/ namespaces
	* added Analyzer/LTS.pm : lts analysis
	  + moved I/O parser-formatter pairs to single modules under namespace DTA::CAB::Format
	* removed old Formatter/ and Parser/ namespaces
	* added Analyzer/LTS.pm : lts analysis
	  + moved I/O parser-formatter pairs to single modules under namespace DTA::CAB::Format
	* enforced unified formatter API
	  + added command-line analyzer dta-cab-analyze.perl
	* moved Parser::Freeze to Parser::Storable
	* renamed Formatter::Freeze to Formatter::Storable
	* renamed Formatter::Freeze to Formatter::Storable
	* added dta-cab-cachegen.perl: generate static morph, rewrite caches
	* got raw data comms basically working; XML-RPC is more a hindrance than a help here
	* server I/O basically working; still goofiness:
	  - test1.t 'ist' not getting morph parsed... wtf?
	* added basic parsers; tested parser/formatter pairs
	* added XML-RPC client program (TODO: document parsing)
	  + added simple XML-RPC formatter (really just a debugging toy)
	* got 'real' xmlrpc server script written & running
	* added DTA::CAB::Formatter class, example subclasses
	  + added DTA::CAB::Parser class (needs work)
	* generalized Analysis API (again): all destructive token analysis
	  + uglier for single tokens in DTA::CAB, prettier for general abstract sentence and document processing
	  + TODO: sentence and document processing (e.g. in server)
	  + TODO: command-line utilities
	  + TODO: formatters (TT, XML, ...)
	  + TODO: bells and whistles (optional analysis, etc.)
	* got logging working; started basic server API
	* got things basically set up and working
	* moved analysis modules to DTA::CAB::Analyzer:: namespace
	* added basic automaton classes; mostly just ganked from Lingua::LTS

v0.00 2008-12-10 11:24  moocow
	* added DTA-CAB