Revision history for Perl extension Geo::H3::FFI.

0.06 2021-06-21
  - Updated lib/Geo/H3/
    - Dropped unused C struct objects Geo::H3::FFI::Struct::H3Index and Geo::H3::FFI::Array::H3Index
  - Updated MANIFEST
    - Dropped pod tests from distribution - Slaven Rezić - issue #2

0.05 2021-06-21
  - Updated lib/Geo/H3/
    - Added uncompactWrapper
    - Fixed uncompact and maxUncompactSize
    - Updated hexRingWrapper pentagonal distortion returns
  - Updated Makefile.PL for CPANTS - Slaven Rezić - issue #1
  - Updated MANIFEST for CPANTS
  - Updated t/007_hierarchical_grid_functions.t
    - Added uncompactWrapper tests

0.04 2021-06-20
  - Updated Makefile.PL to support CPAN testers

0.03 2021-06-19
  - Updated tests to skip unless libh3 is installed

0.02 2021-06-11
  - Minimum viable product

0.01 2020-12-30
  - original version; created by h2xs 1.23