0.05  Sat Apr 15 01:48:25 EDT 2000
    * MAJOR BUG - simple subclasses of subclasses of Class::DBI would not 
      work.  This has been fixed.
    * Autoloader eliminated.
    * API CHANGE - columns must now be explictly declared, the class's
      public data members are not used.  That was silly.
    * rollback() now works.
    - is_changed() now returns a list of changed columns

0.03  Mon Dec 20 10:04:23 EST 1999
    * MAJOR BUG - commit() was not committing!!!
    * added is_changed()
    - columns('Essential') now autogenerated from columns('All') if not already present.
    - columns('Essential') is now prefered for most SELECT statements instead of just columns().

    * First working version
    * First version sent to CPAN