Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

0.15 (07/23/2006)
(ms) Fixed bug with multiple comment lines, of which only the first
one was printed in the graph. It was introduced in 0.14.
Thanks to Steve van der Burg for reporting and a patch.
0.14 (04/28/2006)
(ms) Order of prints, legends, gprints etc. now preserved, see
0.13 (08/07/2005)
(ms) Added line, area, tick, and shift to graph method.
(ms) Added vdef to graph.
(ms) More checks on rrdtool installation, now requiring 1.2.x.
0.12 (07/07/2005)
(ms) Steve van der Burg added vrule, comment, and font options
(ms) Makefile.PL dependencies version number changed from undef to 0
(ms) Added 'rigid' option to graph.
0.11 (01/05/2005)
(ms) Added suggestion by Richard Lippmann <lippmann@sprachtheorie.de>
to allow for invisible graphs, just used as base for later
'cdef' calculations. Since leaving 'type' out will have
RRDTool::OO default to 'line', type => 'hidden' is used to
indicate the graph shouldn't be drawn.
(ms) Added gprint/print options for graphs
0.10 (11/20/2004)
(ms) Added legends to graph()
(ms) Maxence Gerbedoen <maxxenceg@wanadoo.fr> suggested a patch to
add 'cdef' functionality. Added slightly differently.
0.09 (10/08/2004)
(ms) Fixed bug [cpan #7897]. new() now accepts a raise_error setting.
0.08 (09/24/2004)
(ms) Added documentation for multiple data sources and archives.
(ms) Martin Kurahaupo <martin@kurahaupo.gen.nz> added a patch
to prevent the test suite from failing when run as root
because a test file can't be write-protected.
(ms) Chris Fedde <cfedde@denver.pm.org> provided a patch to
structure ::info's output more perl-like. Got input from
perlmonks (thanks nobull!) on how to efficiently transform
RRDTools info output into Perl data structures.
0.07 (08/15/2004)
(ms) doc and test fixes for new rrdtool release 1.0.49. dump()
and restore() are now supported.
0.06 (06/21/2004)
(ms) added 'start' param in create() docs
(ms) JJ Knitis <jj@dangercreative.com> provided a fix for
multiple 'color' settings in graph. Added new graph/color
0.05 (05/26/2004)
(ms) added support for dump() and restore(). Test cases in
t/007Dump.t will wait until these functions are
available in rrdtool, and are skipped until then.
(ms) Some graph options don't have parameters, they can
specified via option_name => undef now.
(ms) Added lower_limit graph option
(ms) Added eg/graph.pl as a graph example
0.04 05/22/2004
(ms) added more functionality to graph(), new test cases.
(ms) if a graph contains several files, use the defaults
from each file
(ms) added tune(), info(), last().
dump()/restore() added also, but not activated yet,
because not available via RRDs.
0.03 05/18/2004
(ms) fixed discovery of CFs
(ms) fixed update with values/hash and added test case
0.02 05/16/2004
(ms) used rrdtool info for meta queries
0.01 05/12/2004
(ms) Where it all began.
* fetch_start/next iterator with saved timestamp, without caching all values