Revision history for Perl extension Net::SSH::AuthorizedKeysFile
0.11 (2009/11/30)
(ms) Documentation fixes
(ms) Added github repo link to Makefile.PL
0.10 2009/11/15
(ms) Complete rewrite of parsers and classes
(ms) No longer supporting multi-line keys
0.06 2009/10/20
(ms) new() no longer reads the configuration file
automatically, read() must be called separately. This breaks
backward compatibility. Sorry, but it had to be fixed.
(ms) Even odd cases of authorized_keys files are now handled
correctly (but of course there could be even odder cases
that caused the parser to bail :)
0.05 2009/08/07
(ms) Ignore empty lines
(ms) Allow multi-lines for ssh2 pubkeys
(ms) Fixes for more resilience towards mistyped authkey files
0.04 2009/08/07
(ms) Allow mixed v1/v2 keys in a single authorized_keys file.
0.03 2008/08/24
(ms) Rewrote entire parsing code to comply with ssh spec, thanks to
Tobias Galitzien for the pointer.
(ms) Ignore comment lines in authorized_keys files
(ms) The 'email' field is now call 'comment' ('email' is still available
for backwards compatibility, though).
(ms) Comments can now contain blanks and commas without tripping the
parser up.
0.02 2005/12/23
(ms) Fixed dependencies
0.01 2005/12/21
(ms) Where it all began.