Revision history for Perl module Geo::GoogleEarth::Document
0.08 2007-10-03
-left a Data::Dumper line in Sorry!
0.07 2007-10-01
- updated documentation
- moved Placemark->options to Base->options
- added capability for custom functions and options.
0.06 2007-09-23
- added Placemark->snippet method
- added Placemark->options method
- added Base->function method this may be the hook for adding custom fields
0.05 2007-09-17
- updated documentation
- fixed Placemark->adddress type-o
- added Placemark->address test
0.04 2007-09-17
- updated documentation
0.03 2007-09-16
- updated documentation
- moved use statements from Base to Folder
- simplified Folder->structure
- added type method to objects to support Folder->structure simplification
- added Placemark lat, lon, alt, address methods
- modified Placemark->structure to support address only Placemarks
- changed Placemark->description default to undef
- added a couple of tests
0.02 2007-09-10
- updated documentation
- moved data method from to
- removed one unsed @list assignment
- added defaults to everything
- added method assignments capability
0.01 2007-09-09
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.49