Revision history for Perl module Geo::Google::Latitude

0.08 2011-09-07
  - Renamed example scripts
  - Moved getList tests into t/003_list.t
  - Updated Documentation

0.07 2011-09-06
  - Changed License from BSD to GPLv2
  - Moved production latitude database
  - Dropped to use Package::New
  - Rewrote
    - Renamed to
    - Using DBIx::Array::Connect and Sys::RunAlways
  - Added spec to distribution

0.06-2 2011-08-25
  - NOTE: Last version licensed under BSD
  - Updated Geo-Google-Latitude-database-GoogleEarth.cgi to use Geo::GoogleEarth::Pluggable lib

0.06 2009-11-01
  - Promoted HTTP status and error to Badge object.

0.05 2009-09-02
  - Added getList method
  - Updated get method to be wrapper around getList
  - Badge now only has one features worth of data.
  - Updated all Badge methods
  - Added many new Badge methods

0.04 2009-06-22
  - Moved from LWP::Simple to LWP::UserAgent for agent method
  - Updated Documentation

0.03 2009-06-21
  - Fixed swaped lat and lon

0.02 2009-06-21
  - Cache badge->point
  - Added script example

0.01 2009-06-21
  - original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51