Version: 3.07
 *** If you are running mod_perl2, you must update to at least           ***
 *** mod_perl 2.0.0 RC5.  The mod_perl2 version of AuthCookie has been   ***
 *** renamed to Apache2::AuthCookie                                      ***
  ** MP2: RENAME to Apache2::AuthCookie.
   - MP2: Update module, and tests for mod_perl 2.0.0 RC5.  mod_perl2 users
     MUST use Apache2::AuthCookie now.
   - Require Apache::Test 1.22
   - Add support for ${auth_name}SessionTimeout configuration paramter
     which will re-issue the ticket with the expires parameter set to the
     value of this configuration setting for each request.  This is useful for
   - POD fixes.
   - MP2: fix uninitialized warnings if no POST/GET data (RT 11371)
   - make sure recognize_user() returns an Apache constant in all cases.
     Returns DECLINED in cases where we were returning undef before.
     (Thanks Vivek)
   - Add support for MS HttpOnly cookie property.

Version: 3.06
  ** BUG FIX: AuthNameSatisfy (Any|All) directives were broken. AuthCookie
     was using AuthCookieSatisfy rather than ${auth_name}Satisfy.  If you
     used this feature and had an "AuthCookieSatisfy" directive in your
     config file, you MUST change this to ${auth_name}Satisfy.
     E.g.: "WhateverSatisfy All"
   - created better test cases for AuthNameSatisfy directives.
   - when redirecting, set Location with headers_out() not err_headers_out().
     apache prefers Location in headers_out, even if the status code is not
   - MP2: Apache::unescape_url() -> Apache::URI::unescape_url()
   - check for mod_perl 1.9913 or later for Apache::URI (Frederick Moyer)
   - Remove set status in which caused malformed custom error
     document (Frederick Moyer)
   - Add support for ${auth_name}CookieName to change the name of the cookie
     used for each auth name.  Default remains ${auth_name}_${auth_type} if
     not set.
   - make some debug log_error() calls conditional on $debug

Version: 3.05
   - Fix POD documentation bug (thanks Steve van der Burg)
   - login(): set Location header with err_headers_out rather than headers_out
     (Casey West)
   - put cookie removal code in remove_cookie() method, put cache handling
     code in handle_cache() (Mark A. Hershberger)
   - reorganized tree to support multiple mod_perl versions.
   - rewrote tests to use Apache::Test framework from CPAN.
   - fix POD errors in authorize() documentation.
   - initial support for mod_perl version 2
   - mp2: check for Apache::RequestRec arg so that unported subclasses
     throw exceptions.

Version: 3.04
   - add _convert_to_get() to login_form(), and make POST -> GET conversion
     skip credentials and destination data so only extra data is copied. This 
     ensures that "destination" wont contain the login data.

Version: 3.03
   - various POD typos fixed (Eric Cholet)
   - Add support for ${AuthName}P3P which will set up a P3P header that will
     be sent with the cookie.
   - fix undefined warning in _convert_to_get (David K Trudgett)
   - fix potential cookie clobbering if cookie was set in earlier handler
     phase in send_cookie() (Carlyn Hicks).
   - various undefined value warnings eliminated

Version: 3.02
   - Add support for AuthNameSatisfy directive (can be Any/All, default: Any)
   - Move cookie path setting into get_cookie_path() so that users can
     overload this function if they desire (Thanks Raj Chandran)
   - POST -> GET conversion was broken (r->content called twice). Fixed.

Version: 3.01
   - adopted support for custom_errors() hook from
   - Fixed incorrect documentation in authorize() (thanks to David Young).
   - login() handler changes:
       o if "destination" isnt in posted data, set AuthCookieReason to 
         no_cookie and return to login_form (previously just returned
       o if authen_cred() returns false, set AuthCookieReason to
         bad_credentials and return to the login form.
       o try to handle POST -> GET conversion.
   - CGI::Util dependency removed (these are internal subroutines for
   - ${AuthName}Path will default to "/" if it is not specified (MSIE 6.0
     wont set cookies without path)
   - fix login() handler change so that destination doesnt get lost on
     subsequent login attempts (thanks Phillip Molter)

Version: 3.00
   - New maintiner: Michael Schout <>
   - changed to hard coded $VERSION rather than RCS Revision style.
   - Revamped testing code to use Apache::test (with minor mods).
   - Added support for ${AuthName}Expires parameter that can be used
     to make your cookie persistent.
   - CGI::Util is now used for parsing the "Expires" parameter. If you are 
     missing this package, you probably need to upgrade your package.

Version: 2.011  Date: 2000/06/17 08:01:19
   Several people have requested a mechanism for the login script to be
   able to tell the difference between a failed login and a first attempt
   at a login.  Typically one can figure this out by whether a cookie has
   been sent or not, so I've put some information to that effect in
   $r->prev->subprocess_env().  See the login script docs for specifics.
   I also cleaned up the documentation for the login script.

Version: 2.010  Date: 2000/06/17 01:37:16
   (merged changes from sub-releases into main CVS branch.  Been living
   in CVS hell.  My CVS-hubris got the better of me, tried to do things
   with tags & soforth and wound up severely confused.  Thus the version
   numbers jumped a bit.)
   Made some minor documentation updates.

Version: 2.009  Date: 2000/06/14 15:54:00
   *** empty log message ***

Version: 2.008  Date: 2000/06/14 15:36:12
   Instead of replacing the Set-Cookie header when we set the cookie, add
   to it.  This means we won't clobber other folks' unrelated cookies
   when we set ours.  It also means you need at least mod_perl version
   1.24 (I think).  [ (Robert Locke)]

Version:  Date: 2000/05/14 18:06:30
   Added a PerlSetVar *Cache parameter that you can set to a true value
   to allow cacheing.  Also removed cache control from regular requests -
   cacheing still happens on login & logout.  [
   (Alan Sparks) and (Drew Taylor)]
   Split off the login-form-displaying code into its own method, called
   login_form().  Can be overridden in subclasses.  The default method
   uses $r->custom_response() to display the login. [
   (Gerald Richter)]
   Added documentation for the send_cookie() method.

Version:  Date: 2000/04/29 20:03:51
   Created the send_cookie() method, which just creates the cookie and
   calls $r->err_header_out to send it to the browser.  It is
   occasionally useful to override this method if you need to change the
   value of the cookie before sending it out (for instance, to update a
   timestamp).  [ (Michael J Schout)]
   Changed the _cookie_string() method to cookie_string().
   Added a PerlSetVar configuration directive "{YourAuth}Secure" which
   will secure cookies (i.e. only send them over a secure connection).
   [ (Michael J Schout)]

Version: 2.007  Date: 2000/04/15 15:27:02
   branches:  2.7.1;  2.7.2;
   If the browser sends a cookie but it's not one related to our
   authentication, we formerly sent a blank cookie to the authentication
   methods.  Now we act as if no cookie was sent.
   [ (Alan Sparks)]
   Fixed a server error that occurred when a certain user was required,
   but a different valid user was logged in.
   [ (Eduardo Fujii)]
   Added a couple more debug statements that can help figure out what's
   happening when your auth isn't working.
   Improved some of the docs.
   Added some tricks to Makefile.PL to make my life easier.
   Changed the action of the example login forms from LOGIN to /LOGIN.
   [ (Michael)]

Version: 2.006  Date: 2000/03/26 18:28:32
   Added the key() method, which will return the user's current session
   key, if any.  This can be handy inside a method that implements a
   C<require> directive check (like the C<species> method discussed
   above) if you put any extra information like clearances or whatever
   into the session key.
   Added method-by-method documentation for each method in AuthCookie.

Version: 2.005  Date: 2000/03/24 15:20:30
   Removed the deprecated methods ->authen and ->authz.  If you have
   configurations that use these methods, you must change to the newer
   ->authenticate and ->authorize methods.
   Changed a couple of 'Sample's in the documentation to
   'Sample::AuthCookieHandler'.  [ (Alan Sparks)]

Version: 2.004  Date: 2000/03/15 20:53:20
   Added documentation about the ability to set cookie domains.  That
   ability actually appeared in 2.002, but I forgot to document it or add
   notes to the Changes file.

Version: 2.003  Date: 2000/03/14 21:08:02
   Now returns FORBIDDEN instead of AUTH_REQUIRED when authorization
   fails or when a user tries to access a protected doc.

Version: 2.002  Date: 2000/03/14 17:46:42
   Added an internal _cookie_string method that helps construct cookie
   strings.  This shouldn't change any functionality, but makes my job
   Added a couple of Makefile.PL questions that set the user & group
   tests should run under.

Version: 2.001  Date: 2000/02/11 04:46:59
   The login forms may now use the POST method instead of the GET method.
   This is a big deal, because with GET the user's credentials get logged
   to access logs, they remain in the user's browser history, and so on.
   Thanks to (Eric Cholet) for the patch and prodding.
   There is now a proper test suite, which will fire up an httpd and make
   requests of it.  The test code is adapted from Eric's old example
   (eg/) suite.
   I've added a logout() method to help unset cookies.  The example now uses logout().  Thanks to Aaron Ross

Version: 2.000  Date: 2000/02/02 13:18:23
   First released version, bumped up revision number to 2.0
   Created indentify() and authorize() methods to replace authen() and
   authz().  authen() and authz() are now deprecated and will disappear
   in a later version.
   AuthType can now contain colons [ (Adi)]
   Nonexistent method calls (via 'require' directive) are no longer
   shielded in authorization stage - if it fails it fails, and you get a
   server error.
   Multiple 'require' directives should work now - previously only the
   first directive was respected.
   Changed lots of documentation to reflect the above interface changes.

Version: 1.002  Date: 2000/01/27 22:07:13
     - Now owned by Ken Williams (
     - Created indentify() and authorize() methods to replace authen()
       and authz().  authen() and authz() are now deprecated and will
       disappear in a later version.
     - AuthType can now contain colons [ (Adi)]
     - Nonexistent method calls (via 'require' directive) are no longer
       shielded in authorization stage - if it fails it fails, and you
       get a server error.
     - Multiple 'require' directives should work now - previously only
       the first directive was respected.

Version: 1.001  Date: 2000/01/25 01:21:05
   Eric's original version from CPAN