Revision history for Perl module Net::GPSD3
- Write a POE capability interface
- Support SUBFRAME object better
- Support GST object better
- Add Tests for many gps devices
0.13 2011-03-25
- Added poll->fix method
- Added poll->sky method
- Renamed internal method poll->fixes to _fixes
- Renamed internal method poll->skyviews to _skyviews
- Updated POLL documentation
- Added GST object support
0.12 2011-03-24
- gpsd 2.96 protocol 3.4 support
- Do not expect the protocol to stablize until gpsd 3.00
- Added support for new POLL interface
- Added support for SUBFRAME object
- Updated objects to support new W3C timestamp format
- Added RPM spec file to the distribution
- Updated tests for the new protocol 3.4
- Updated Net/
- Moved defaults into methods
- Added object caching in gpsd->cache method
- Removed the intersperse capability as redundant with caching
- Renamed example scripts
- Dropped strftime support (not backwards compatible!)
0.11 2010-01-14
- gpsd protocol 3.3 support
- Moved to IO::Socket::INET6 to support both IPv4 and IPv6
0.10 2010-01-01
- Updated GPS::Point minimum required version to 0.10
0.09 2009-11-27
- Added DateTime to handler output
0.08 2009-12-06
- API changed between gpsd versions 2.90dev and 2.90
- Added json=>true to ?WATCH request
0.07 2009-11-22
- Support some changes in the protocol in 2.90dev.
0.06 2009-10-03T5:34:00Z
- Satellite->reported property was dropped (now calculated)
0.05 2009-09-28T18:31:00Z
- modified SKY->Satellites to reuse parent->constructor code.
0.04 2009-09-26T23:03:00Z
- Documentation
- Changed satelliteObjects to Satellites (still have satellites)
- Changed DeviceObjects to Devices (still have devices)
- Added Error trapping and better messages
0.03 2009-09-19T06:48:00Z
- Fixed up DEVICE package
- Fixed up ERROR package
- Refactored a bunch of the code to make testing easier
- Added more tests
- Added Example
0.02 2009-09-16T00:20:00Z
- Documentation
- Updated SKY->satellites
- Added SKY->satelliteObjects
- Updated Makefile.PL -> prereq
0.01 2009-04-14T18:58:54Z
- gpsd version 3.1 protocol