=head1 NAME

PXB: Perl XML data Binding

=head1 AUTHOR

Maxim Grigoriev

=over 1

=item      L</"INTRODUCTION">

=item      L</"PXB FRAMEWORK">

=item      L</"DATA MODEL">


=item      L</"CASE STUDY">

=over 2

=item      L</"Utilizing PXB for perfSONAR-PS web services">

=item      L</"perfSONAR-PS data model for PingER service">

=item      L</"SQL MAPPING">


=item      L</"REFERENCES">



This document presents and describes API designed for binding  RelaxNG (Compact) 
or XML schema, represented by RelaxNG Compact notation into the perl class library. 
The main idea behind such binding is to provide flexible and scalable API which
will allow developers  of the document literal based web services easily describe 
any service messaging profile by writing simple  perl data structures. This approach  
allows you to work with data from any  XML message using your own class structures, 
so your XML elements are binded into the perl objects, therefore it called Perl 
XML data Binding (or PXB). The PXB framework will handle all the details of converting  data to and from 
XML or DOM objects based on your instructions. The DOM objects tree is created by 
utilizing very fast LibXML library. PXB was designed to allow you a high degree of control over the
translation process with custom callbacks and SQL mapping of the hierarchical
XML entities into the  flat  SQL database schema. Even more importantly to note that
PXB creates heavily documented, highly supportable and maintainable perl class hierarchies. 
It also automatically creates test  suit for every created class.
The L<Perl::Tidy> and L<Perl::Critic> profile files are included into the standard test suit
in order to comply with the Best Perl Practices. If you familiar with java XML data 
binding packages such L<xmlbeans|/"2. xmlbeans">, L<CASTOR|/"4. CASTOR">, L<METRO|/"3. METRO"> or older L<JAXB|/"5. JAXB"> 
then idea of unmarshalling XML into the simple objects should be  known to you. 


=head2   or Why Yet Another XML framework

PXB uses the power of perl data structures to define the rules of how perl
objects are converted to or from XML (the binding).  Or more explicitly to and
from the DOM tree objects. Why not to use  DOM instead?  DOM is just a
representation of the XML tree data structure. It does not provide any facility  to
hook up easily some custom callback aligned with some external data schema to
the particular element in the tree.  The current spectrum of available XML APIs
for perl is limited to tree walking and XPath based search. Also, the process of refactoring heavy XML driven perl code based on
XML/XPath approach was found to be very tedious and  error prone. 
Especially when schemas are constantly adapting to the ever changing customer's requirements.
The PXB framework is an attempt to bring configurable callbacks into the DOM 
and add some functional validation inside of such binding as well as provide
mechanism to map  SQL database schema to the hierarchical structure of the DOM tree.
Importance of such mapping technique was exposed by the lack of robust support for native  XML data
type among the current  list of “freeware” storage engines where the  SQL RDBM
is more or less a standard and performance of the native XML databases are still far 
from the optimal. Also, PXB uses perl as meta-language and it uses
perl to create perl OO API which makes schema's code significantly smaller.  
Any developer can concentrate on implementing semantic rules, protocols and actual 
functionality instead of wasting any time on reimplementing once again  XML tree walking API.  
Moreover, there is an automated test suite for the each class of the generated API   and
every method call is documented. The internal structure of  every class was designed  
to be  clean, readable and easily understandable by any other perl developer. 
It utilizes L<perl’ best practices|/"6. Perl Best Practices, by Damian Conway">  and uses  C<fields> packages to provide tighter
encapsulation and creates explicitly named lists of accessors and
mutators. Behavioral semantic of the each class in the class tree is the same
and implements absolutely the same methods to allow transparency and 
propagation of the implemented callbacks across the API. 


The basic XML element definition is represented as perl hash reference:


        <element-variable> =  '{   attrs  =>  { ' <attributes-definition> ','  ‘ 'xmlns’ ‘ => ‘ ' <namespace prefix> '},'
                                'elements => [' <elements-definition> '],'
                                '‘text ’  => ' <text-content> ','
                                '‘sql =>  {' <sql-mapping-definition> '}'


Where each <xxxx-definition> can be expressed in L<EBNF|/"7. EBNF> as:


  <attributes-definition> = (attribute-name  '‘=>’'  attribute-value) (',’'  <attributes-definition>)*
  attribute-name	  = string
  namespace-id  	  = string
  attribute-value	  = ‘scalar’| ('’enum:’'(attribute-name ( '‘,’'  attribute-name)*)) 

  <elements-definition> =   ( '‘[‘' element-name  '’=>'’  (
							    <element-variable>  |
						   ’'['   ‘   <element-variable> '’]’' | 
						   ’'[‘' (    <element-variable> '’,'’)+’ ']’' |
						   '’[‘' ('['‘ <element-variable> '’]’,'’?)+ ’']'’ ) 
						  ',' conditional-statement? ']’')*

  conditional-statement =  ('‘unless’'|’'if'’)’':'’(registered-name ('‘,'’ registered-name)*)

  registered-name = attribute-name|element-name

  element-name  = string

  <text-content> = ‘scalar’|conditional-statement

  <sql-mapping-definition> = (sql-table-name ‘'=>’ ‘{'‘ sql-table-entry '‘}’' ) ( '‘,'’ <sql-mapping-definition>)*

  sql-table-entry =  (sql-entry-name '‘=>’ ’{'‘ entry-mapping ‘'}’' ) ( '‘,’ '  sql-table-entry )*
  sql-table-name = string
  sql-entry-name = string

  entry-mapping = '‘value’ ‘=>' ’( element-name|( '‘['‘ element-name ('‘,'’ element-name)+ ’']’')) ( ‘','’ if-condition)?  
  if-condition = '‘if’ ‘=>’( ' attribute-name '‘:’' attribute-value | '[' ( ' attribute-name ':' attribute-value ',' )+ ']'  )





  elements =>  [parameter => [$parameter]]  - defines list of  'parameter' sub-elements


  elements => [parameter => $parameter]  - defines single 'parameter'’ sub-element


  elements =>  [parameters  => [$parameters,$select_parameters]]  - defines the choice between  two single 
                    ‘'parameters' sub-elements of different type


  elements =>  [datum  => [[$pinger_datum], [$result_datum]] ]  - defines choice between  two lists of  
                    'datum' sub-elements of different type


In C<elements-definition> the third member  is an optional conditional statement which represents validation rule. 
For example I<‘unless:value>’ conditional statement  will be translated  into the  perl’  conditional statement  
C<< && !($self->get_value) >>  where ‘value’ must be registered attribute or sub-element name and this condition  
will be placed in every piece of code where perl  object is serialized into the XML DOM  object or unmarshalled from it. 


In order to provide the same class interface throughout the API, the same universal constructors and same set 
of method calls were implemented. Currently the constructor body includes initialization part as well and this 
part is slightly different for different modules, but it might be reduced to generic constructor and some custom 
initialization part in the future where generic constructor might be inherited from some sort of the base Object class. 
Currently every constructor “knows” how to initialize the whole class from the DOM object, XML string fragment 
or from the reference to the perl hash structure of the named class  fields. Also, it “knows” how to handle arrays 
of the class fields with support for elements identified by I<id>. It supports special field, 
named idmap  for that purpose. It “knows” how to serialize object of the class into the DOM or XML 
text string and how to map contents of the object on some SQL schema. By issuing I<registerNamespaces> call to 
the root object one can obtain the reference to the hash with all namespaces utilized by every sub-element in the object. 
It utilizes another special field, called C<nsmap> for that. This field is an object of the  generated helper 
class and serves as container for  map between local names and namespace prefixes. Every namespace is identified by
namespace prefix and the version of the schema is getting built into the generated API package pathname.   


Our case is based on building interoperable SOAP document/literal based webservice for L<perfSONAR-PS|/"8. perfSONAR-PS"> project.
Webservices are indeed wrappers around network performance monitoring tools. Where there are two types of services
- Measuremnt Archive (MA) with ability to publish historical data and Measurement Point (MP) providing on-demand

=head2  Utilizing PXB for perfSONAR-PS web services

The major utilization scenario of the PXB framework comes when there is a need to build  MA  service with SQL database based storage engine. 
In any case PXB framework will provide the complete solution and actual development for MP will be contained in
writing real time measurements facility class  and then utilizing PXB to inject 
measured data into the published XML message. For MA the whole SD process  will be dedicated to writing 
the actual message handler and implementing actual protocol specifications. For example, for PingER MA it is
L<perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::PingER> class, inherited from L<perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message> class with actual
implementation of SetupData request and MetaDataKey request handlers. The L<perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message> 
is an abstract class, extending L<perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Message> class. This extra class exists because
the root   B<Message> class from the PXB is message type agnostic.

=head2  perfSONAR-PS data model for PingER service

The root of the perfSONAR-PS schema and the root of the OO API built by PXB  is the  B<Message>  object. 
It exists in the perfSONAR base namespace identified by C<nmwg> id. The schema is versioned.
The most current root package name for B<Message> class is L<perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Message>.
The base schema is completely defined by L<perfSONAR_PS::DataModels::DataModel> module. 
This is a simple perl package and not the class, because it  has only data definitions.
The current B<DataModel>  has implemented definitions from several B<OGF> schemas, namely:
 C<filter.rnc, nmtopo.rnc, nmbase.rnc, nmtm.rnc, nmtl3.rnc, nmtl4.rnc>.  
There is no SQL mapping definitions in the base data model allowed, because SQL mapping  is a service specific. 
Any service specific extension of this  base schema must be extended in the separate data model  package 
as it was done for PingER service. The PingER data model can be viewed as an example and it is contained 
in the  L<perfSONAR_PS::DataModels::PingER_Model>. Any other extension data model package can be created for any other service. 
Let’s look on example of  the parameter element. It is described in the base model as:


     $parameter      =  {attrs  => {name => 'scalar',  value => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmwg'},
                         elements => [],
                         text => 'unless:value',


That means the parameter element has name and value attributes, does not have any sub-elements and might have 
optional (only when value attribute is undefined) text content. For PingER  service it was extended as:


 $parameter->{'attrs'} = {name =>      'enum:count,packetInterval,packetSize,ttl,valueUnits,startTime,endTime,deadline,transport,setLimit', 
                               value => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmwg'};


Where explicit enumeration was  added for the list of allowed values of the name attribute and SQL mapping was defined as:


  $parameter->{sql} = {metaData => {count => {value =>  ['value' , 'text'],
										  if => 'name:count'},
					       packetInterval=> {value =>  ['value' , 'text'],  
										 if => 'name:packetInterval'},
					       packetSize=> {value => ['value' , 'text'] ,
										 if => 'name:packetSize'},
					       ttl=> {value =>  ['value' , 'text'],
										 if => 'name:ttl'},
					       deadline => {value =>  ['value' , 'text'] , 
										 if => 'name:deadline'},
					       transport => { value =>   ['value' , 'text'],
										if => 'name:transport'},
		      time    =>      {      start => {value => ['value' , 'text'], 
										if => 'name:startTime'},
								  end  =>   { value =>  ['value' , 'text'],
									     if => 'name:endTime'},
		      limit    =>   {	   setLimit => { value =>  ['value' , 'text'], 
									       if => 'name:setLimit'},  	     


Please note that C<time> table name was made up to allow mapping of the time range related entities. 
Also, C<tlimit> table name was made up to provide non-existed paging mechanism in order to limit the 
size of the requested dataset in the response message. As it clear from the example above, the schema can be
modified in any time without affecting the rest of the service API. For example extra attribute ‘named C<type>’ can be 
added and the whole API framework rebuild in the matter of seconds. Then developer can utilize this extra 
attribute type by calling C<< ->get_type >>  on the C<parameter> object in the message handling class and 
new functionality will be immediately supported.


Lets look again on  the example of the SQL mapping definitions for PingER service from previous chapter. Every object of 
the API class tree implements  C<querySQL> call. It accepts reference to the empty hash and  passes this reference 
through the whole objects tree while filling contents of the hash with initialized  contents of the “objects of interest”.
The “object of interest” is defined by the SQL  mapping definition.

For example, for definition:


C<< {metaData => {count => {value =>  ['value' , 'text'],   if => 'name:count'} >>


for  C<Parameter> object with C<name> attribute  set to ‘C<count>’ and C<‘value> attribute’  or C<text> content  
set to ‘100’ it will add:

C<< metaData => {‘count’ => { ‘eq’ => ‘100’}} >> 

into the SQL query hash. 
The resulted hash for C<metaData> table will be returned and will look as:


C<< { metaData => {count =>  '100'}} >> 


where it can be easily passed to any of SQL ORM frameworks in order to build proper C<WHERE> clause.
For example L<Class::DBI> or with minor refactoring to the L<Rose::DB>



=item 1. RelaxNG Compact


=item 2. xmlbeans


=item 3. METRO


=item 4. CASTOR


=item 5. JAXB


=item 6. Perl Best Practices, by Damian Conway

=item 7. EBNF


=item 8. perfSONAR-PS


