This file documents the revision history for Perl distribution
0.03 : Released on 2010-03-20 (JST)
Codes have no changes.
### Bug fixes
#### Packaging
- Remove superfluous dependency `mro` which related to `Test::Class`
This problem is concerned with RT #55482.
### Refactoring
#### Packaging
- Refactor `Makefile.PL`.
0.02 : Released on 2010-03-19 (JST)
Codes have no changes.
### Bug fixes
#### Packaging
- Resolve RT #55482: Undeclared dependencies on test related modules.
Thanks to Andreas Koenig.
- Explicitly declare `author_tests` in `Makefile.PL`
(for including `Module::Install::AuthorTests`).
- Correct resources (repository and homepage).
- Disable `auto_install`.
#### Documentation
- Correct POD syntax in `Lingua::EO::Orthography::EO` and
`Lingua::EO::Orthography::JA` (for properly index POD only files).
0.01 : Released on 2010-03-09 (JST)
Bundle `Module::Install::AuthorTests` to the distribution.
Codes have no changes.
### Bug fixes
#### Packaging
- Explicitly declare `author_tests` in `Makefile.PL`
(for including `Module::Install::AuthorTests`).
- Correct resources (repository and homepage).
#### Documentation
- Correct POD syntax in `Lingua::EO::Orthography::EO` and
`Lingua::EO::Orthography::JA` (for properly index POD only files).
0.00 : Released on 2010-03-08 (JST)
Initial release.
Version notation
V.vvrr_dd : Released on YYYY-MM-DD (Time Zone)
### V : Major version number
- Added ambitious features
- Changed in APIs
(older API will be keeped to compatibility for a some period)
- ...
### vv : Minor version number (in major version)
- Added several features
- Improved any features
- Fixed bugs
- ...
### rr : Revision number (in minor version, on demand)
You would not need to update the distribution.
- Improved tests
- Updated documents
- ...
### dd : Developer release number (in revision number, on demand)
This is unstable version.
Unless you are a developer, You will not be recommended to upgrade
the distribution.
- Added experimental features
- Fixed bugs provisionally
- ...
Document format
This `Changes` file was formatted in Markdown.
% perl -MText::Markdown -MFile::Slurp \
-e 'print (Text::Markdown->new->markdown(scalar read_file(q{Changes})));'