Revision history for Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::MSCHOUT
0.33 2017-07-31
- Git::Check: allow .travis.yml to be dirty
0.32 2017-07-29
- add MinimumPerl plugin
- enable Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::PluginRemover plugin
- make signature test an AUTHOR test and use Test::Signature
- use Moose attibutes for options
- enable ::PluginBundle::Config::Slicer role so plugin options can be
easily set
- enable InsertCopyright plugin
- enable Prereqs::AuthorDeps plugin
0.31 2016-08-30
- Configure Git::Push to also push build/releases if it exists on origin
- signature test: skip generated files
0.30 2016-08-30
- Mention use_travis and use_twitter options in POD docs
- add MetaJSON plugin
0.29 2016-07-04
- 0.28 accidentally completely removed Git::Push. Fixed.
0.28 2016-07-04
- back out build/releases push config - this auto pushes anayway if remote
branch exists.
0.27 2016-07-04
- add use_travis option to enable the TravisYML plugin
- configure Git::Push to push build/releases as well as master branch
0.26 2016-07-02
- fix typo causing breakage if use_twitter was set (oops)
0.25 2016-07-02
- enable Twitter plugin if 'use_twitter' is set
- use RemovePrereqs to remove Module::Signature from prereqs since its
- add missing dependency CheckPrereqsIndexed
0.24 2016-06-30
- PodWeaver: allow SOURCE and AUTHOR(S) sections to be overridden.
0.23 2016-06-27
- switch from deprecated BumpVersionFromGit to Git::NextVersion. This is a
drop-in replacement.
0.22 2011-05-30
- use CheckPrereqsIndexed plugin
- add "task" option which replaces Pod::Weaver with Task::Weaver, and uses
0.21 2011-05-13
- use Pod::Elemental::Transformer::List
0.20 2011-02-01
- add Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::MSCHOUT
0.19 2011-01-25
- code cleanups.
- doc fixes.
- add release_branch configuration arg
0.18 2011-01-24
- enable Git::CommitBuild, building releases on build/releases branch.
- Git::Tag tags on build/releases branch now
0.17 2011-01-18
- update to work with Dist::Zilla 4.x [(Auto)Prereq -> (Auto)Prereqs)]
- require Dist::Zilla 4.102341
0.16 2010-05-03
- add NextRelease back in - was missing since 0.13
- add Git::CommitBuild plugin
- if no_upload is true, remove ConfirmRelease
0.13 2010-04-14
- simplify with Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Easy
- require Dist::Zilla 2.101040
0.12 2010-04-09
- add Pod::Weaver::Section::SourceGitHub, Pod::Weaver::Section::BugsRT
to prereq's
- use ArchiveRelease plugin
- add BumpVersionFromGit plugin
- use FakeRelease releaser
- BumpVersionFromGit fix first_version
0.11 2010-03-29
- turn off CPAN uploads, use ArchiveRelease releaser plugin
0.10 2010-03-29
- initial release