2006-12-01 v0.29
  * updated test near function 
  * Distance function from Geo::Inverse
2006-11-30 v0.28
  * documentation
  * getsatellite method supports wantarray
  * moved PI from sub to constant
  * moved stuff around everywhere but no real changes
2006-10-28 v0.27
  * changed track formula to use Geo:Forward.
2006-10-11 v0.26
  * Error in Net::GPSD->track $||$*$ -> ($||$)*$;
2006-06-19 v0.25
  * Change dependancy on S[0] first and then O[14]||M[0] to get fix.
  * Added examples
2006-06-14 v0.24
  * Change dependancy on O[14](new) and M[0] vice S[0] to get fix.
2006-06-11 v0.23
  * added logic to handle O=? watcher no fix
2006-06-08 v0.22
  * modified subscribe method to use gpsd watcher mode vs. poll mode
2006-06-08 v0.21
  * updated example-tracker-text
2006-06-08 v0.20
  * Scrapped development concerning Math::Bezier
2006-04-23 v0.19
  * added example-tracker-text
  * added Point latlon method
  * added wantarray capability to commands method
  * changed a connection error print from stdout to a warn on stderr
2006-04-08 v0.18
  * shift() warning
  * fixed test errors
2006-04-08 v0.17
  * Forgot to update versions
  * Updated the CHANGES file
2006-04-08 v0.16
  * Error in track function
    >   # Heading is measured clockwise from the North.  The angles for the math
    >   # sin and cos formulas are measured anti-clockwise from the East.  So,
    >   # in order to get this correct, we have to shift sin and cos the 90
    >   # degrees to cos and -sin.  The anti-clockwise/clockwise change flips
    >   # the sign on the sin back to positive.
    >   my $distance_lat_meters=$distance_meters * cos(deg2rad $p1->heading);
    >   my $distance_lon_meters=$distance_meters * sin(deg2rad $p1->heading);
  * Added deg2rad function
  * Added Point->latlon function
2006-04-01 v0.15
  * Updated pod for GPSD.pm mostly just the examples are linked
2006-03-29 v0.14
  * Renamed GPS::gpsd to Net::GPSD
2006-03-22 v0.13
  * Internel version numbers were wrong
2006-03-22 v0.12
  * Error in point copy for initialization
    < $self->{$_}=$data->{$_};
    > $self->{$_}=[@{$data->{$_}}];
2006-03-21 v0.11
  * simplified GPSD default_handler
  * pods for ./bin/ examples
  * hopefully fixed META.yml error
2006-03-19 v0.10
  * moved examples to ./bin/ folder
2006-03-17 v0.9
  * fixed 1 warning
2006-03-15 v0.8
  * CPAN changes.  Now automakes with CPAN!
  * moved Report::http under gpsd namespace
  * moved modules to the lib folder
  * renamed tgz file to GPS-gpsd-X.XX.tgz format
2006-03-11 v0.7
  * made a bunch of changes to the distance calculations
  * Fixes error in in the parse routine 
     < $data{$1}=[split(/ /, $2)];
     > $data{$1}=[split(/\s+/, $2)];
  * Updates to CPAN install capability
  * Updates to documentation
  * Update to the subscribe interface
2006-02-23 v0.6
  * No user interface changes
  * Updates the pod documentation so that it displays better on CPAN.
  * Moved code from GPS::gpsd::Satellite->list to GPS::gpsd->getsatellitelist. 
  * Documentation, Documentation, Documentation...
2006-02-22 v0.5
  * Heavy user interface changes
  * Modified a few interface names to meet my tastes register->subscribe
  * Documentation, Documentation, Documentation...
2006-02-21 v0.4
  * Heavy user interface changes
  * First CPAN Documentation Begins
  * Added satellite object interface
2006-02-19 v0.3
  * Heavy user interface changes
  * Added Point object interface
2006-02 v0.2
  * Heavy user interface changes
2006-02 v0.1
  * Original version on CPAN.