0.27  Mon Apr 23 09:04:51 BST 2001
    * Class::DBI->new() deprecated in favor of create()
    - Fixed the 'Primary before All' bug reported by Tony Bowden

0.26  Mon Apr  9 14:32:17 BST 2001
    - Class->columns('All', @cols) now assumes the first column to be
      your primary.
    - Class->columns('Essential', @cols) now automatically includes
      the primary column.
    * move() was broken.  Works and tested.
    - Updated our base requirement to get at its bugfix
    - Updated our Ima::DBI requirement to get at commit() and rollback()
    * Documented construct()
    * Added docs about transactions
    * Added dbi_commit() and dbi_rollback()
    - Added docs about Class::DBI and mod_perl

0.25  Wed Jan 10 01:54:27 EST 2001
    - The new ID is now optional for copy()
    * Added move() to move objects between classes/databases.
    - Updated PG's default attributes.
    - Made the way classes are loaded with hasa() safer

0.24  Thu Oct  5 19:07:21 EDT 2000      *UNRELEASED*
    - Fixed some $@ naughtiness.  Errors should propigate properly.
    * Added default database attributes for Pg, MySQL, Oracle, DBD::CSV and
      DBD::RAM.  Class::DBI should work out of the box with them now.

0.23  Tue Sep 12 00:33:38 EDT 2000
    - rollback() needed to normalize its data (thanks to Greg Bartlett)

0.22  Sun Sep 10 05:36:51 GMT 2000      *UNRELEASED*
    - Added a warning if the primary column is not in the essential group

0.21  Sun Sep 10 01:03:01 EDT 2000      *UNRELEASED*
    - Now requiring Ima::DBI 0.24
    - sequence() fixed, tested and working
    - Now working with DBD::Pg and PostgreSQL 7.0

0.20  Sun Sep 10 00:29:15 EDT 2000      *UNRELEASED*
    - *bug_fix* is_column() died if false.

0.19  Fri Sep  8 15:07:49 EDT 2000
    - Forgot to update the Changes file.

0.18  Fri Sep  9 18:51:45 GMT 2000
    * new() now accepts Class::DBI objects as values
    - hasa() is now inherited properly
    - normalize() will now take an empty array

0.17  Mon Sep  4 02:46:25 GMT 2000      *UNRELEASED*
    - Docs forgot to turn AutoCommit on in MySQL examples
    - Documented the behavior of new() and AUTO_INCREMENT
    - Added support for sequences.  *Untested*
    - *bug fix* columns() can now be added after the class has been used
    - *bug fix* Columns added by hasa() had a chance of overwriting each 

0.16  Sun Sep  3 17:49:08 GMT 2000      *UNRELEASED*
    * hasa() will now attempt to require the foreign class for you
    * hasa() will setup the necessary columns for you.

0.15  Sun Jul 16 23:14:20 PDT 2000
    - Fixed minor bug in DESTROY message.
    * Added hasa() object relationships.

0.14  Sun Jul  9 05:25:53 EDT 2000
    - Pseudohashes as objects now work and basicly tested
    - The rollback() mechanism changed to use less memory.
    - Expanded the TODO list

0.13  Wed May 24 02:45:43 EDT 2000
    - Accessors were not being generated properly in certain cases.

0.12  Tue May 23 ish...                 * Unreleased*
    - Aborted attempts to fix accessor misgeneration.

0.10  Thu May 18 00:59:34 EDT 2000
    - new() was not working with objects which autogenerated primary keys

0.09  Tue May  2 00:42:06 EDT 2000
    - README, INSTALL and Makefile.PL have been updated

0.08  Mon May  1 20:27:13 EDT 2000
    - Documented lazy column population.

0.07  Mon May  1 02:18:20 EDT 2000      * Unreleased *
    * Added lazy population of columns.
    - columns('All') can now be autogenerated.

0.06  Mon May  1 00:56:52 EDT 2000      * Unreleased *
    * **API CHANGE** make_sql() is gone in favor of set_sql()
    * normalization has been added in all the right places.
    - retreive now handles autoincremented primary keys.
    - columns() internally normalizes column names.

0.05  Sat Apr 15 01:48:25 EDT 2000
    * MAJOR BUG - simple subclasses of subclasses of Class::DBI would not 
      work.  This has been fixed.
    * Autoloader eliminated.
    * API CHANGE - columns must now be explictly declared, the class's
      public data members are not used.  That was silly.
    * rollback() now works.
    - is_changed() now returns a list of changed columns

0.03  Mon Dec 20 10:04:23 EST 1999
    * MAJOR BUG - commit() was not committing!!!
    * added is_changed()
    - columns('Essential') now autogenerated from columns('All') if not already present.
    - columns('Essential') is now prefered for most SELECT statements instead of just columns().

    * First working version
    * First version sent to CPAN