Revision history for Perl extension Ukigumo::Agent
v0.1.8 2015-10-22T08:19:58Z
- Fixed the error "restricted hash" (@hayajo++)
v0.1.7 2014-06-20T02:37:22Z
- Support `ignore_github_tags` option
- Support `cleanup_cycle` option
- Support `force_git_url` option (@ikasam_a++)
- Support to accept the configuration file (@ikasam_a++)
- Do not run on deleted hook
- Fix typo (@sugyan++)
v0.1.6 2014-05-02T03:50:38Z
v0.1.5 2014-05-01T04:33:14Z
- Suppress warning messages
- Fix handling of timeout
v0.1.4 2014-04-08T06:55:19Z
- Update a dependency to Ukigumo::Client (bug fix)
v0.1.3 2014-04-06T14:48:07Z
- Update a dependency to Ukigumo::Client for function of timeout
v0.1.2 2014-04-05T05:48:59Z
- Change timeout function to be more safety (moznion)
v0.1.1 2014-03-27T23:35:49Z
- Enable timeout if the job is running too long #8
v0.0.16 2014-03-19T08:48:14Z
- Update a dependency to Ukigumo::Client (bug fix again...)
v0.0.15 2014-03-17T15:32:32Z
- Update a dependency to Ukigumo::Client (bug fix)
v0.0.14 2014-03-17T04:04:21Z
- Fix META
v0.0.13 2014-03-17T03:50:44Z
- Update a dependency to Ukigumo::Client (bug fix)
v0.0.12 2014-03-13T10:54:14Z
- Support GitHub webhooks
(mattn, tokuhirom)
- Support compare_url (for GitHub webhooks)
- Support GitHub Statuses API
v0.0.11 2013-06-16T02:24:21Z
- Older version does not install 'share/' directory.
broken at 0.0.8?
(reported by bokutin++)
0.0.10 2013-04-01T01:28:07Z
- Fixed missing deps: Mouse
0.0.9 2013-03-30T13:25:28Z
- Removed unused deps
0.0.8 2013-03-28T02:47:35Z
- re-packaging
0.0.7 2013-03-27T03:35:27Z
- 4922262 `host` parameter needs string.
(Reported by bokutin++)
0.0.6 2013-03-14T17:45:43
- use Amon2::Plugin::ShareDir
0.0.5 2013-03-14T14:51:51
- re-release
0.0.4 2013-03-14T14:47:07
- portable share directory
0.0.3 2013-03-14T12:56:54
- document updated
0.0.2 2013-03-14T12:48:59
- fixed packaging
0.0.1 2013-03-12T11:51:52
- original version