Revision history for Perl extension RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format.

0.08 2022-10-20
  - Added new blob method
  - Added _parse_polarization function inside read method to support horizontal and vertical quirks from vendors
  - Updated doc

0.07 2022-10-19
  - Fixed read method to handle trailing empty lines

0.06 2022-10-19
  - Updated the parse architecture of gain_dbd to match work done in frequency_mhz

0.05 2022-10-18
  - Updated method frequency_mhz to support frequency ranges found in many MSI files
  - Added methods frequency_mhz_lower, frequency_mhz_upper, frequency_ghz_lower, frequency_ghz_upper

0.04 2022-10-12
  - Header keys are no longer forced to be upper case as vendor extensions are lower/mixed case - NOT 100% backward compatable
  - NAME is assumed to be first line even when NAME key token is surpressed - NOT 100% backward compatable
  - NAME is always written as first line with NAME key token

0.03 2022-10-11
  - Added method read_fromZipMember with tests

0.02 2022-09-30
  - Updated gain_dbd method to parse different formats of text based storage of gain header
  - Updated t/005_gain_freq.t to test all the formats that I know about

0.01 2022-09-16
  - Replaced header order capability with Tie::IxHash
  - Added example script scripts/
  - Fixed issue in read method on leading spaces in horizonal and vertical data sets
  - Added scalar ref support to write method
  - Added scalar ref support to read method
  - Added capability for empty string headers fields
  - Fixed frequency_mhz and gain_dbd logic
  - Added electrical_tilt and comment helper methods

0.00 2022-09-14
  - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
  - new, read and write method are operational