0.08 2007-04-01
* Added ecef wantarray
* Made geodetic-directic the default geodetic method.
* Removed geodetic-iterative method tests due to test issues on certain platforms.
0.07 2007-02-07
* Added geodedtic-directic methodo
* Use e2 function from Geo::Ellipsoid
0.06 2006-12-08
* Removed geo::ecef.old from package
* modified ellipsoid method
0.05 2006-12-08
* Changed some test to "near" tests to fix reported bugs
0.04 2006-12-05 - Michael R. Davis MRDVT (mrdvt92)
* Bugs in test script perl.cpan.testers (384276) & (384276)
* Added geodetic method
0.03 2006-12-05 - Michael R. Davis MRDVT (mrdvt92)
* Renamed to Geo::ECEF
* Converted to OO perl
* Dependant on Geo::Ellipsoids, Geo::Functions
1.0.0 2005-02-11 - Morten Sickel <Morten.Sickel@nrpa.no>
* Release created, renamed to geo::ecef
0.01 2004-10-01 - Morten Sickel <Morten.Sickel@nrpa.no>
* Original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -AXn ecef