Revision history for Perl extension CLASS
0.91 Tue May 20 01:23:08 PDT 2003
- CLASS is now a real constant (thanks Juerd)
0.90 Fri Nov 29 14:26:09 PST 2002
* Colm figured out a way to add $CLASS
* Cut out using any other modules so load time is now negligible.
- This pretty much makes the module Feature Complete so jacking
up to 0.90 as a beta release.
0.03 Tue Aug 28 01:32:07 EDT 2001
- Eliminated nearly ALL the code!
- Explicitly tested all the way back to 5.004
0.02 Fri Aug 24 23:34:51 EDT 2001
* Added CLASS keyword
0.01 Thu Jun 28 13:14:31 EDT 2001
- First working version.