0.6 2014-05-01
* App::Basis::Config changes
* change to use Path::Tiny to load/store config
* add die_on_error to new
* cleanly handle missing path items when using get
0.5 2014-04-25
* adding extra documentation
0.4 2014-04-23
* clean filename in fix_filename
* remove some comments
* local PATH for run_cmd
* renaming tests
0.3 2014-04-22
* appbasis script using correct library now.
0.2 2014-04-22
* fixing minor pod issues
* config now uses App::Basis::PROGRAM as default config filename
* appbasis script nicely handles a missing parameter
* help now shows short options too (thanks to Arturo Escaip)
0.1 2014-03-20
* initial CPAN release