Revision history for Perl extension Net::Google::Drive::Simple

0.06 (2013/07/25)
    (ms) Added download() method to download files from the google drive
    (ms) Fixed files() to return full objects, not just file names
    (ms) Applied patch by Yxes, pulling in a https lib and replacing 
         deprecated render_text Mojo method by render(text => x):

0.05 (2013/03/18)
    (ms) Requiring Sysadm::Install 0.43 for Win32 compatibility.

0.04 (2013/02/03)
    (ms) Removed dependency on pdf files, now supports all types of files
         via File::MMagic.
    (ms) Better debug logs
    (ms) Added better instructions on how to obtain Google Drive client
         IDs and secrets.

0.03 (2013/01/03)
    (ms) Now refreshing token right before a file_upload, regardless of expire
         time. Working around unexplicable problems when the token expires
         while an upload is in progress.

0.02 (2012/12/30)
    (ms) children() now works correctly in both scalar and array context

0.01 (2012/12/28)
    (ms) Where it all began.