package perfSONAR_PS::DataModels::PingER_Topology; =head1 NAME perfSONAR_PS::DataModels::Network_Topology - perfSONAR network topology schema expressed in perl =head1 DESCRIPTION 'nmrtopo' extension of the perfSONAR_PS RelaxNG Compact schema for the perfSONAR services metadata see: =head1 SYNOPSIS ### use perfSONAR_PS::DataModels::Network_Topology qw($nmtopo); =cut =head1 Exported Variables $pingertopo $port $node $domain =cut use strict; use warnings; use version;our $VERSION = '2.0'; our @EXPORT = qw( ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw($nmtopo $addressL2 $port_l2 $port_l3 $node $domain); our ($pingertopo, $port_l2, $port_l3,$parameters, $addressL2, $parameter, $location, $contact ,$basename, $node,$domain, $textnode_nmtb); use perfSONAR_PS::DataModels::Base_Model 2.0 qw($addressL3); $addressL2 = { attrs => {value => 'scalar', type => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmtl2'}, elements => [ ], text => 'unless:value', }; $basename = { attrs => {type => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmtb'}, elements => [], text => 'scalar', }; $location = { attrs => {xmlns => 'nmtb'}, elements => [ [continent => 'text'], [country => 'text'], [zipcode => 'text'], [state => 'text'], [institution => 'text'], [city => 'text'], [streetAddress => 'text'], [floor => 'text'], [room => 'text'], [cage => 'text'], [rack => 'text'], [shelf => 'text'], [latitude => 'text'], [longitude => 'text'], ], }; $relation = { attrs => {xmlns => 'nmtb', type => 'scalar'}, elements => [ [domainIdRef => 'text'], [nodeIdRef => 'text'], [portIdRef => 'text'], [linkIdRef => 'text'], [pathIdRef => 'text'], [netwrokIdRef => 'text'], [serviceIdRef => 'text'], [groupIdRef => 'text'], [idRef => 'text'], ], }; $port_l3 = { attrs => {id => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmtl3'}, elements => [ [ address=> $addressL3 ], [ name => 'text'], [ description => 'text'], ], }; $port_l2 = { attrs => {id => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmtl2'}, elements => [ [ ipAddress=> $addressL2 ], ], }; $contact = { attrs => {xmlns => 'nmtb', priority => 'scalar'}, elements => [ [email => 'text'], [phoneNumber => 'text'], [administrator => 'text'], [institution => 'text'], ], }; $textnode_nmtb = { attrs => {xmlns => 'nmtb'}, elements => [], text => 'scalar', }; $node = { attrs => { id => 'scalar', idRef => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmtb'}, elements => [ [name => $basename], [hostName => $textnode_nmtb], [relation => $relation], [description => $textnode_nmtb ], [comments => $textnode_nmtb], [location => $location ], [contact => $contact], [parameters => $parameters], [port => $port], ], }; $domain = { attrs => {id => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nmtb'}, elements => [ [node => [$node]], ], }; $nmtopo = { attrs => {xmlns => 'nmtopo'}, elements => [ [domain => [$domain]], ], }; 1;