Revision history for Perl extension Ima::DBI.
0.23  Sun Jul  9 04:57:51 EDT 2000
    - Fixed accidental AutoLoader inheritance.

0.22  Sun Jul  2 19:51:53 EDT 2000  *UNRELEASED*
    - Upon encountering an already active handle, sql_* was mistakenly 
      croak()ing instead of carp()ing.

0.21  Thu Apr 20 14:36:17 EDT 2000
    - Added a new caching argument to set_sql()
    - Removed the assert() using a 5.005 feature to keep things 5.004

0.20  Wed Apr 19 20:46:57 EDT 2000
    - set_sql() required its database method to have been declared previous
      to it being called.  This turns out to be unnecessary and gets in
      the way of writing a virtual base class which defines statements
      but not the database connection.

0.19  Wed Apr 12 23:18:48 EST 2000
    - Now using DBI->init_rootclass to pull off DBI subclassing.  This
      means subclasses of Ima::DBI should always get Ima::DBI::st and
      Ima::DBI::db objects no matter what they pull.

0.18  Thu Mar 16 16:04:11 EST 2000
    * Ooops, bug in fetch_hash() in list context.

0.17  Tue Feb 29 00:13:32 EST 2000
    * set_sql() and sql_*() will now deal with dynamic SQL statements much
    - Fixed up the docs a bit.
    - execute() no longer checks for taintedness on bind parameters.

0.16  1999/12/29 06:37:03
    * Added a real DBIwarn()
    - Never released to CPAN.

0.15  1999/12/14 23:33:37
    - Minor efficiency improvement of set_db().
    - Minor adjustment to set_sql() so that the generated method calls
      db_*() internaly instead of holding the $dbh inside the closure.
      This allows subclasses to override the db_*() for that particular
      sql method (needed for Class::DBI)

0.14  1999/12/08 00:56:58
    * fetchall_hash() was incorrectly coded as fetchall_hashref().

0.13  1999/09/26 21:53:27
    * DBI::st::bind_columns() was being called improperly

0.12  Mon Sep 20 18:04:58 EDT 1999
    - Fixed that damned pod2man warning about "Unmatched =back" (thanks Addi)
    - Lowered the restrictions on execute() to allow execute(undef, \@cols)

0.11  Tue Jul 20 22:08:35 EDT 1999
    - Added prepare() override to return Ima::DBI style statement handles.

0.10  Mon Jul 19 20:04:04 EDT 1999
    - Updated TODO list
    - Added COPYRIGHT and licensing
    - Performance improvement by drastically reducting # of calls to

0.09  Tue Jul 13 23:59:56 EDT 1999
    - Major performance improvement by drasticly reducing # of calls to

0.08  Wed Jun 30 16:16:16 EDT 1999
    * Spaces in names of statements and database (sql_ and db_) are now
      translate to underscores.

0.07  Tue May 19 20:58:02 EDT 1999
    - Cleaning up use of DBI's tainting features.

0.06  Sat May  8 03:50:34 EDT 1999
    - Implements data tainting via DBI->{Taint}  (Thanks, Tim!)

0.05  Tue May  4 22:08:56 EDT 1999
    * code for tainting fetched data added
    - taint check repaired, but still incomplete.
    - manual tainting repaired, but still incomplete.

0.04  Mon May  3 22:14:02 EDT 1999
    - tests added
    - parts still imcomplete
    - usable, I guess.

0.04pre  Fri Apr 30 20:10:38 EDT 1999
    * Complete re-write from the ground up.
    * Major API changes.  See docs.
    * taint added
    * Requires DBI 1.06
    * Parts still incomplete

0.03    I forget

0.01  Fri Apr  3 19:19:48 1998
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.18