Revision history for Perl extension Carp::Assert.
0.11 Fri Jun 2 13:14:32 EDT 2000
- Added NDEBUG environment variable to shut off all assertions.
- Added a test for NDEBUG.
0.10 Mon Mar 13 09:31:12 EST 2000
- Removed uses of, reduces load time a bit.
* C< no Carp::Assert > is now the way to shut off assertions.
0.08 Thu Dec 23 13:04:55 EST 1999
- Made the assert error a smidge nicer looking.
- Added some docs on what an assert error means.
0.07 Wed Oct 13 12:08:43 EDT 1999
- s/assertation/assertion/g (Thanks to John Porter)
- improved the synopsis a smidge
- added another example of bad usage
- delayed loading of Carp until an assert() fails
0.06 Thu Apr 29 16:58:32 1999
- added INSTALL and README
0.05 Wed Apr 28 15:45:45 1999
- tests fixed
- confirmed at assert compiles out properly
0.04 Wed Apr 28 15:26:31 1999
* Devel::Assert is now Carp::Assert
* simplified the interface greatly.
- never distributed
0.01 Tue Jan 5 18:40:21 1999
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18