Revision history for Perl extension Class::Fields.
0.09  Fri Apr 14 23:00:52 EDT 2000
    - Added is_field() to Class::Fields
    - Now exporting is_public, etc...
0.08  Sat Feb 26 04:16:24 EST 2000
    - Forgot to require Exporter in a few places.  This got by somehow in
      5.005_03 but not 5.6.
    - now only loads other Class::Fields modules if field
      inheritance is happening.
    - altered tests slightly to fit new 5.6 diagnostics
0.07  Sat Jan  9 07:57:43 GMT 2000
    * show_fields() was autoviving %FIELDS.
    - show_fields() was not using get_fields().
    - Never released.
0.06  Wed Dec 15 19:04:36 EST 1999
    - Mispelt 'constants' instead of 'constant' as a dependency.

0.05  Wed Dec 15 02:49:11 EST 1999
    * First seriously working version
    * First version released to CPAN