Revision history for DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget
0.06 2006-06-15 17:04
- Better error reporting.
- bugfixes for embedded widgets
0.05 2006-06-03 18:43
- Blank out password fields.
- Iterates the Widget elements on insert for security reasons (thanks ash!)
0.04 ?
- Supports embedded widgets
0.03 2006-04-13 12:24
- Fixed outdated pod synopsis. (thanks dave)
- Fixed so empty values doesn't get set to 0. (thanks alex)
- Use get_column to avoid inflation instead.
0.02 2006-01-25 15:06
- Fix checkboxes
- Fix foreign keys.
0.01 2006-01-25 15:06
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.