Revision history for Perl module Geo-Inverse

0.09 2025-03-01
  - Fixed prereqs fixes #2

0.08 2025-02-28
  - Added error check for undef

0.07 2022-11-29
  - Added GitHub repository

0.06 2011-10-31
  - Added tests pod.t kwalitee.t changes.t pod-coverage.t
  - Updated to pass tests
  - Imported new constructor from Package::New

0.05 2007-04-07
  - Added inverse.for to distribution

0.04 2007-04-06
  - Added scalar context to inverse function should be 100% backward compatable

0.03 2006-12-08
  - Merged set and ellipsoid methods
  - Updated build requirment versions

0.02 2006-12-03
  - Imported Geo::Constants Geo::Functions

0.01 2006-10-30
  - Original version