Revision history for Perl module Catalyst::View::RRDGraph

0.07      2012-11-19 00:48:53 Europe/Madrid
    - Skip tests if RRDs not found
    - Minor cosmetic changes

0.06      2012-10-26 14:53:30 Europe/Madrid
    - Released with Dist::Zilla
    - RRDs not a prerequisite since it will make fail some installers
    - Documentation modified accordingly

0.05 Mon Feb 07 20:46:00 2011
    - Fix RT #63114. Got away without "use Catalyst::Exception" for some time. Not now.

0.04 Thu Mar 25 15:20:00 2010
    - use MRO::Compat (patch courtesy Ton Voon)
    - change to Module::Install so that build pre-reqs can be separated from runtime pre-reqs

0.03 Sun Oct 26 21:35:00 2008
    - use base instead of use parent in test suite

0.02 Sun Oct 19 14:10:10 2008
    - Throw Catalyst Exceptions instead of die
    - RRDs returns a 0 byte image file and doesn't set RRDs::error. Detect and throw Exception
    - new ON_ERROR_SERVE attribute

0.01 Sun Aug  3 14:23:16 2008
    - original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51