##-*- Mode: Change-Log; coding: utf-8; -*-
## Change log for perl distribution PDL::VectorValued
v1.0.14 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 20:05:32 +0100 moocow
* explicitly use PDL::Types from VectorValued/Dev; fixes https://github.com/moocow-the-bovine/PDL-VectorValued/issues/1
v1.0.13 Mon, 20 Sep 2021 17:30:18 +0200 moocow
* cleaned up stale acknowledgements in docs
v1.0.12 Sun, 19 Sep 2021 21:24:50 +0200 moocow
* removed stale vv_qsortvec and vv_qsortveci cruft
- original motivation (bug in PDL-2.4.3) is long since fixed
- vv_* methods are now just deprecated glob-aliases for the corresponding builtin PDL core functions
v1.0.11 Thu, 16 Sep 2021 20:42:46 +0200 moocow
* replaced crufty $COMP(__X_size) with $SIZE(X) in Utils/utils.pd
- at suggestion of Ed J, for upcoming PDL release
* added github repo to CPAN metadata
v1.0.10 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 09:52:45 +0200 moocow
* applied Zaki Mughal's patch for PDL native complex types in PDL > 2.028
- https://github.com/zmughal/PDL-VectorValued/compare/skip-complex-types
- fixes RT bug #134962
v1.0.9 Fri, 18 May 2018 09:44:25 +0200 moocow
* added README.rpod to MANIFEST
* only include README.txt in "realclean" targets if README.rpod is present
v1.0.8 Tue, 15 May 2018 08:55:00 +0200 moocow
* fixed some typos in POD documentation (RT ticket #125314)
v1.0.7 Tue, 06 Jun 2017 10:21:58 +0200 moocow
* added 'use lib "."' to Makefile.PL (RT bug #121661)
v1.0.6 Mon, 06 Jun 2016 11:29:23 +0200 moocow
* win32/NaN fixes for tests (RT bug #115076)
v1.0.5 Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:02:25 +0100 moocow
* fixed wrongly succeeding bogus tests with unary ok()
- tests now use Test::More and re-factored common test subroutines
* pdlmaker.plm doesn't distribute generated PM files any more (PDL now does this for us)
* added vector-cosine similarity vv_vcos()
v1.0.4 Mon, 23 Nov 2015 12:10:32 +0100 moocow
* shared $VERSION now via perl-reversion script from Perl::Version (debian libperl-version-perl)
as suggested by Corion in thread http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1148116
* may or may not help with weird errors building PDL::Ngrams with stale PDL::VectorValued,
- new version of PDL::VectorValued will probably mask that bug anyways
v1.0.3 Tue, 04 Aug 2015 12:19:25 +0200 moocow
* enumvec() regression fix
v1.0.2 Wed, 29 Jul 2015 10:05:34 +0200 moocow
* enumvecg() fix
v1.0.1 Tue, 28 Jul 2015 16:51:18 +0200 moocow
* added enumvecg(): global vector id-enumerator
v1.0.0 Mon, 27 Jul 2015 10:06:35 +0200 moocow
* explicit 3-component versioning for more transparent version.pm compatiblity
* added rleseq(), rldseq() for run-length encoding subsequence vectors
v0.09002 Thu, 09 Apr 2015 10:31:50 +0200 moocow
* tweaked bootstrap logic snafu with PDL::VectorValued::Dev including PDL::VectorValued::Version
even though ::Dev is needed at module build time when ::Version is not yet present
- this seemed to be causing a lot of UNKNOWN results on cpantesters
v0.09001 Wed, 08 Apr 2015 10:58:04 +0200 moocow
* added $CMPVAL() and $LB() macros
* added v_{union,intersect,setdiff} set operations for flat, sorted, unique-valued PDLs
- new implementation is much faster than builtin PDL::Primitive::intersect() [via PDL::Primitive::setops()]
- for large-ish intersection (NA=2973, NB=221013) v_intersect($a,qsort($b)) is 2x faster than setops($a,'AND',$b),
and v_intersect($a,$b) with all data pre-sorted $b is 42x faster than setops($a,'AND',$b)
v0.08001 2014-11-05 moocow
* fix annoying PAUSE messages about incompatible version numbers
* improved handling of empty pdls
v0.07002 Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:16:54 +0200 moocow
* PREREQ_PM{PDL}=CONFIGURE_REQUIRES{PDL}=0, for CPAN-testers friendliness
* added support for PDL v2.007 PDL_Indx type (64-bit indices)
* changed version convention X.BBCCC to jive with both pp_setversion() and version->parse()
v0.06 2012-11-06 moocow
* added enumvec(): enumerate repetitions in a sorted vector list
v0.05 2012-01-02 moocow
* pdlmaker.plm version: for CPAN-friendly docs
v0.0401 2011-12-20 moocow
* added 'generic' pdlmaker.plm : cpan-friendly pdl module hacks
* still not playing too nicely with embedded pd->pm conversions
(e.g. Utils/utils.pd -> Utils/utils.pm)
v0.04 Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:12:32 +0200 (moocow)
+ renamed qsortveci() to vv_qsortveci to avoid conflicts with pdl-2.4.7 (debian squeeze)
v0.03 Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:58:49 +0200
+ added @PDL::VectorValued::Dev::MACROS
v0.02 Tue, 10 Apr 2007 14:45:00 +0200 (moocow)
+ added setops: vv_union, vv_intersect, vv_setdiff
v0.01 Fri, 06 Apr 2007 11:41:00 +0200 (moocow)
+ initial version