package DBICx::Modeler::Generator::Class; # **************************************************************** # pragma(s) # **************************************************************** # Moose turns strict/warnings pragmas on, # however, kwalitee scorer can not detect such mechanism. # (Perl::Critic can it, with equivalent_modules parameter) use strict; use warnings; # **************************************************************** # MOP dependency(-ies) # **************************************************************** use Moose; use MooseX::Orochi; # **************************************************************** # general dependency(-ies) # **************************************************************** use Class::Unload; use Module::Load; # **************************************************************** # namespace cleaner # **************************************************************** use namespace::clean -except => [qw(meta)]; # **************************************************************** # dependency injection # **************************************************************** bind_constructor '/DBICx/Modeler/Generator/Class' => ( args => { application => bind_value '/DBICx/Modeler/Generator/Class/application', base_part => bind_value '/DBICx/Modeler/Generator/Class/base_part', model_part => bind_value '/DBICx/Modeler/Generator/Class/model_part', schema_part => bind_value '/DBICx/Modeler/Generator/Class/schema_part', }, ); # **************************************************************** # attribute(s) # **************************************************************** has 'application' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1, ); has [qw(base_part model_part schema_part)] => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy_build => 1, ); has [qw(model schema)] => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', init_arg => undef, lazy_build => 1, ); has [qw(route_to_model route_to_schema)] => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', init_arg => undef, lazy_build => 1, ); # **************************************************************** # hook(s) on construction # **************************************************************** around BUILDARGS => sub { my ($next, $class, @args) = @_; my $args = $class->$next(@args); foreach my $attribute (qw( base_part model_part schema_part )) { delete $args->{$attribute} unless defined $args->{$attribute}; } return $args; }; # **************************************************************** # builder(s) # **************************************************************** sub _build_base_part { return 'Base'; } sub _build_model_part { return 'Model'; } sub _build_schema_part { return 'Schema'; } sub _build_model { my $self = shift; return $self->get_fully_qualified_class_name( $self->application, $self->model_part, ); } sub _build_schema { my $self = shift; return $self->get_fully_qualified_class_name( $self->application, $self->schema_part, ); } sub _build_route_to_model { my $self = shift; return $self->_split_class_name($self->model); } sub _build_route_to_schema { my $self = shift; return $self->_split_class_name($self->schema); } # **************************************************************** # public method(s) # **************************************************************** sub reload_class { my ($self, $attribute) = @_; my $class = $self->$attribute; Class::Unload->unload($class); # unload class of target load $class; # reload class from source (@INC is added) return; } sub get_fully_qualified_class_name { my $self = shift; return join '::', @_; } sub get_class_name_from_path_string { my ($self, $path_string) = @_; my $class_name = $path_string; $class_name =~ s{ \.pm \z }{}xms; $class_name =~ s{ / }{::}xmsg; return $class_name; } # **************************************************************** # protected/private method(s) # **************************************************************** sub _split_class_name { my ($self, $class_name) = @_; return [ split '::', $class_name ]; } # **************************************************************** # consuming role(s) # **************************************************************** with qw( DBICx::Modeler::Generator::ClassLike ); # **************************************************************** # compile-time process(es) # **************************************************************** __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; # **************************************************************** # return true # **************************************************************** 1; __END__ # **************************************************************** # POD # **************************************************************** =pod =head1 NAME DBICx::Modeler::Generator::Class - Implement class for DBICx::Modeler::Generator::ClassLike =head1 SYNOPSIS use DBICx::Modeler::Generator::Class; =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is an implement class for L<DBICx::Modeler::Generator::ClassLike|DBICx::Modeler::Generator::ClassLike>. =head1 METHODS =head2 Loader =head3 C<< $self->reload_class($attribute) >> Reload class which is C<model> or C<class>. =head2 Utilities =head3 C<< $class_name = $self->get_class_name_from_path_string($path_string) >> Returns a string of class name which corresponds with C<$path_string>. =head3 C<< $class_name = $self->get_fully_qualified_class_name(@parts_of_class_name) >> Returns a string which joined C<@parts_of_class_name> with joint string C<::>. =head1 AUTHOR =over 4 =item MORIYA Masaki, alias Gardejo C<< <moriya at cpan dot org> >>, L<> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2009-2010 MORIYA Masaki, alias Gardejo This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlgpl|perlgpl> and L<perlartistic|perlartistic>. The full text of the license can be found in the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution. =cut