Revision history for Perl extension Perl-Lint
0.24 2016-05-22T16:37:08Z
- Test fixes for B::Keywords 1.15 (Tom Hukins++)
0.23 2015-05-30T04:03:15Z
- Fix bug about analysis of dereference (@daleevans++)
0.22 2015-04-04T16:53:59Z
- Add testing module (Test::Perl::Lint)
0.21 2015-04-03T05:26:40Z
- Fix line number to point out the violation
0.20 2015-03-28T15:52:01Z
- Fix some bugs
- Implement some policies
- Support `## no lint` annotation!
0.11 2015-01-26T16:01:45Z
- Implement some remained policies
- Bug fix
0.10 2014-10-24T07:21:09Z
- original not development version
0.01_02 2014-08-29T04:48:45Z
- Implement new policies
- Add filter mechanism
0.01_01 2014-08-12T06:53:40Z
- original version