Revision history for Perl extension Tree::Ternary.

0.03	23 Sep 1999

	- Reduced ATTRIBUTES setup to a single eval using
	  code suggested by Tom Phoenix, should speed up the
	  compile time a wee bit
	+ Checks for 1.14 in Makefile.PL
	+ More comments relating to design decisions
	- Removed extraneous #! line and labels
	- Miscellaneous changes to the POD

0.02	22 Sep 1999

	+ Underscores added to ATTRIBUTES members to enhance readability
	+ Replaced hard-coded '00' with TERM_CHAR constant
	+ Used a faster method for defining constants
	- Corrected order of use() statements
	- Carp is now required at runtime to reduce compile time
	- Removed extraneous returns, relies on implicit return value
       	  where applicable
	+ Clarified variable names in recursive methods
	+ Minimized use of $char[0], replaced with lexically scoped $char
	+ Perform pre-checks for branch terminals to reduce method call
	  overhead in recursive methods
	+ Cleaned up appearance of code, now readable (more or less) on
	  an 80 column display.
	+ Modified license to mirror Perl license.
	+ Install includes a check for
	+ Fixed up POD

0.01    23 Aug 1999

	- Initial version

+ == additions
- == fixes