Revision history for Perl extension Net::Amazon:
0.05 (05/31/2003)
Martha Greenberg <> provided bug reports
and patches for
* 'music' parameter for UPC searches (fixed in doc)
* Net::Amazon::Property::Music now deals correctly with
CDs by multiple artists.
* missing documentation of 'locale' parameter
(ms) Net::Amazon now takes the 'locale' parameter also in
the main Net::Amazon object's constructor.
0.04 (05/29/2003)
Dan Sully <> provided a patch
to check if a response indeed contains the {Details} hash.
0.03 (05/06/2003)
(ms) properties returns empty list on failure now
Martha Greenberg <> provided patch for
* the now mandatory associates-id in the query
* two documentation bugs
Konstantin Gredeskoul <> also provided an almost
identical patch to the problem :).
(ms) documentation updated
(ms) where it all started
* analyze what looks like a bug in AMZN's web service: If a wishlist
is longer than 10 items, it will display the first 10 only without
telling how long it is (usually this is in "TotalPages").
* tests with lite/heavy
* raw xml access
* heavy accessors